## Cert Service K8s external provider ### General description Cert Service K8s external provider ia a part of certificate distribution infrastructure in ONAP. The main functionality of the provider is to forward Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) created by cert-mananger (https://cert-manager.io) to CertServiceAPI. More information can found on a dedicated page: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CertService+and+K8s+Cert-Manager+integration. ### Build project There are two methods for building the project: - mvn clean install (used by CI) - make (used by DEV) ### Installation #### Providing K8s secret containing TLS certificates Create secret with certificates for communication between CMPv2Issuer and Cert Service API: ``` kubectl create secret generic -n onap cmpv2-issuer-secret --from-file=/certs/cmpv2Issuer-key.pem --from-file=/certs/cmpv2Issuer-cert.pem --from-file=/certs/cacert.pem ``` #### Deployment of the application Apply K8s files from 'deploy' directory in following order: - crd.yaml - roles.yaml - deployment.yaml - configuration.yaml (certRef, keyRef and cacertRef should match file names if secret was created with command listed above) **Note:** Files and installation are currently examples, which should be used as a guide for OOM Helm Charts implementation #### Log level adjustment Log level can be set during deployment as docker container argument --> see deployment.yaml file. Here is an interesting part from the deployment.yaml file: - args: - --metrics-addr= - --log-level=debug command: - /oom-certservice-cmpv2issuer image: onap/oom-certservice-cmpv2issuer:1.0.0 Supported values of log-level flag (case-sensitive): debug, info, warn, error ### Usage To issue a certificate adjust and apply following K8s file: - certificate_example.yaml #### Unsupported Certificate fields Some fields present in Cert-Manager Certificate are currently not supported by CertService API and because of that they are filtered out from the Certificate Signing Request. **Fields that are filtered out:** - subjectDN fields: - serialNumber - streetAddresses - postalCodes - isCa - ipAddresses - uris - emails - duration - usages #### Overridden Certificate fields Some fields present in a Cert-Manager Certificate will be overridden by a CMPv2 server. **Overridden fields:** - duration - usages