*** Settings *** Documentation The main interface for interacting with A&AI. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and A&AI required fields Library ExtendedSelenium2Library Library StringTemplater Library UUID Library OperatingSystem Resource ../global_properties.robot Resource ../browser_setup.robot *** Variables *** ${SNK_HOSTS_TEMPLATE} http://\${host}:\${port}/hosts/ ${SNK_HOME_TEMPLATE} http://\${host}:\${port}/ ${SNK_PATH} ${SNK_PORT} 667 ${BYTES_PER_PACKET} 29 ${PACKETS_PER_SECOND_PER_STREAM} 11 ${MONITOR_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS} 4 *** Keywords *** Get Darkstat Bytes In [Documentation] Get bytes received on the passed interface for the given interval [Arguments] ${host} ${interface} ${interval}=${MONITOR_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS} ${map}= Create Dictionary host=${host} port=${SNK_PORT} path=${SNK_PATH} ${url}= Template String ${SNK_HOSTS_TEMPLATE} ${map} Connect to Darkstat ${host} ${url} Title Should Be Hosts (darkstat3 eth1) ${initial_bytes}= Get Current Bytes In ${interface} Sleep ${interval} Go To ${url} ${new_bytes}= Get Current Bytes In ${interface} ${return_bytes}= Evaluate int(${new_bytes}) - int(${initial_bytes}) [Return] ${return_bytes} Get Darkstat Packets In [Documentation] Get bytes received on the passed interface for the given interval [Arguments] ${host} ${interval}=${MONITOR_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS} ${map}= Create Dictionary host=${host} port=${SNK_PORT} path=${SNK_PATH} ${url}= Template String ${SNK_HOME_TEMPLATE} ${map} Connect to Darkstat ${host} ${url} Title Should Be Graphs (darkstat3 eth1) ${initial_pkts}= Get Current Packets In Sleep ${interval} Go To ${url} ${new_pkts}= Get Current Packets In ${return_pkts}= Evaluate int(${new_pkts}) - int(${initial_pkts}) [Return] ${return_pkts} Connect to Darkstat [Documentation] COnnects to the Darkstat port on passed host [Arguments] ${host} ${url} ## Being managed by the test case ##Setup Browser Go To ${url} Maximize Browser Window Set Selenium Speed ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_DELAY} Set Browser Implicit Wait ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_IMPLICIT_WAIT} Log Logging in to ${url} Handle Proxy Warning Get Current Bytes In [Documentation] Retrieves packets input from given host from current Darkstats hosts page [Arguments] ${interface} ${bytes}= Get Text xpath=//tr[td/a[text() = '${interface}']]/td[4] ${bytes}= Evaluate ${bytes.replace(',', '')} [Return] ${bytes} Get Current Packets In [Documentation] Retrieves packets input from given host from current Darkstats hosts page ${bytes}= Get Text xpath=//span[@id = 'tp'] ${bytes}= Evaluate ${bytes.replace(',', '')} [Return] ${bytes} Get Expected Range For Number Of Streams [Documentation] Calculates the expected range of bytes for an interval for the given number of streams [Arguments] ${number_of_streams} ${bytes_per_second}= Evaluate ${BYTES_PER_PACKET}*(${PACKETS_PER_SECOND_PER_STREAM}*${number_of_streams}) ${low_bytes}= Evaluate (${MONITOR_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS}-1)*${bytes_per_second} ${high_bytes}= Evaluate (${MONITOR_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS}+1)*${bytes_per_second} [Return] ${low_bytes} ${high_bytes}