From dbcd1cacf9d08b2d17b569736effb389c6f99d13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: krishnaa96 Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 10:26:50 +0530 Subject: [OOF] Use certInitializer for OOF pods Remove Hardcoded certificates from OOF Resturcture OOF charts Issue-ID: OPTFRA-803 Signed-off-by: krishnaa96 Change-Id: Ibe886a44fcbf22bb3443fbb8ec8e37ddc7636ffe --- .../oof-has/resources/config/AAF_RootCA.cer | 31 + .../oof-has/resources/config/aai_cert.cer | 25 + .../oof-has/resources/config/aai_key.key | 30 + .../components/oof-has/resources/config/bundle.pem | 26 + .../oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf | 636 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../oof-has/resources/config/healthcheck.json | 18 + .../components/oof-has/resources/config/ | 30 + .../components/oof-has/resources/config/log.conf | 79 +++ .../oof-has/resources/config/log/filebeat.yml | 32 ++ .../components/oof-has/resources/config/nginx.conf | 31 + .../oof-has/resources/config/onboard.json | 6 + 11 files changed, 944 insertions(+) create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/AAF_RootCA.cer create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_cert.cer create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_key.key create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/bundle.pem create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/healthcheck.json create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/ create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log.conf create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log/filebeat.yml create mode 100644 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/nginx.conf create mode 100755 kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/onboard.json (limited to 'kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources') diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/AAF_RootCA.cer b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/AAF_RootCA.cer new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e9a50d7ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/AAF_RootCA.cer @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIFPjCCAyagAwIBAgIJAJ6u7cCnzrWdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMCwxDjAMBgNV +BAsMBU9TQUFGMQ0wCwYDVQQKDARPTkFQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzAeFw0xODA0MDUx +NDE1MjhaFw0zODAzMzExNDE1MjhaMCwxDjAMBgNVBAsMBU9TQUFGMQ0wCwYDVQQK +DARPTkFQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoC +ggIBAMA5pkgRs7NhGG4ew5JouhyYakgYUyFaG121+/h8qbSdt0hVQv56+EA41Yq7 +XGie7RYDQK9NmAFF3gruE+6X7wvJiChp+Cyd7sFMnb65uWhxEdxWTM2BJFrgfzUn +H8ZCxgaCo3XH4PzlKRy2LQQJEJECwl/RZmRCXijMt5e9h8XoZY/fKkKcZZUsWNCM +pTo266wjvA9MXLmdgReRj0+vrCjrNqy+htwJDztoiHWiYPqT6o8EvGcgjNqjlZx7 +NUNf8MfLDByqKF6+wRbHv1GKjn3/Vijd45Fv8riyRYROiFanvbV6jIfBkv8PZbXg +2VDWsYsgp8NAvMxK+iV8cO+Ck3lBI2GOPZbCEqpPVTYbLUz6sczAlCXwQoPzDIZY +wYa3eR/gYLY1gP2iEVHORag3bLPap9ZX5E8DZkzTNTjovvLk8KaCmfcaUMJsBtDd +ApcUitz10cnRyZc1sX3gE1f3DpzQM6t9C5sOVyRhDcSrKqqwb9m0Ss04XAS9FsqM +P3UWYQyqDXSxlUAYaX892u8mV1hxnt2gjb22RloXMM6TovM3sSrJS0wH+l1nznd6 +aFXftS/G4ZVIVZ/LfT1is4StoyPWZCwwwly1z8qJQ/zhip5NgZTxQw4mi7ww35DY +PdAQOCoajfSvFjqslQ/cPRi/MRCu079heVb5fQnnzVtnpFQRAgMBAAGjYzBhMB0G +A1UdDgQWBBRTVTPyS+vQUbHBeJrBKDF77+rtSTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRTVTPyS+vQ +UbHBeJrBKDF77+rtSTAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAN +BgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAPx/IaK94n02wPxpnYTy+LVLIxwdq/kawNd6IbiMz +L87zmNMDmHcGbfoRCj8OkhuggX9Lx1/CkhpXimuYsZOFQi5blr/u+v4mIbsgbmi9 +7j+cUHDP0zLycvSvxKHty51LwmaX9a4wkJl5zBU4O1sd/H9tWcEmwJ39ltKoBKBx +c94Zc3iMm5ytRWGj+0rKzLDAXEWpoZ5bE5PLJauA6UDCxDLfs3FwhbS7uDggxYvf +jySF5FCNET94oJ+m8s7VeHvoa8iPGKvXrIqdd7XDHnqJJlVKr7m9S0fMbyEB8ci2 +RtOXDt93ifY1uhoEtEykn4dqBSp8ezvNMnwoXdYPDvTd9uCAFeWFLVreBAWxd25h +PsBTkZA5hpa/rA+mKv6Af4VBViYr8cz4dZCsFChuioVebe9ighrfjB//qKepFjPF +CyjzKN1u0JKm/2x/ORqxkTONG8p3uDwoIOyimUcTtTMv42bfYD88RKakqSFXE9G+ +Z0LlaKABqfjK49o/tsAp+c5LoNlYllKhnetO3QAdraHwdmC36BhoghzR1jpX751A +cZn2VH3Q4XKyp01cJNCJIrua+A+bx6zh3RyW6zIIkbRCbET+UD+4mr8WIcSE3mtR +ZVlnhUDO4z9//WKMVzwS9Rh8/kuszrGFI1KQozXCHLrce3YP6RYZfOed79LXaRwX +dYY= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_cert.cer b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_cert.cer new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..4c6eb916e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_cert.cer @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIEKjCCAxKgAwIBAgIBHjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEN +MAsGA1UECgwET05BUDEOMAwGA1UECwwFT1NBQUYxGTAXBgNVBAMMEGludGVybWVk +aWF0ZUNBXzEwHhcNMTgwNDI1MTIxMzAxWhcNMTkwNDIwMTIxMzAxWjBtMQswCQYD +VQQGEwJVUzENMAsGA1UECgwET05BUDEZMBcGA1UECwwQb29mQG9vZi5vbmFwLm9y +ZzEOMAwGA1UECwwFT1NBQUYxJDAiBgNVBAMMG29vZi5hcGkuc2ltcGxlZGVtby5v +bmFwLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANGpQUtgLXG3 +dVikd/QC2Q24wzeTOeZzbx3PnidNYZT5K0sJ/TdnZF6O/4+9gXQ6AQS2Q8wfQ009 +MQAA5vhUaq5yZ2K+XAtEFGln1TxTFpGu3WDOwQ800Vw18Dk8WidrkzDJv489Bn1f +SSaPC0IaRB0K1d8BD63ZHgsuEY8lt31DX2wFWJcfN9mxNDzuLTZoLxtxKsedoZKH +rsOOILwXOhwuunfx40i6RQN/pFX6C2i8dtOA5OwUm9Q1RrZ2Tv1Uf4IURriH6bfZ +5n50yxTuL22TMYXsF/ohrdgwacuC0aV9ZSGhIZUJPyHVg7+QTBioHmoUJInVKuIx +kkC4lENbLYUCAwEAAaOB+jCB9zAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMBEGCWCGSAGG+EIBAQQEAwIG +wDAzBglghkgBhvhCAQ0EJhYkT3BlblNTTCBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgU2VydmVyIENlcnRp +ZmljYXRlMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQwbU5oHU2iYHCoVz4hFCvBW59cdTBUBgNVHSMETTBL +gBQd5lldG54KOKRipsGF8/PP1vGX6qEwpC4wLDEOMAwGA1UECwwFT1NBQUYxDTAL +BgNVBAoMBE9OQVAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTggEBMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIF4DAdBgNV +HSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBADEa +0VuxoFIygeQTqlizpHNwfApPmlAVSKDTWuEu4rhJs8GT61EuWZQPygXEUHCYmGvJ +GMwEGGIDGiQqxMqlqng46gksNJbi1ktXr6Du18qW7gziUd84ve8KcecjZru1Sk1e +UJ/6WEQVE17CHKcnzQZsMDakgP+61VgKbk5NlkeF/Qh4L6/3jY7g+xoXqaId5RT9 +BetmH/cMsj33lxQTs0fcXTbAQd6BX5ug854OJ1mU4ngJnNBdmn9Ow1bB71ohf5Xv +OEYX8+khjgjlmM0u1hBRL4qViv3y2Gzhpm1M8cETMDj4g0zIJytzIYMxO8XvDPCF +YmVZHXJDLsCogSOmmh0= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_key.key b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_key.key new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..246ff6d8cb --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/aai_key.key @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- +MIIFDjBABgkqhkiG9w0BBQ0wMzAbBgkqhkiG9w0BBQwwDgQIvxjZPeQVkRACAggA +MBQGCCqGSIb3DQMHBAhWqwQCjZFCrASCBMjWG5wsC1WFJISJ5odMHzYOWOKLpaDP +7a/dxnBrV6gId/DTmzoqtiBCmQRqhnUuYok98DNUFGjR9JqztNNOf5eslzqCugsh +zVwCvsJYKvxxJ4Q8tow3DKx28I6EmOvwudMsL9c30OxpEWdlWmyFimu5JDdDvWUH +S0fWKebQETZ7lptiRX2IXhC3Ye6Wu/DowDYc5L4Z/Q8nwncMB3n2ntMX10pBrura +15/R18AvG5cDwcasTXz5WKIB/K2onvJfW0so2M8jApu2DF4MpEIN9Z973uTNFXcL +dgHKWtIl2WO38coedaXUILgsxLSSU27TG4F+7QMGjiKXUSWjN9+TD+8zWye/9OIW +qfVtoh+n7lWtzC3Axo1OmPInCkFb+I7QaDsJgsUn+ZWap7FVJFrYiz20UTzYYgAK +OukCgKiJTHOhTT1k0km34ROPmqOk6mH7IkioUSTmoP362RpIVTbKv2e5GKzhYfkk +27W3RRG/qoZLUTU2AaAyoGZlzXDkBFw2g4vxnhcfHeXX6jyJyQWOOOeRJ5B6uc+Y +4XmKKJvq5pFlxUDmVCZLRzjwpvYPTQwTQQ9t7kEZFI8B7TMkDqv62YlXyoWNDwPq +yLvDwPDicx33AZor8N/eDgIOE+TXQ0vEyphf0c9OcgneeJmEtn7IskEahv32ruMQ +uFAAuIUmQfXPNMXu3MYIUItvZDm3RUk3YJDj9c8YtvxDlzLytHu5QYJ3v7rvo+mG +XKwmnZouaNRLw5Y7Mff07BuTPuttyNadacuJtUjvv8qVOIeuxQ7nku6yqKKLTeJr +8E4/tYyZ15FIo3hWi16h3zyZ9LiHhhe7d2XYSVMuzuD4jkIdHbdgiKsCJn9mI5PF +VpDF34w1Fjwv7Gu32MRMpJijAW10ENaP1O2izr9l8jwo+CLgi5qa6a2YTYAZooqt +UjTLfEIQKbwFbq5L9Eb1uRw1lRR9SxcxdNQdY+mtx0x2BSmXVUEcyi6OG/8Lzf/1 +9VoE5UPfhSE7ogfbL8eraFlQmKL8f3h3Jx/XDvvKC8YXxgooEhV0BsofXmLdF0BK +bhXR1/JptLz8CJjtlBWQkmqj+ONOHFA9/4YHMNn5T1PBLNzQCZSjQXrDKxowLDsI +ozUyZ080c2LrJCf6zj6+fB3LDvHYfJ6LnYASCHJlNS0NVmRPiYB/dmoqF/iyAEjp +cKUUrbhs6U95aPMo0pPSCuhLKiibCo3Vz/9dvGb7pr6aj/ehOjrtKtGlYukBqNkS +RQK2kkL8IO+iPWs3aCnEhfeS+wNBMAtI/TEw6As2zseyb3/SylHjek4s1gs9MPdw +c3o2ArwMzmP0sfFIjYz+AyQm+5i/LSnkNjG0OU9ekGXy7Z4HAcko2Dv8/SmOVapP +cf8c55RUDlYJh9Ltn0W5fuNA6dykV7f9s8BIrZcnzTN+lifNhNlEYYcmyZwlCcX4 +NBLoH+ENW+Q7+nuhGcf52j/XgTaPZ0Eec8ZJdK7FzVDN4DWKM4KHD7DgpkOR7TZl +IKGNtdvb3SaGG83YlJhRkkr0C2KvB0Mz2dkAhOKX3NkBr5fY62IvuMdqD7VDjGAw +h/GBn0k5+gpVP0Uh6yWEla3CjM9GnUuMVcwIUAYSeW2rFu4iapK0gBwguR91cM1N +MA8= +-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/bundle.pem b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/bundle.pem new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..60121e751b --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/bundle.pem @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIEVDCCAjygAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAsMQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVPU0FB +RjENMAsGA1UECgwET05BUDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMwHhcNMTgwNDA1MTQxNTQwWhcN +MTgwNjA0MTQxNTQwWjBHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzENMAsGA1UECgwET05BUDEOMAwG +A1UECwwFT1NBQUYxGTAXBgNVBAMMEGludGVybWVkaWF0ZUNBXzEwggEiMA0GCSqG +SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCY3YPA/YQdz4kaZQzdRzWNjmn33WYAWZ8+ +EIz3PhkEzk7M1q9N7Icx2LvozMj4VH0yGz/HYlliHhw26ZRsjYMSR8zATsXl4oW9 +w9BrjuyvM3w8Ptxe8WbUFF9LJDGyXPeVvcXVo0iyh3QYPWC/AWmomN19MvBFN5vH +AvEG/7qtonViNfISW9Gr9LpXB0foCmUDBu/lV+SwRGajoCPqdZhZ6/L6/yqDvha2 +wsML/UZXlGhXAedt/xOKmT/dSXx/I0vWBVp6Tq4zu87yCvd+I6Tpa5HjttA2I5EV +zdHX+JYBPBBcVCyO9YQOYjJuoVDE4D5etY6dEipKG/KZF/rqAoqZAgMBAAGjZjBk +MB0GA1UdDgQWBBQd5lldG54KOKRipsGF8/PP1vGX6jAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRTVTPy +S+vQUbHBeJrBKDF77+rtSTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQE +AwIBhjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAmgeiitBDi/YEqFh2Cqp0VIEqw8hiuV87 +rADQWMK4hv5WXl3KJTjFAnWsYFUKrm6s1jNH16FyGExUQgwggob0Vt+MHiUs36jU +kyret/uE5qrjz+/J+i2XG6s1oKcDRVD/jU4qBygZWFBMuwl7sz8IEvaYXGM43s96 +Du3UF9E+V3aMppqkGWz6MnrTmANnWAlDAMeifcoexjrpxiKbp8f49HX1UzwFoeEg +RnVwNqgDWT66yGV6mbNl6FpE/U81RpCRY1ZJDeVTxbqIaG/UPV4hpQ+BEVBDF+cb +rGsvsNYYpWx5srIQ7WtGKIlaDFbfWPwnHDHegzr8ypAS3KNWULE+QXCbHWtB+b0Y +WhP/2F6Jjb+ByvJqQoE+nHEYBeUOZUUZC4IuQFNJ5Wy5P0CNXdheiWhdrBmG02Gy +KMi0FJx6BEoWM2xcdl6bn5j9mhF4TX7zgepNWlgTra4Z8Oz8iqbQk33/s2OKM4ic +6ZezUYhNp+MuUt4Se+ufNcGV65jnUKeROtWzNLwP+xwglEFlG8aNiAORthd7QJuT +Ey2cX7H7f38ENQ5YCriUk1nVLO9F66l/rNRzYZgQzRI3IvDW8vyM2TLW2mcZNsaf +qjFMcCDweV2FRb8eTbmWzzB2/xTVpGzVJqzwgE+U7UtJx5CZS3wPkvXuEgvcg1tY +m1r4NGYFvLM= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..881ed22562 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf @@ -0,0 +1,636 @@ +# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada +# Modifications Copyright © 2018 AT&T,VMware, Intel Corporation. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +[DEFAULT] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Configuration file for WSGI definition of API. (string value) +api_paste_config = /usr/local/etc/conductor/api_paste.ini + +# Music keyspace for content (string value) +#keyspace = conductor + +# Delay time (Seconds) for MUSIC requests. Set it to 2 seconds by default. +# (integer value) +#delay_time = 2 + +# (boolean value) +#HPA_enabled = true + +# +# From oslo.log +# + +# If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default +# INFO level. (boolean value) +# Note: This option can be changed without restarting. +#debug = false +debug = true + +# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any +# existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration +# files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging +# configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the +# configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for +# example, logging_context_format_string). (string value) +# Note: This option can be changed without restarting. +# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config +#log_config_append = +log_config_append = /usr/local/bin/log.conf + +# Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: +# %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string +# value) +#log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S + +# (Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, +# logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if +# log_config_append is set. (string value) +# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile +#log_file = + +# (Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file paths. This option +# is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value) +# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir +#log_dir = + +# Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or +# removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path +# instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and +# Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. +# (boolean value) +#watch_log_file = false + +# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be +# changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append +# is set. (boolean value) +#use_syslog = false + +# Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish +# to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol +# which includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is +# ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value) +#use_journal = false + +# Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if +# log_config_append is set. (string value) +#syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER + +# Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append +# is set. (boolean value) +#use_json = false + +# Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is +# set. (boolean value) +#use_stderr = false + +# Format string to use for log messages with context. (string value) +#logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s + +# Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. (string +# value) +#logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s + +# Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message +# is DEBUG. (string value) +#logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d + +# Prefix each line of exception output with this format. (string value) +#logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s + +# Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in +# logging_context_format_string. (string value) +#logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s + +# List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored +# if log_config_append is set. (list value) +#default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,oslo_messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN,taskflow=WARN,keystoneauth=WARN,oslo.cache=INFO,dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO + +# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean value) +#publish_errors = false + +# The format for an instance that is passed with the log message. (string +# value) +#instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] " + +# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message. (string +# value) +#instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] " + +# Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting. (integer value) +#rate_limit_interval = 0 + +# Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval. (integer value) +#rate_limit_burst = 0 + +# Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG +# or empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level +# are not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered. (string +# value) +#rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL + +# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean value) +#fatal_deprecations = false + +[auth] +appkey = "" + +[aaf_api] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# is_aaf_enabled. (boolean value) +is_aaf_enabled = true + +# aaf_cache_expiry_hrs. (integer value) +aaf_cache_expiry_hrs = 3 + +# aaf_url. (string value) +aaf_url = https://{{.Values.config.aaf.serviceName}}:{{.Values.config.aaf.port}}/authz/perms/user/ + +# aaf_cert_file. (string value) +#aaf_cert_file = + +# aaf_cert_key_file. (string value) +#aaf_cert_key_file = + +# aaf_ca_bundle_file. (string value) +#aaf_ca_bundle_file = +aaf_ca_bundle_file = /usr/local/bin/AAF_RootCA.cer + +# aaf_retries. (integer value) +#aaf_retries = 3 + +# aaf_timeout. (integer value) +#aaf_timeout = 100 + +# aaf_user_roles. (list value) +#aaf_permissions = {"type": "org.onap.oof.access","instance": "*","action": "*"} + + +[aaf_sms] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Base URL for SMS, up to and not including the version, and without a trailing +# slash. (string value) +aaf_sms_url = https://{{.Values.config.sms.serviceName}}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:{{.Values.config.sms.port}} + + +# Timeout for SMS API Call (integer value) +#aaf_sms_timeout = 30 + +# Path to the cacert that will be used to verify If this is None, verify will +# be False and the server certis not verified by the client. (string value) +#aaf_ca_certs = AAF_RootCA.cer +aaf_ca_certs = /usr/local/bin/AAF_RootCA.cer + +# Domain UUID - A unique UUID generated when the domainfor HAS is created by +# administrator during deployment (string value) +#secret_domain = has + + +[aai] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Interval with which to refresh the local cache, in minutes. (integer value) +#cache_refresh_interval = 1440 +cache_refresh_interval = 1 + +# Interval with which to refresh the local complex cache, in minutes. (integer +# value) +#complex_cache_refresh_interval = 1440 +complex_cache_refresh_interval = 60 + +# Data Store table prefix. (string value) +#table_prefix = aai + +# Base URL for A&AI, up to and not including the version, and without a +# trailing slash. (string value) +server_url = https://{{.Values.config.aai.serviceName}}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:{{.Values.config.aai.port}}/aai + +# Timeout for A&AI Rest Call (string value) +#aai_rest_timeout = 30 + +# Number of retry for A&AI Rest Call (string value) +#aai_retries = 3 + +# The version of A&AI in v# format. (string value) +server_url_version = v19 + +# SSL/TLS certificate file in pem format. This certificate must be registered +# with the A&AI endpoint. (string value) +certificate_file = + +# Private Certificate Key file in pem format. (string value) +certificate_key_file = + +# Certificate Authority Bundle file in pem format. Must contain the appropriate +# trust chain for the Certificate file. (string value) +#certificate_authority_bundle_file = certificate_authority_bundle.pem +certificate_authority_bundle_file = /usr/local/bin/AAF_RootCA.cer + +# Username for AAI. (string value) +username = OOF + +# Password for AAI. (string value) +password = OOF + + +[api] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Toggle Pecan Debug Middleware. (boolean value) +#pecan_debug = false + +# Default maximum number of items returned by API request. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#default_api_return_limit = 100 + +[conductor_api] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Base URL for plans. (string value) +#server_url = + +# username for plans. (string value) +#username = +username = admin1 + +# password for plans. (string value) +#password = +password = plan.15 + +# auth toggling. (boolean value) +basic_auth_secure = true + + +[controller] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Timeout for planning requests. Default value is 10. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#timeout = 10 +timeout = 200 + +# Maximum number of result sets to return. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#limit = 1 + +# Number of workers for controller service. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#workers = 1 + +# Set to True when controller will run in active-active mode. When set to +# False, controller will flush any abandoned messages at startup. The +# controller always restarts abandoned template translations at startup. +# (boolean value) +#concurrent = false +concurrent = true + +# Time between checking for new plans. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#polling_interval = 1 + +# (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#max_translation_counter = 1 + + +[data] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Number of workers for data service. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#workers = 1 + +# Set to True when data will run in active-active mode. When set to False, data +# will flush any abandoned messages at startup. (boolean value) +#concurrent = false +concurrent = true + +# Default value is -8000, which is the diameter of the earth. The distance +# cannot larger than this value (floating point value) +#existing_placement_cost = -8000.0 + +# (floating point value) +#cloud_candidate_cost = 2.0 + +# (floating point value) +#service_candidate_cost = 1.0 + + +[inventory_provider] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Extensions list to use (list value) +#extensions = aai + + +[messaging_server] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Music keyspace for messages (string value) +#keyspace = conductor_rpc + +# Wait interval while checking for a message response. Default value is 1 +# second. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#check_interval = 1 + +# Overall message response timeout. Default value is 120 seconds. (integer +# value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#response_timeout = 120 + +# Timeout for detecting a VM is down, and other VMs can pick the plan up. +# Default value is 5 minutes. (integer value) (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +timeout = 300 + +# Number of workers for messaging service. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#workers = 1 + +# Time between checking for new messages. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#polling_interval = 1 + +# Log debug messages. Default value is False. (boolean value) +#debug = false + + +[multicloud] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Base URL for Multicloud without a trailing slash. (string value) +#server_url = +server_url = http://{{.Values.config.msb.serviceName}}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:{{.Values.config.msb.port}}/api/multicloud + +# Timeout for Multicloud Rest Call (string value) +#multicloud_rest_timeout = 30 + +# Number of retry for Multicloud Rest Call (string value) +#multicloud_retries = 3 + +# The version of Multicloud API. (string value) +#server_url_version = v0 + + +[music_api] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Base URL for Music REST API without a trailing slash. (string value) +#server_url = http://oof-has-music:8080/MUSIC/rest/v2 +server_url = https://{{}}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}:{{}}/MUSIC/rest/v2 +version = v2 + +# DEPRECATED: List of hostnames (round-robin access) (list value) +# This option is deprecated for removal. +# Its value may be silently ignored in the future. +# Reason: Use server_url instead +#hostnames = + +# DEPRECATED: Port (integer value) +# This option is deprecated for removal. +# Its value may be silently ignored in the future. +# Reason: Use server_url instead +#port = + +# DEPRECATED: Path (string value) +# This option is deprecated for removal. +# Its value may be silently ignored in the future. +# Reason: Use server_url instead +#path = + +# Socket connection timeout (floating point value) +#connect_timeout = 3.05 + +# Socket read timeout (floating point value) +#read_timeout = 12.05 + +# Lock timeout (integer value) +#lock_timeout = 10 + +# Replication factor (integer value) +#replication_factor = 1 +replication_factor = 1 + +# Use mock API (boolean value) +#mock = false + +# (string value) +#music_topology = SimpleStrategy + +# Name of the first data center (string value) +#first_datacenter_name = + +# Number of replicas in first data center (integer value) +#first_datacenter_replicas = + +# Name of the second data center (string value) +#second_datacenter_name = + +# Number of replicas in second data center (integer value) +#second_datacenter_replicas = + +# Name of the third data center (string value) +#third_datacenter_name = + +# Number of replicas in third data center (integer value) +#third_datacenter_replicas = + +# new or old version (boolean value) +#music_new_version = +music_new_version = True + +# for version (string value) +#music_version = +music_version = "3.2.40" + +# username value that used for creating basic authorization header (string +# value) +#aafuser = +aafuser = conductor + +# password value that used for creating basic authorization header (string +# value) +#aafpass = +aafpass = c0nduct0r + +# AAF namespace field used in MUSIC request header (string value) +#aafns = +aafns = conductor + +# Enabling HTTPs mode (boolean value) +enable_https_mode = True + +# Certificate Authority Bundle file in pem format. Must contain the appropriate +# trust chain for the Certificate file. (string value) +certificate_authority_bundle_file = /usr/local/bin/AAF_RootCA.cer + + +[prometheus] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Prometheus Metrics Endpoint (list value) +#metrics_port = 8000,8001,8002,8003,8004 + + +[reservation] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Number of workers for reservation service. Default value is 1. (integer +# value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#workers = 1 + +# Number of times reservation/release should be attempted. (integer value) +#reserve_retries = 1 + +# Timeout for detecting a VM is down, and other VMs can pick the plan up and +# resereve. Default value is 600 seconds. (integer value) (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#timeout = 600 + +# Set to True when reservation will run in active-active mode. When set to +# False, reservation will restart any orphaned reserving requests at startup. +# (boolean value) +#concurrent = false +concurrent = true + +# (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#max_reservation_counter = 1 + + +[sdnc] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Interval with which to refresh the local cache, in minutes. (integer value) +#cache_refresh_interval = 1440 + +# Data Store table prefix. (string value) +#table_prefix = sdnc + +# Base URL for SDN-C, up to and including the version. (string value) +server_url = https://controller:8443/restconf/ + +# Basic Authentication Username (string value) +#username = +username = admin + +# Basic Authentication Password (string value) +#password = +password = Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U + +# Timeout for SDNC Rest Call (string value) +#sdnc_rest_timeout = 30 + +# Retry Numbers for SDNC Rest Call (string value) +#sdnc_retries = 3 + +[service_controller] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Extensions list to use (list value) +#extensions = sdnc + + +[solver] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Number of workers for solver service. Default value is 1. (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#workers = 1 + +# The timeout value for solver service. Default value is 480 seconds. (integer +# value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#solver_timeout = 480 + +# Set to True when solver will run in active-active mode. When set to False, +# solver will restart any orphaned solving requests at startup. (boolean value) +#concurrent = false +concurrent = true + +# Timeout for detecting a VM is down, and other VMs can pick the plan up. This +# value should be larger than solver_timeoutDefault value is 10 minutes. +# (integer value) (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#timeout = 600 + +# (integer value) +# Minimum value: 1 +#max_solver_counter = 1 + + +[vim_controller] + +# +# From conductor +# + +# Extensions list to use (list value) +#extensions = multicloud diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/healthcheck.json b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/healthcheck.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..833fa0f5d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/healthcheck.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "consistencyInfo": { + "type": "eventual" + }, + "values": { + "id": "healthcheck", + "created": 1479482603641, + "message": "", + "name": "foo", + "recommend_max": 1, + "solution": "{\"healthcheck\": \" healthcheck\"}", + "status": "solved", + "template": "{\"healthcheck\": \"healthcheck\"}", + "timeout": 3600, + "translation": "{\"healthcheck\": \" healthcheck\"}", + "updated": 1484324150629 + } +} diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..d78777ad1c --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada +# Modifications Copyright © 2018 AT&T,VMware +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +#!/bin/bash + +# Controller is a process that reads from Music Q +# It uses no ports (TCP or HTTP). The PROB will check +# if the controller process exists or not. In case +# it exists, it will send 0, else send 1 so k8s can i +# restart the container + +pid="$(pgrep -f '/usr/local/bin/conductor')" +if [ -z "$pid" ] +then + echo 1 +else + echo 0 +fi diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log.conf b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log.conf new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c476d0b6c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log.conf @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada +# Modifications Copyright © 2018 AT&T,VMware +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +[loggers] +keys=root + +[handlers] +keys=trfhand,consoleHandler,audithand,metrichand,errhand,debughand + +[logger_root] +level=NOTSET +handlers=trfhand,consoleHandler,audithand,metrichand,errhand,debughand + +[handler_consoleHandler] +class=StreamHandler +level=NOTSET +formatter=generic +args=(sys.stdout,) + +[handler_trfhand] +class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler +level=NOTSET +formatter=generic +args=('/var/log/conductor/application.log','midnight', 1, 10) + +[handler_audithand] +class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler +level=INFO +formatter=audit +args=('/var/log/conductor/audit.log', 'midnight', 1, 10) + +[handler_metrichand] +class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler +level=INFO +formatter=metric +args=('/var/log/conductor/metric.log','midnight', 1, 10) + +[handler_errhand] +class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler +level=ERROR +formatter=error +args=('/var/log/conductor/error.log','midnight', 1, 10) + +[handler_debughand] +class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler +level=DEBUG +formatter=generic +args=('/var/log/conductor/debug.log','midnight', 1, 10) + +[formatters] +keys=generic,audit,metric,error + +[formatter_audit] +format=%(asctime)s|%(asctime)s|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000||%(thread)d||Conductor|N/A|COMPLETE|200|sucessful||%(levelname)s|||0|%(module)s|||||||||%(name)s : [-] %(message)s +datefmt= + +[formatter_metric] +format=%(asctime)s|%(asctime)s|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000||%(thread)d||Conductor|N/A|N/A|N/A|COMPLETE|200|sucessful||%(levelname)s|||0|%(module)s||||||||||%(name)s : [-] %(message)s +datefmt= + +[formatter_error] +format=%(asctime)s|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|%(thread)d|Conductor|N/A|N/A|N/A|ERROR|500|N/A|%(name)s : [-] %(message)s +datefmt= + +[formatter_generic] +format=%(asctime)s||%(thread)d|%(levelname)s|%(module)s|%(name)s: [-] %(message)s +datefmt= diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log/filebeat.yml b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log/filebeat.yml new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..aa19dc2d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/log/filebeat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada +# Modifications Copyright © 2018 AT&T,VMware +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +filebeat.prospectors: +#it is mandatory, in our case it's log +- input_type: log + #This is the canolical path as mentioned in logback.xml, *.* means it will monitor all files in the directory. + paths: + - /var/log/onap/*/*/*/*.log + - /var/log/onap/*/*/*.log + - /var/log/onap/*/*.log + #Files older than this should be ignored.In our case it will be 48 hours i.e. 2 days. It is a helping flag for clean_inactive + ignore_older: 48h + # Remove the registry entry for a file that is more than the specified time. In our case it will be 96 hours, i.e. 4 days. It will help to keep registry records with in limit + clean_inactive: 96h + + +# Name of the registry file. If a relative path is used, it is considered relative to the +# data path. Else full qualified file name. +#filebeat.registry_file: ${}/registry diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/nginx.conf b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/nginx.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6790164d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/nginx.conf @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +events { + worker_connections 768; + # multi_accept on; +} + +http { + # ... + upstream conductor_uwsgi { + server; + } + + server { + + listen 8091 ssl; + server_name oof; + ssl_certificate /opt/bitnami/nginx/ssl/local/org.onap.oof.crt; + ssl_certificate_key /opt/bitnami/nginx/ssl/local/org.onap.oof.key; + ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; + ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; + + location / { + include /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/uwsgi_params; + uwsgi_pass conductor_uwsgi; + + uwsgi_param Host $host; + uwsgi_param X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; + uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-Proto $http_x_forwarded_proto; + } + } +} diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/onboard.json b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/onboard.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..2c3d69be8d --- /dev/null +++ b/kubernetes/oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/onboard.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "appname": "conductor", + "userId": "conductor", + "isAAF": "false", + "password": "c0nduct0r" +} -- cgit 1.2.3-korg