#!/bin/bash # The script starts in the root folder of the repo, which has the following outline # We fetch the version information from version.properties, build docker files and # do a docker push. Since the job will be run under Jenkins, it will have the Nexus # credentials # # ├── docker # │   ├── Dockerfile # │   └── build_image.sh <--- THIS SCRIPT is here # ├── docs # ├── osdf # ├── pom.xml # ├── test # └── version.properties <--- Version information here set -e # Folder settings DOCKER_REPOSITORY=nexus3.onap.org:10003 ORG=onap PROJECT=optf-osdf IMAGE_NAME=$DOCKER_REPOSITORY/$ORG/$PROJECT # Version properties source version.properties VERSION=$release_version STAGING=${release_version}-STAGING function log_ts() { # Log message with timestamp echo [DEBUG LOG at $(date -u +%Y%m%d:%H%M%S)] "$@" } function build_image() { log_ts Building Image in folder: $PWD docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${VERSION} -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:latest . log_ts ... Built } function push_image(){ log_ts Pushing images: ${IMAGE_NAME}:\{$VERSION,$STAGING,latest\} docker push ${IMAGE_NAME}:${VERSION} docker push ${IMAGE_NAME}:${STAGING} docker push ${IMAGE_NAME}:latest log_ts ... Pushed images } ( cd $(dirname $0) build_image push_image )