#!/bin/sh {{/* # Copyright 2015 AT&T Intellectual Properties ############################################################################## # Script to initialize the chef-repo branch and.chef # ############################################################################## */}} # Copy the certificates echo 'Copying the *.crt provided in /shared folder' cp --verbose /shared/*.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates update-ca-certificates echo 'Running in JBOSS' su - jboss DEBUG='' if [ "$JBOSS_DEBUG" = true ] ; then DEBUG="--debug" fi #Start the chef-solo if mso-docker.json contains some data. if [ -s /var/berks-cookbooks/${CHEF_REPO_NAME}/environments/mso-docker.json ] then echo "mso-docker.json has some configuration, replay the recipes." chef-solo -c /var/berks-cookbooks/${CHEF_REPO_NAME}/solo.rb -o recipe[mso-config::apih],recipe[mso-config::bpmn],recipe[mso-config::jra] else echo "mso-docker.json is empty, do not replay the recipes." fi JBOSS_PIDFILE=/tmp/jboss-standalone.pid $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh ${DEBUG} -c standalone-full-ha-mso.xml & JBOSS_PID=$! # Trap common signals and relay them to the jboss process trap "kill -HUP $JBOSS_PID" HUP trap "kill -TERM $JBOSS_PID" INT trap "kill -QUIT $JBOSS_PID" QUIT trap "kill -PIPE $JBOSS_PID" PIPE trap "kill -TERM $JBOSS_PID" TERM if [ "x$JBOSS_PIDFILE" != "x" ]; then echo $JBOSS_PID > $JBOSS_PIDFILE fi # Wait until the background process exits WAIT_STATUS=128 while [ "$WAIT_STATUS" -ge 128 ]; do wait $JBOSS_PID 2>/dev/null WAIT_STATUS=$? if [ "$WAIT_STATUS" -gt 128 ]; then SIGNAL=`expr $WAIT_STATUS - 128` SIGNAL_NAME=`kill -l $SIGNAL` echo "*** JBossAS process ($JBOSS_PID) received $SIGNAL_NAME signal ***" >&2 fi done if [ "$WAIT_STATUS" -lt 127 ]; then JBOSS_STATUS=$WAIT_STATUS else JBOSS_STATUS=0 fi if [ "$JBOSS_STATUS" -ne 10 ]; then # Wait for a complete shudown wait $JBOSS_PID 2>/dev/null fi if [ "x$JBOSS_PIDFILE" != "x" ]; then grep "$JBOSS_PID" $JBOSS_PIDFILE && rm $JBOSS_PIDFILE fi