# Certificate Post Processor ### Project building ``` mvn clean package ``` ### Install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install ``` ### Building Docker image and install the package into the local repository ``` mvn clean install -P docker ``` ### Nexus container image ``` nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-post-processor:latest ``` ### Running application as standalone docker container Exemplary config.env file with necessary envs ``` TRUSTSTORES_PATHS=/var/certs/truststore.jks:/var/certs/truststore.pem TRUSTSTORES_PASSWORDS_PATHS=/var/certs/truststoreJks.pass: KEYSTORE_SOURCE_PATHS=/var/certs/external/keystore.jks:/var/certs/external/keystore.pass KEYSTORE_DESTINATION_PATHS=/var/certs/cert.jks:/var/certs/jks.pass ``` TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env indicates paths (separated by ":") where truststores files are located. TRUSTSTORES_PASSWORDS_PATHS env indicates paths (separated by ":") where files with passwords to truststores are located. PEM is not protected by password so its value should be empty KEYSTORE_SOURCE_PATHS env (optional) indicates paths (separated by ":") where files to copy are located. KEYSTORE_DESTINATION_PATHS env (optional) indicates paths (separated by ":") to files which should be replaced. Before keystore files override, destination files will be copied with addition of .bak extension. Execute below command in order to run app as docker container ``` docker run \ --name oom-certservice-post-processor \ --env-file ./config.env \ --mount type=bind,src=<src_path>,dst=/var/certs \ onap/org.onap.oom.platform.cert-service.oom-certservice-post-processor:latest ``` Before run replace <src_path> with absolute path where you located truststores to merge (eg. /certs/resources/) Output from merger (when pointed more than one truststore to merge in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env and provided optional envs) success execution should be: 1. Created backup file (with .bak ext) of first truststore pointed in TRUSTSTORES_PATHS env 2. Keystores files listed in KEYSTORE_SOURCE_PATHS env overrides corresponding to them files defined in KEYSTORE_DESTINATION_PATHS env. 3. Keystores listed in KEYSTORE_SOURCE_PATHS env are in locations taken from KEYSTORE_DESTINATION_PATHS env. Files listed in KEYSTORE_DESTINATION_PATHS env before application run, still exist with appended .bak extension. Remove docker container: ``` docker rm oom-certservice-post-processor ``` ### Logs locally path: ``` var/log/onap/oom/cert-service/post-processor/application.log ``` ### Logs in Docker container ``` docker logs oom-certservice-post-processor ``` ###Exit codes ``` 0 Success 1 Invalid paths in environment variables 2 Invalid merger configuration 3 Invalid truststore file-password pair 4 Cannot read password from file 5 Cannot create backup file 6 Cannot initialize keystore instance 7 Cannot load truststore file 8 Cannot operate on truststore data 9 Missing truststore certificates in provided file 10 Alias conflict detected 11 Cannot save truststore file 12 Cannot copy keystore file 13 Keystore file does not exist 99 Application exited abnormally