### Valet Tools for development, test, and production support
|File| Description |
|crim.py|Commandline Rest Interface for Music
*read, add, delete from the music database*|
|lock.py|Manual (Un)Locking Of Valet Regions
*from the regions (locking) table*|
|ppdb.py|pretty print database
*try to make the database data readable*|
|lib/common|collection of functions
- **set_argument** - *Get arg from file, cmdline, a pipe or prompt user*
- **list2string** - *join list and return as a string*
- **chop** - *like perl*|
|lib/hosts.json|*contains all the currently known (by me) hosts for music and valet*|
|lib/logger.py|*like the official logger but allows logger to point to file and or console*|
|lib/tables.py|*Tables object, that handles each valet table as small subclass (could replace db_handler.py)*|
|lib/song.py|*Song is music for scripts, a subclass of music.py, with script helpers*|
#### Examples
`$ crim.py -?`
Show help message and exit (a lot more options than I am showing here...)
`$ crim.py -names -read requests -read results`
Show the contents of the requests and results tables in the default keyspace
`$ crim.py -n -r q -r u`
Same as above, but with using [watch](https://linux.die.net/man/1/watch "watch(1) - Linux man page") to execute the script repeatadly displaying the output
Also this is an example of using shortcuts for arguments
`$ watch crim.py -n -r q -r u`
Show the contents of the regions tables (locking) in the all the known keyspaces
`$ crim.py -K all -r regions`
Delete the cw keyspace - this is used for testing to "clean" the database
`$ crim.py -sD cw`
Show the database stuff for the pn2 keyspace
`$ crim.py -show -K pn`
Show the config stuff for the pn2 keyspace
`$ crim.py -ShowConfig -K pn`
Show the database tables and definitions (hardcoded, not a query from the database)
`$ crim.py -viewSchema`
Show the requests record with id create-0000-0003
`$ crim.py -i create-0000-0003 -r q`
Show the resources record in the pk2 keyspace with id "reg6:alan_stack_N003"
`$ crim.py -r s -K pk2 -i "reg6:alan_stack_N003"`
##### Testing Example
Here we are going to copy a record from one environment to another
Get a record from the request table, into a file; *Note:* Not the default config file...
`$ crim.py -config ../test/solver.json -r q -K ist -id "create-abc-10099" > z`
Put that record from the file into the request table of another keyspace
`$ crim.py -c ../test/solver.json -t q -K pk2 -a i -f z`