policy_config_mapping: attributes: hypervisor: hypervisor, cloud_version: cloudVersion, cloud_type: cloudType, dataplane: dataPlane, network_roles: networkRoles, complex: complex, state: state, country: country, geo_region: geoRegion, exclusivity_groups: exclusivityGroups, replication_role: replicationRole, customer-id: customerId, service-type: serviceResourceId, equipment-role: equipmentRole, model-invariant-id: modelInvariantId, model-version-id: modelVersionId candidates: # for (k1, v1), if k1 is in demand, set prop[k2] = _get_candidates(demand[k1]) exclusionCandidateInfo: excluded_candidates, requiredCandidateInfo: required_candidates extra_fields: # we have [k1, k2, k3, k4] type items and x is policy-content-properties # if x[k1] == k2: set prop[k3] = k4 - [inventoryType, cloud, region, {get_param: CHOSEN_REGION}]