.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2020 NOKIA How to use functionality ========================= Common information to docker and Kubernetes modes described below Basic information ----------------- CertService client needs the following configuration parameters to work properly: 1. Parameters for generating certification artifacts and connecting to CertService API to obtain certificate and trust anchors - REQUEST_URL *(default: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/)* - URL to CertService API - REQUEST_TIMEOUT *(default: 30000[ms])* - Timeout in milliseconds for REST API calls - OUTPUT_PATH *(required)* - Path where client will output generated certificate and trust anchor - CA_NAME *(required)* - Name of CA which will enroll certificate. Must be same as configured on server side. Used in REST API calls - OUTPUT_TYPE *(default: P12)* - Type of certificate which will be generated. Supported types: - JKS - Java KeyStore (JKS) - P12 - Public Key Cryptography Standard #12 (PKCS#12) - PEM - Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) 2. Parameters to generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR): - COMMON_NAME *(required)* - Common name for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - ORGANIZATION *(required)* - Organization for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - ORGANIZATION_UNIT *(optional)* - Organization unit for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - LOCATION *(optional)* - Location for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - STATE *(required)* - State for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - COUNTRY *(required)* - Country for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued - SANS *(optional)(SANS's should be separated by a comma e.g. test.onap.org,onap.com)* - Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issued. All SANs types are supported (DNS names, IPs, URIs, emails). 3. Parameters to establish secure communication to CertService: - KEYSTORE_PATH *(required)* - KEYSTORE_PASSWORD *(required)* - TRUSTSTORE_PATH *(required)* - TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD *(required)* CertService client image can be found on Nexus repository : .. code-block:: bash nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-client:$VERSION As standalone docker container ------------------------------ You need certificate and trust anchors to connect to CertService API via HTTPS. Information how to generate truststore and keystore files you can find in project repository README `Gerrit GitWeb `__ To run CertService client as standalone docker container execute following steps: 1. Create file '*$PWD/client.env*' with environment variables as in example below: .. code-block:: bash #Client envs REQUEST_URL= REQUEST_TIMEOUT=10000 OUTPUT_PATH=/var/certs CA_NAME=RA OUTPUT_TYPE=P12 #CSR config envs COMMON_NAME=onap.org ORGANIZATION=Linux-Foundation ORGANIZATION_UNIT=ONAP LOCATION=San-Francisco STATE=California COUNTRY=US SANS=test.onap.org,onap.com,onap@onap.org,,onap://cluster.local/ #TLS config envs KEYSTORE_PATH=/etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-keystore.jks KEYSTORE_PASSWORD= TRUSTSTORE_PATH=/etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-truststore.jks TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD= 2. Run docker container as in following example (API and client must be running in same network): .. code-block:: bash docker run \ --rm \ --name oomcert-client \ --env-file <$PWD/client.env (same as in step1)> \ --network \ --mount type=bind,src=,dst= \ --volume : \ --volume : \ nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-client:$VERSION After successful creation of certifications, container exits with exit code 0, expected log looks like: .. code-block:: bash INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.f.ClientConfigurationFactory : Successful validation of Client configuration. Configuration data: REQUEST_URL: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/, REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 10000, OUTPUT_PATH: /var/certs, CA_NAME: RA, OUTPUT_TYPE: P12 INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.f.CsrConfigurationFactory : Successful validation of CSR configuration. Configuration data: COMMON_NAME: onap.org, COUNTRY: US, STATE: California, ORGANIZATION: Linux-Foundation, ORGANIZATION_UNIT: ONAP, LOCATION: San-Francisco, SANS: [{SAN value: example.org, type: dNSName}, {SAN value: test.onap.org, type: dNSName}, {SAN value: onap@onap.org, type: rfc822Name}, {SAN value:, type: iPAddress}, {SAN value: onap://cluster.local/, type: uniformResourceIdentifier}] INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.KeyPairFactory : KeyPair generation started with algorithm: RSA and key size: 2048 INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory : Creation of CSR has been started with following parameters: COMMON_NAME: onap.org, COUNTRY: US, STATE: California, ORGANIZATION: Linux-Foundation, ORGANIZATION_UNIT: ONAP, LOCATION: San-Francisco, SANS: [{SAN value: example.org, type: dNSName}, {SAN value: test.onap.org, type: dNSName}, {SAN value: onap@onap.org, type: rfc822Name}, {SAN value:, type: iPAddress}, {SAN value: onap://cluster.local/, type: uniformResourceIdentifier}] INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory : Creation of CSR has been completed successfully INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory : Conversion of CSR to PEM has been started INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.PrivateKeyToPemEncoder : Attempt to encode private key to PEM INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.h.HttpClient : Attempt to send request to API, on url: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/RA INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.h.HttpClient : Received response from API DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.c.ConvertedArtifactsCreator : Attempt to create keystore files and saving data. File names: keystore.p12, keystore.pass INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.c.PemConverter : Conversion of PEM certificates to PKCS12 keystore DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.w.CertFileWriter : Attempt to save file keystore.p12 in path /var/certs DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.w.CertFileWriter : Attempt to save file keystore.pass in path /var/certs DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.c.ConvertedArtifactsCreator : Attempt to create truststore files and saving data. File names: truststore.p12, truststore.pass INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.c.PemConverter : Conversion of PEM certificates to PKCS12 truststore DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.w.CertFileWriter : Attempt to save file truststore.p12 in path /var/certs DEBUG 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.w.CertFileWriter : Attempt to save file truststore.pass in path /var/certs INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.AppExitHandler : Application exits with following exit code: 0 and message: Success If container exits with non 0 exit code, you can find more information in logs, see :ref:`cert_logs` page. As init container for Kubernetes -------------------------------- In order to run CertService client as init container for ONAP component you need to: - define an init container and use CerService Client image - provide client configuration through ENV variables in the init container - define two volumes: - first for generated certificates - it will be mounted in the init container and in the component container - second with secret containing keys and certificates for secure communication between CertService Client and CertService - it will be mounted only in the init container - mount both volumes to the init container - mount first volume to the component container You can use the following deployment example as a reference: .. code-block:: yaml ... kind: Deployment metadata: ... spec: ... template: ... spec: containers: - image: sample.image name: sample.name ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/certs #CERTS CAN BE FOUND IN THIS DIRECTORY name: certs ... initContainers: - name: cert-service-client image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-client:latest imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: REQUEST_URL value: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/ - name: REQUEST_TIMEOUT value: "1000" - name: OUTPUT_PATH value: /var/certs - name: CA_NAME value: RA - name: OUTPUT_TYPE value: P12 - name: COMMON_NAME value: onap.org - name: ORGANIZATION value: Linux-Foundation - name: ORGANIZATION_UNIT value: ONAP - name: LOCATION value: San-Francisco - name: STATE value: California - name: COUNTRY value: US - name: SANS value: test.onap.org,onap.com,onap@onap.org,,onap://cluster.local/ - name: KEYSTORE_PATH value: /etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/certServiceClient-keystore.jks - name: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD value: secret - name: TRUSTSTORE_PATH value: /etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/truststore.jks - name: TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD value: secret volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/certs name: certs - mountPath: /etc/onap/oom/certservice/certs/ name: tls-volume ... volumes: - name: certs emptyDir: {} - name tls-volume secret: secretName: oom-cert-service-client-tls-secret # Value of global.oom.certService.client.secret.name ...