.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
.. International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation

.. Links
.. _Prometheus stack README: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack#readme
.. _ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Structure: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=103417456
.. _Istio best practices: https://docs.solo.io/gloo-mesh-enterprise/latest/setup/prod/namespaces/
.. _Istio setup guide: https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/helm/
.. _Kiali setup guide: https://kiali.io/docs/installation/installation-guide/example-install/
.. _Kserve setup guide: https://kserve.github.io/website/0.10/admin/kubernetes_deployment/

.. _oom_base_optional_addons:

OOM Optional Addons

The following optional applications can be added to your kubernetes environment.

Install Prometheus Stack

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit with
an active ecosystem.

Kube Prometheus Stack is a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana
dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to
provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with
Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator. As it includes both Prometheus
Operator and Grafana dashboards, there is no need to set up them separately.
See the `Prometheus stack README`_ for more information.

To install the prometheus stack, execute the following:

- Add the prometheus-community Helm repository::

    > helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts

- Update your local Helm chart repository cache::

    > helm repo update

- To install prometheus, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-pm-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::

    > helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace=prometheus --create-namespace --version=<recommended-pm-version>

ONAP on Service Mesh

.. warning::
    "ONAP on Service Mesh" is not fully supported in "Kohn". Full support is
    planned for London release to support the
    `ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Structure`_

.. figure:: ../../resources/images/servicemesh/ServiceMesh.png
   :align: center

ONAP is currenty planned to support Istio as default ServiceMesh platform.
Therefor the following instructions describe the setup of Istio and required tools.
Used `Istio best practices`_ and `Istio setup guide`_

.. _oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation:

Istio Platform Installation

Install Istio Basic Platform

- Configure the Helm repository::

    > helm repo add istio https://istio-release.storage.googleapis.com/charts

    > helm repo update

- Create a namespace for "mesh-level" configurations::

    > kubectl create namespace istio-config

- Create a namespace istio-system for Istio components::

    > kubectl create namespace istio-system

- Install the Istio Base chart which contains cluster-wide resources used by the
  Istio control plane, replacing the <recommended-istio-version> with the version
  defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::

    > helm upgrade -i istio-base istio/base -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>

- Install the Istio Base Istio Discovery chart which deploys the istiod service, replacing the
  <recommended-istio-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table
  (enable the variable to enforce the (sidecar) proxy startup before the container start)::

    > helm upgrade -i istiod istio/istiod -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>
    --wait --set global.proxy.holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts=true --set meshConfig.rootNamespace=istio-config

Add an EnvoyFilter for HTTP header case

When handling HTTP/1.1, Envoy will normalize the header keys to be all lowercase.
While this is compliant with the HTTP/1.1 spec, in practice this can result in issues
when migrating existing systems that might rely on specific header casing.
In our case a problem was detected in the SDC client implementation, which relies on
uppercase header values. To solve this problem in general we add a EnvoyFilter to keep
the uppercase header in the istio-config namespace to apply for all namespaces, but
set the context to SIDECAR_INBOUND to avoid problems in the connection between Istio-Gateway and Services

- Create a EnvoyFilter file (e.g. envoyfilter-case.yaml)

    .. collapse:: envoyfilter-case.yaml

      .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/envoyfilter-case.yaml
         :code: yaml

- Apply the change to Istio::

    > kubectl apply -f envoyfilter-case.yaml

Install Istio Gateway

- Create a namespace istio-ingress for the Istio Ingress gateway
  and enable istio-injection::

    > kubectl create namespace istio-ingress

    > kubectl label namespace istio-ingress istio-injection=enabled

- Install the Istio Gateway chart,replacing the
  <recommended-istio-version> with the version defined in
  the :ref:`versions_table` table::

    > helm upgrade -i istio-ingress istio/gateway -n istio-ingress
    --version <recommended-istio-version> --wait

Kiali Installation

Kiali is used to visualize the Network traffic in a ServiceMesh enabled cluster
For setup the kiali operator is used, see `Kiali setup guide`_

- Install kiali-operator namespace::

    > kubectl create namespace kiali-operator

    > kubectl label namespace kiali-operator istio-injection=enabled

- Install the kiali-operator::

    > helm repo add kiali https://kiali.org/helm-charts

    > helm repo update kiali

    > helm install --namespace kiali-operator kiali/kiali-operator

- Create Kiali CR file (e.g. kiali.yaml)

    .. collapse:: kiali.yaml

      .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/kiali.yaml
         :code: yaml

- Install kiali::

    > kubectl apply -f kiali.yaml

- Create Ingress gateway entry for the kiali web interface
  using the configured Ingress <base-url> (here "simpledemo.onap.org")
  as described in :ref:`oom_customize_overrides`

    .. collapse:: kiali-ingress.yaml

      .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/kiali-ingress.yaml
         :code: yaml

- Add the Ingress entry for Kiali::

    > kubectl -n istio-system apply -f kiali-ingress.yaml

Jaeger Installation

To be done...

Kserve Installation

KServe is a standard Model Inference Platform on Kubernetes. It supports RawDeployment mode to enable InferenceService deployment with Kubernetes resources. Comparing to serverless deployment it unlocks Knative limitations such as mounting multiple volumes, on the other hand Scale down and from Zero is not supported in RawDeployment mode.

This installation is necessary for the ML models to be deployed as inference service. Once deployed, the inference services can be queried for the prediction.

**Kserve participant component in Policy ACM requires this installation. Kserve participant deploy/undeploy inference services in Kserve.**

Dependent component version compatibility details and installation instructions can be found at `Kserve setup guide`_

Kserve installation requires the following components:

-  Istio. Its installation instructions can be found at :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation`

-  Cert-Manager. Its installation instructions can be found at :ref:`oom_base_setup_cert_manager`

Installation instructions as follows,

- Create kserve namespace::

    > kubectl create namespace kserve

- Install Kserve::

    > kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kserve/kserve/releases/download/v<recommended-kserve-version>/kserve.yaml

- Install Kserve default serving runtimes::

    > kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kserve/kserve/releases/download/v<recommended-kserve-version>/kserve-runtimes.yaml

- Patch ConfigMap inferenceservice-config as follows::

    > kubectl patch configmap/inferenceservice-config -n kserve --type=strategic -p '{"data": {"deploy": "{\"defaultDeploymentMode\": \"RawDeployment\"}"}}'