int: N_CLOUD_REGIONS; % number of cloud regions % set of 1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS: C_REGIONS; int: N_ATTRIBUTES; % number of capability related attributes % set of 1..N_ATTRIBUTES: ATTRIBS; array[1..N_ATTRIBUTES] of float: w_attributes; % weights of each attribute int: N_UTILIZATION_METRICS; % number of dynamic capacity metrics of interest % set of 1..N_UTILIZATION_METRICS: U_METRICS; array[1..N_UTILIZATION_METRICS] of float: w_metrics; % weights of each capacity metric int: cust_type; % customer type, 0 = regular, 1 = silver, 2 = gold int: N_VMS; % number of VMs in VNF int: N_CAPACITY_METRICS; % number of metrics for cloud region capacity check float: C_ALLOC_THRESHOLD; % allocation threshold for cloud float: CUST_ALLOC_THRESHOLD; % allocation threshold for customer in cloud float: AVG_CPU_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD; float: PEAK_CPU_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD; enum CUST_TYPES = { STANDARD, SILVER, GOLD }; enum ATTRIBUTES = { CORE_DC, DIRECT_CONN, MIN_GUARANTEE, SRIOV }; enum METRICS = { AVG_CPU_UTILIZATION, PEAK_CPU_UTILIZATION }; enum CLOUD_REGION_CAPACITY = {CPU_CLOUD, MEMORY_CLOUD}; enum VNFS_TYPES = { VDNS, VFW }; int: N_VNFS; % set of 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS: CAP_METRICS; % whether a cloud region has the corresponding capability -- data will be customer specific % array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS] of float: c_dist; array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_ATTRIBUTES] of int: capabilities; array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_UTILIZATION_METRICS] of float: cpu_utilization; % how much capacity is already dynamically utilized (fraction) array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: c_alloc_capacity; % how much percent is already allocated in the cloud array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: c_total_capacity; % total cloud capacity array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of float: c_alloc_capacity_norm; array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: cust_alloc_capacity; % how much percent is already allocated in the cloud for the customer array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: cust_total_capacity; % total cloud capacity for customer array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of float: cust_alloc_capacity_norm; % VM requirements for each type of capacity (vm cpu, memory, etc.) % TODO: establish a standard for units (MB RAM, GB disk, N virtual cores, etc.) array[1..N_VMS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: vm_reqs; array[1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of int: vm_reqs_sums = [ sum(k in 1..N_VMS) (vm_reqs[k,j]) | j in 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS ]; array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of float: vm_reqs_sums_norm; %forall(i in 1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, j in 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS) ( % vm_reqs_sums_norm[i, j] = vm_reqs_sums[j]/c_total_capacity[i, j] %) %array[1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS, 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS] of float: vm_reqs_sums_norm = [ ((vm_reqs_sums[j]/c_total_capacity[i,j]) | j in 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS) | i in 1..N_CLOUD_REGIONS ]; array[1..N_VNFS] of var int: s_regions; % target cloud regions (solution to the problem) % custom constraints constraint forall (s in s_regions) ( cpu_utilization[s, AVG_CPU_UTILIZATION] <= AVG_CPU_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD /\ % hard constraint: need some capacity available cpu_utilization[s, PEAK_CPU_UTILIZATION] <= PEAK_CPU_UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD /\ % hard constraint: need some capacity available cust_alloc_capacity[s, CPU_CLOUD] <= (CUST_ALLOC_THRESHOLD*(cust_total_capacity[s, CPU_CLOUD])) - (vm_reqs_sums[CPU_CLOUD]) /\ cust_alloc_capacity[s, MEMORY_CLOUD] <= (CUST_ALLOC_THRESHOLD*(cust_total_capacity[s, MEMORY_CLOUD])) - (vm_reqs_sums[MEMORY_CLOUD]) /\ c_alloc_capacity[s, CPU_CLOUD] <= (C_ALLOC_THRESHOLD*(c_total_capacity[s, CPU_CLOUD])) - (vm_reqs_sums[CPU_CLOUD]) /\ c_alloc_capacity[s, MEMORY_CLOUD] <= (C_ALLOC_THRESHOLD*(c_total_capacity[s, MEMORY_CLOUD])) - (vm_reqs_sums[MEMORY_CLOUD]) ); % specific constraints based on the VNF constraint capabilities[s_regions[VDNS], CORE_DC] = 1; % hard constraint for vDNS: has to be placed in CORE DC % custom soft constraint for gold customers -- give a large weight to direct connection var float: additional_obj = sum(s in s_regions) (bool2int(cust_type = GOLD) * capabilities[s, MIN_GUARANTEE] * 1000); % TODO: global constraints (such as data validation) % Objective for utilization var float: obj_c_capacity = sum(k in 1..N_CAPACITY_METRICS, s in s_regions) ( (1 - c_alloc_capacity_norm[s, k] - vm_reqs_sums_norm[s, k]) + (1 - cust_alloc_capacity_norm[s, k] - vm_reqs_sums_norm[s, k])); % Objective for utilization var float: obj_utilization = sum(k in 1..N_UTILIZATION_METRICS, s in s_regions) ( w_metrics[k] * (1 - cpu_utilization[s, k]) ); % Objective for capabilities var float: obj_capabilities = sum(k in 1..N_ATTRIBUTES, s in s_regions) ( w_attributes[k] * capabilities[s, k] ); % Overall objective function var float: obj = obj_c_capacity + obj_utilization + obj_capabilities + additional_obj; solve maximize obj; output [ "Solution: \nCloud Region for vDNS = ", show(s_regions[VDNS]) ] ++ [ if N_VNFS = 2 then "\nCloud Region for vFW = " ++ show(s_regions[VFW]) ++ "\n" else "\n" endif ] ++ [ "Objective function value: ", show(obj), "\n", "Customer type: ", show(cust_type), "\n"];