# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # """ This application generates conductor API calls using the information received from SO and Policy platform. """ import json import time from jinja2 import Template from requests import RequestException from apps.placement.optimizers.conductor.api_builder import conductor_api_builder from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import debug_log from osdf.utils.interfaces import RestClient from osdf.operation.exceptions import BusinessException def request(req_object, osdf_config, flat_policies): """ Process a placement request from a Client (build Conductor API call, make the call, return result) :param req_object: Request parameters from the client :param osdf_config: Configuration specific to SNIRO application (core + deployment) :param flat_policies: policies related to placement (fetched based on request) :param prov_status: provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy :return: response from Conductor (accounting for redirects from Conductor service """ config = osdf_config.deployment local_config = osdf_config.core uid, passwd = config['conductorUsername'], config['conductorPassword'] conductor_url = config['conductorUrl'] req_id = req_object['requestInfo']['requestId'] transaction_id = req_object['requestInfo']['transactionId'] headers = dict(transaction_id=transaction_id) placement_ver_enabled = config.get('placementVersioningEnabled', False) if placement_ver_enabled: cond_minor_version = config.get('conductorMinorVersion', None) if cond_minor_version is not None: x_minor_version = str(cond_minor_version) headers.update({'X-MinorVersion': x_minor_version}) debug_log.debug("Versions set in HTTP header to conductor: X-MinorVersion: {} ".format(x_minor_version)) max_retries = config.get('conductorMaxRetries', 30) ping_wait_time = config.get('conductorPingWaitTime', 60) rc = RestClient(userid=uid, passwd=passwd, method="GET", log_func=debug_log.debug, headers=headers) conductor_req_json_str = conductor_api_builder(req_object, flat_policies, local_config) conductor_req_json = json.loads(conductor_req_json_str) debug_log.debug("Sending first Conductor request for request_id {}".format(req_id)) resp, raw_resp = initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json) # Very crude way of keeping track of time. # We are not counting initial request time, first call back, or time for HTTP request total_time, ctr = 0, 2 client_timeout = req_object['requestInfo']['timeout'] configured_timeout = max_retries * ping_wait_time max_timeout = min(client_timeout, configured_timeout) while True: # keep requesting conductor till we get a result or we run out of time if resp is not None: if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["error"]: raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request) if resp["plans"][0].get("status") in ["done", "not found"]: if resp["plans"][0].get("recommendations"): return conductor_response_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id) else: # "solved" but no solutions found return conductor_no_solution_processor(resp, raw_resp, req_id) new_url = resp['plans'][0]['links'][0][0]['href'] # TODO: check why a list of lists if total_time >= max_timeout: raise BusinessException("Conductor could not provide a solution within {} seconds," "this transaction is timing out".format(max_timeout)) time.sleep(ping_wait_time) ctr += 1 debug_log.debug("Attempt number {} url {}; prior status={}".format(ctr, new_url, resp['plans'][0]['status'])) total_time += ping_wait_time try: raw_resp = rc.request(new_url, raw_response=True) resp = raw_resp.json() except RequestException as e: debug_log.debug("Conductor attempt {} for request_id {} has failed because {}".format(ctr, req_id, str(e))) def initial_request_to_conductor(rc, conductor_url, conductor_req_json): """First steps in the request-redirect chain in making a call to Conductor :param rc: REST client object for calling conductor :param conductor_url: conductor's base URL to submit a placement request :param conductor_req_json: request json object to send to Conductor :return: URL to check for follow up (similar to redirects); we keep checking these till we get a result/error """ debug_log.debug("Payload to Conductor: {}".format(json.dumps(conductor_req_json))) raw_resp = rc.request(url=conductor_url, raw_response=True, method="POST", json=conductor_req_json) resp = raw_resp.json() if resp["status"] != "template": raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request) time.sleep(10) # 10 seconds wait time to avoid being too quick! plan_url = resp["links"][0][0]["href"] debug_log.debug("Attempting to read the plan from the conductor provided url {}".format(plan_url)) raw_resp = rc.request(raw_response=True, url=plan_url) # TODO: check why a list of lists for links resp = raw_resp.json() if resp["plans"][0]["status"] in ["error"]: raise RequestException(response=raw_resp, request=raw_resp.request) return resp, raw_resp # now the caller of this will handle further follow-ups def conductor_response_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, req_id): """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response This includes Conductor's placement optimization response, and required ASDC license artifacts :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above :param req_id: Id of a request :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL """ composite_solutions = [] name_map = {"physical-location-id": "cloudClli", "host_id": "vnfHostName", "cloud_version": "cloudVersion", "cloud_owner": "cloudOwner", "cloud": "cloudRegionId", "service": "serviceInstanceId", "is_rehome": "isRehome", "location_id": "locationId", "location_type": "locationType", "directives": "oof_directives"} for reco in conductor_response['plans'][0]['recommendations']: for resource in reco.keys(): c = reco[resource]['candidate'] solution = { 'resourceModuleName': resource, 'serviceResourceId': reco[resource].get('service_resource_id', ""), 'solution': {"identifierType": name_map.get(c['inventory_type'], c['inventory_type']), 'identifiers': [c['candidate_id']], 'cloudOwner': c.get('cloud_owner', "")}, 'assignmentInfo': [] } for key, value in c.items(): if key in ["location_id", "location_type", "is_rehome", "host_id"]: try: solution['assignmentInfo'].append({"key": name_map.get(key, key), "value": value}) except KeyError: debug_log.debug("The key[{}] is not mapped and will not be returned in assignment info".format(key)) for key, value in reco[resource]['attributes'].items(): try: solution['assignmentInfo'].append({"key": name_map.get(key, key), "value": value}) except KeyError: debug_log.debug("The key[{}] is not mapped and will not be returned in assignment info".format(key)) composite_solutions.append(solution) request_status = "completed" if conductor_response['plans'][0]['status'] == "done" \ else conductor_response['plans'][0]['status'] transaction_id = raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', "") status_message = conductor_response.get('plans')[0].get('message', "") solution_info = {} if composite_solutions: solution_info.setdefault('placementSolutions', []) solution_info['placementSolutions'].append(composite_solutions) resp = { "transactionId": transaction_id, "requestId": req_id, "requestStatus": request_status, "statusMessage": status_message, "solutions": solution_info } return resp def conductor_no_solution_processor(conductor_response, raw_response, request_id, template_placement_response="templates/plc_opt_response.jsont"): """Build a response object to be sent to client's callback URL from Conductor's response This is for case where no solution is found :param conductor_response: JSON response from Conductor :param raw_response: Raw HTTP response corresponding to above :param request_id: request Id associated with the client request (same as conductor response's "name") :param template_placement_response: the template for generating response to client (plc_opt_response.jsont) :return: JSON object that can be sent to the client's callback URL """ status_message = conductor_response["plans"][0].get("message") templ = Template(open(template_placement_response).read()) return json.loads(templ.render(composite_solutions=[], requestId=request_id, license_solutions=[], transactionId=raw_response.headers.get('transaction_id', ""), requestStatus="completed", statusMessage=status_message, json=json))