.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ============= Release Notes ============= Version: 1.1.1 -------------- :Release Date: 2018-06-07 **New Features** The ONAP Optimization Framework (OOF) is new in Beijing. A summary of features incldues: * Baseline HAS functionality * support for VCPE use case * support for HPA (Hardware Platform Awareness) * Integration with OOF OSDF, SO, Policy, AAI, and Multi-Cloud * Platform Maturity Level 1 * ~50%+ unit test coverage The Beijing release for OOF delivered the following Epics. * [OPTFRA-2] - On-boarding and Stabilization of the OOF seed code * [OPTFRA-6] - Integrate OOF with other ONAP components * [OPTFRA-7] - Integration with R2 Use Cases [HPA, Change Management, Scaling] * [OPTFRA-20] - OOF Adapters for Retrieving and Resolving Policies * [OPTFRA-21] - OOF Packaging * [OPTFRA-28] - OOF Adapters for Beijing Release (Policy, SDC, A&AI, Multi Cloud, etc.) * [OPTFRA-29] - Policies and Specifications for Initial Applications [Change Management, HPA] * [OPTFRA-32] - Platform Maturity Requirements for Beijing release * [OPTFRA-33] - OOF Support for HPA * [OPTFRA-105] - All Documentation Related User Stories and Tasks **Bug Fixes** None. Initial release R2 Beijing. No previous versions **Known Issues** None. **Security Notes** OPTFRA code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and no Critical vulnerability was found. Quick Links: - `OPTFRA project page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Optimization+Framework+Project>`_ - `Passing Badge information for OPTFRA <https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/1720>`_ **Upgrade Notes** None. Initial release R2 Beijing. No previous versions **Deprecation Notes** None. Initial release R2 Beijing. No previous versions **Other** None