########################################################################## # #==================LICENSE_START========================================== # # # Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #==================LICENSE_END============================================ # # ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. # ########################################################################## heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: Heat template to deploy vLoadBalancer/vDNS demo app for ONAP ############## # # # PARAMETERS # # # ############## parameters: vlb_image_name: type: string label: Image name or ID description: Image to be used for compute instance vlb_flavor_name: type: string label: Flavor description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used public_net_id: type: string label: Public network name or ID description: Public network that enables remote connection to VNF vlb_private_net_id: type: string label: vLoadBalancer private network name or ID description: Private network that connects vLoadBalancer with vDNSs pktgen_private_net_id: type: string label: vPacketGen private network name or ID description: Private network that connects vLoadBalancer with vPacketGen onap_private_net_id: type: string label: ECOMP management network name or ID description: Private network that connects ONAP component and the VNF onap_private_subnet_id: type: string label: ECOMP management sub-network name or ID description: Private sub-network that connects ONAP component and the VNF vlb_private_net_cidr: type: string label: vLoadBalancer private network CIDR description: The CIDR of the vLoadBalancer private network pktgen_private_net_cidr: type: string label: vPacketGen private network CIDR description: The CIDR of the vPacketGen private network onap_private_net_cidr: type: string label: ONAP private network CIDR description: The CIDR of the protected private network vlb_private_ip_0: type: string label: vLoadBalancer private IP address towards the private network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vLoadBalancer to communicate with the vDNSs vlb_private_ip_1: type: string label: vLoadBalancer private IP address towards the ONAP management network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vLoadBalancer to communicate with ONAP components vlb_private_ip_2: type: string label: vLoadBalancer private IP address towards the vPacketGen network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vLoadBalancer to communicate with vPacketGen vdns_private_ip_0: type: string label: vDNS private IP address towards the private network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDNS to communicate with the vLoadBalancer vdns_private_ip_1: type: string label: vDNS private IP address towards the ONAP management network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vDNS to communicate with ONAP components vpg_private_ip_0: type: string label: vPacketGen private IP address towards the vPacketGen private network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vPacketGen to communicate with the vLoadBalancer vpg_private_ip_1: type: string label: vPacketGen private IP address towards the ONAP management network description: Private IP address that is assigned to the vPacketGen to communicate with ONAP components vip: type: string label: Virtual Private IP of the vLoadBalancer description: Virtual Private IP that is assigned to the vLoadBalancer's VPP layer gre_ipaddr: type: string label: IP Address of the GRE tunnel description: IP address assigned to the GRE tunnel on the vLoadBalancer pg_int: type: string label: IP Address of the output vPacketGen interface description: IP address assigned to the output interface of the vPacketGen's VPP layer vlb_name_0: type: string label: vLoadBalancer name description: Name of the vLoadBalancer vdns_name_0: type: string label: vDNS name description: Name of the vDNS vpg_name_0: type: string label: vPKTGEN name description: Name of the vPKTGEN vnf_id: type: string label: VNF ID description: The VNF ID is provided by ONAP vf_module_id: type: string label: vFirewall module ID description: The vLoadBalancer Module ID is provided by ONAP dcae_collector_ip: type: string label: DCAE collector IP address description: IP address of the DCAE collector dcae_collector_port: type: string label: DCAE collector port description: Port of the DCAE collector key_name: type: string label: Key pair name description: Public/Private key pair name pub_key: type: string label: Public key description: Public key to be installed on the compute instance demo_artifacts_version: type: string label: Artifacts version used in demo vnfs description: Artifacts (jar, tar.gz) version used in demo vnfs nexus_artifact_repo: typ
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
OUTPUT_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/../dist
HELM_CHARTS := $(filter-out $(EXCLUDES), $(patsubst %/.,%,$(wildcard */.)))
@echo "\n[$@]"
@make package-$@
@if [ -f $*/Makefile ]; then make -C $*; fi
dep-%: make-%
@if [ -f $*/requirements.yaml ]; then helm dep up $*; fi
lint-%: dep-%
@if [ -f $*/Chart.yaml ]; then helm lint $*; fi
package-%: lint-%
@mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR)
@if [ -f $*/Chart.yaml ]; then helm package -d $(PACKAGE_DIR) $*; fi
@helm repo index $(PACKAGE_DIR)
@rm -f */requirements.lock
@rm -f *tgz */charts/*tgz
@rm -rf $(PACKAGE_DIR)