.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _docs_CM_flexible_designer_orchestrator: Dublin Workflow Designer Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------- The Workflow Editor was developed in the Beijing release by Amdocs and is available in SDC for users to create workflows. NOTE: For the Dublin release only FlowCompleteActivity, Set/UnSet InMaint Flags Building Blocks were tested. Testing for the other Building Blocks for an InPlaceSWUpdate will be tested in the El Alto release. Building Blocks Available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following building blocks will be visible in the SDC Workflow Designer Editor. Those that were tested are marked with an “\*”. Those that are unmarked were not tested. - VNFSetInMaintFlagActivity \* - VNFUnsetInMaintFlagActivity \* - FlowCompleteActivity \* - VNFCheckInMaintFlagActivity - PauseForManualTaskActivity - VNFCheckClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity - VNFCheckPserversLockedFlagActivity - VNFHealthCheckActivity - VnfInPlaceSoftwareUpdate - VNFLockActivity - VNFQuiesceTrafficActivity - VNFResumeTrafficActivity - VNFSetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity - VNFSnapShotActivity - VNFStartActivity - VNFStopActivity - VNFUnlockActivity - VNFUnsetClosedLoopDisabledFlagActivity - VNFUpgradeBackupActivity - VNFUpgradePostCheckActivity - VNFUpgradePreCheckActivity - VNFUpgradeSoftwareActivity - DistributeTrafficActivity Check Release Notes for this BB - DistributeTrafficCheckActivity Check Release Notes for this BB Pre-Workflow Execution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Users must ensure that the required Ansible scripts are available and loaded the appropriate Ansible server prior to attempting to execute a workflow. Building blocks for InPlaceSWUpgrade that require Ansible Scripts include: - VNFUpgradePreCheck, - VNFUpgradeSoftware, - VNFUpgradePostCheck, 1. If a building block exists in SO and is not showing up in the SDC Workflow Designer (WFD), activities can be manually uploaded by following instructions in the Change Managmenet Extension Release Notes for CasaBlanca. This was tested and SO is expected to automatically push the activities/BuildingBlocks (BBs) to SDC. 2. User must create a workflow, attach it to the vNF model. It is recommended that they test it in a test environment prior to executing in a production environment. 3. NOTE: The workflow distribution mechanism was working until after Dublin code freeze in the test environment. Since we are not sure if something broke, we are including instructions in to manually upload the WF to SO. The Steps to upload a BPMN directly to SO are: | - populate\_wfd\_tbl.sh , | - workflow\_template.xml | - workflowtbl.sql | It is recommended that the user cleanup the workflow tables. The Sqls to do so are in | -<cleanup\_rerun.txt.>. Here are the steps to populate the wfd tables A. Create an absolute path directory This will be the directory where the files and the scripts reside for populating the WFD tables. Eg: /home/uid/workflows B. Save the following files into the directory created in step 1 (eg:/home/uid/workflows) populate\_wfd\_tbl.sh , workflow\_template.xml , WorkflowSample.bpmn, workflowtbl.sql C. Change the user, password, and db in populate\_wfd\_tbl.sh EG: mysql -u<user> -p<password> -D<schema> In the script right now we used user=root, password=password, schema=catalogdb D. Create your workflow bpmn (WorkflowSample.bpmn provided as a sample) Attributes from the workflow bpmn created for testing are used in the workflow\_template.xml file so that the related WFD tables are populated. E. Edit the Workflow\_template.xml based on your workflow bpm that you have created. Template is populated with sample values as examples. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workflow-template> <workflow ARTIFACT\_UUID="a90f8eaa-7c20-422f-8c81-aacbca6fb9e7" ARTIFACT\_NAME="workflowSample.bpmn" NAME="workflowSample.bpmn" OPERATION\_NAME="inPlaceSoftwareUpdate" VERSION="1.0" DESCRIPTION="Workflow Artifact Description" BODY="" RESOURCE\_TARGET="VNF" SOURCE="SDC" TIMEOUT\_MINUTES="120" ARTIFACT\_CHECKSUM="ZjUzNjg1NDMyMTc4MWJmZjFlNDcyOGQ0Zjc1YWQwYzQ\\u003d"> </workflow> //VNF to be used <vnf NAME="abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd" VERSION="1.0"/> //list the activities you are designed in the workflow bpmn and the sequence order. <activity\_spec\_sequence NAME="VNFSetInMaintFlagActivity" VERSION="1.0" SEQUENCE="1"/> <activity\_spec\_sequence NAME="VNFUnsetInMaintFlagActivity" VERSION="1.0" SEQUENCE="2"/> <activity\_spec\_category NAME="VNF"/> </workflow-template> F. => ./populate\_wfd\_tbl.sh <directory with absolute path that we have created in step 1> Eg:=> ./populate\_wfd\_tbl.sh '/home/uid/workflows' 1. There is a correction in the code to connect the WF to the vNF in the SO table, however, due to environment issues, it was not tested prior to code freeze. We do expect it to work, however, in the event that it does not, the user needs manually update the SO database to link the WF to the vNF by following these instructions. a. Login to dev-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0 pod b. mysql -ucataloguser -pcatalog123 c. use catalogdb; d. select id from workflow where name = '<your workflow name>; e. insert into vnf\_resource\_to\_workflow (‘VNF\_RESOURCE\_MODEL\_UUID’, ‘WORKFLOW\_ID’)VALUES (‘<model uuid of your VNF Resource>’,<workflow id obtained in the query in step 4>); Workflow Initiation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After creating a workflow, attaching it to the vNF model and distributing the model, the workflow can now be initiated at the VID interface by: (Note – a vNF of the same model version must also be instantiated) 1. Go to VID and Select “vNF Changes” from the left menu. 2. Select the “+ New” icon at the top of the window. a. Enter the fields displayed by VID. As selections are made, other fields will appear. Any field where the entry “box” turns red when selected, is mandatory. b. Target Model is displayed but not needed for InPlaceSWUpdate or Configupdate WFs c. A configuration file must be uploaded to execute the ConfigUpdate WF. This input is not used for InPlaceSWUpdate. d. Operations Timeout is a mandatory field. e. Existing and New SW Version fields are mandatory for InPlaceSWUpdate. 3. Available vNF dropdown a. To select more than one vNF instance, just select the desired instances from the dropdown list. You may select one or many. b. To delete a selected vNF instance, click the “X” to the left of that instance. c. To exit the vNF instance selection mode, click in the blank space on the Pop-Up. DO NOT click outside the Pop-Up as this is equivalent to clicking <Cancel>. 4. If the workflow desired is not displayed when clicking on the Workflow “Box”, it means that the workflow is either not attached to the vNF Model Version of the selected instance or the vNF Modell has not been distributed and deployed in SO. Go back to steps 3-5 of the previous section to correct. 5. Once all fields are populated, select <Confirm> at the bottom of the pop-up window to execute the workflow. 6. To cancel your selections, click <Cancel> at the bottom of the pop-up window. Workflow Status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the workflow is initiated, the user can view status of the workflow by Selecting the Active and Completed TABS. 1. Click the Refresh icon above and to th<style>.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Gener