# Truststore merger ### Project building ``` mvn clean package ``` ### Install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install ``` ### Building Docker image and install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install -P docker ``` ### Nexus container image ``` nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-truststore-merger:latest ``` ### Running application as standalone docker container Exemplary config.env file with necessary envs ``` TRUSTSTORES_PATHS=/var/certs/truststore.jks:/var/certs/truststore.pem TRUSTSTORES_PASSWORDS_PATHS=/var/certs/truststoreJks.pass: ``` TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env indicates paths (separated by ":") where truststores files are located. TRUSTSTORES_PASSWORDS_PATHS env indicates paths (separated by ":") where files with passwords to truststores are located. PEM is not protected by password so its value should be empty Execute below command in order to run app as docker container ``` docker run \ --name oom-truststore-merger \ --env-file ./config.env \ --mount type=bind,src=,dst=/var/certs \ onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-truststore-merger:latest ``` Before run replace with absolute path where you located truststores to merge (eg. /certs/resources/) Output from merger (when pointed more than one truststore to merge in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env) success execution should be: 1. Created backup file (with .bak ext) of first truststore pointed in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env 2. First truststore pointed in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env contains merged certificates from all truststores mentioned in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env Remove docker container: ``` docker rm oom-truststore-merger ``` ### Logs locally path: ``` var/log/onap/oom/truststore-merger/truststore-merger.log ``` ### Logs in Docker container ``` docker logs oom-merger ``` ###Exit codes ``` 0 Success 1 Invalid paths in environment variables 2 Invalid merger configuration 3 Invalid truststore file-password pair 4 Cannot read password from file 5 Cannot create backup file 6 Cannot initialize keystore instance 7 Cannot load truststore file 8 Cannot operate on truststore data 9 Missing truststore certificates in provided file 10 Alias conflict detected 11 Cannot save truststore file 12 Cannot copy keystore file 13 Keystore file does not exist 99 Application exited abnormally