From e68c766712ed6c95aff054004335813952bf5ffa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Geissler <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 10:02:43 +0100
Subject: [COMMON][DOC] Add documentation for Montral and GatewayAPI

Add override file to use GatewayAPI as Ingress provider
A precreated GW named "common-gateway" is used.
Added documentation for Montreal like release notes,
Infrastructure guides...

Issue-ID: OOM-3184
Issue-ID: OOM-3242

Change-Id: I18107bac52abf34dbc0b217fd8b7542ba51aab84
Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <>
 docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra.rst    |   1 -
 .../infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst   |  59 ++++---
 .../oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst          |   8 +-
 .../oom_infra_ingres_controller_setup.rst          | 181 ---------------------
 4 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_ingres_controller_setup.rst

(limited to 'docs/sections/guides/infra_guides')

diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra.rst
index ddc00b6115..5c1d1f1434 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra.rst
@@ -31,4 +31,3 @@ following documents:
-  oom_infra_ingres_controller_setup.rst
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
index 8f74ea987e..4c21217c23 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ Validate the installation::
   NAME             STATUS   ROLES               AGE     VERSION
-  onap-control-1   Ready    controlplane,etcd   3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-control-2   Ready    controlplane,etcd   3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-1       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-2       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-3       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-4       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-5       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
-  onap-k8s-6       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.23.8
+  onap-control-1   Ready    controlplane,etcd   3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-control-2   Ready    controlplane,etcd   3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-1       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-2       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-3       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-4       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-5       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
+  onap-k8s-6       Ready    worker              3h53m   v1.27.5
 Install & configure helm
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Istio Service Mesh
 .. note::
-    In London ONAP deployment supports the
+    The ONAP deployment supports the
     `ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Structure`_
 ONAP is currenty supporting Istio as default ServiceMesh platform.
@@ -291,14 +291,35 @@ Ingress Controller Installation
 In the production setup 2 different Ingress setups are supported.
-- Istio Gateway `Istio-Gateway`_ (currently tested, but in the future deprecated)
-- Gateway API `Gateway-API`_ (in Alpha status, but will be standard in the future)
+- Gateway API `Gateway-API`_ (recommended)
+- Istio Gateway `Istio-Gateway`_ (alternative, but in the future deprecated)
 Depending on the solution, the ONAP helm values.yaml has to be configured.
 See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for more details.
-Istio Gateway
+Gateway-API (recommended)
+- Install the Gateway-API CRDs replacing the
+  <recommended-gwapi-version> with the version defined in
+  the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+    > kubectl apply -f<recommended-gwapi-version>/experimental-install.yaml
+- Create a common Gateway instance named "common-gateway"
+  The following example uses provides listeners for HTTP(s), UDP and TCP
+    .. collapse:: common-gateway.yaml
+      .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/common-gateway.yaml
+         :code: yaml
+- Apply the change::
+    > kubectl apply -f common-gateway.yaml
+Istio Gateway (alternative)
 - Create a namespace istio-ingress for the Istio Ingress gateway
   and enable istio-injection::
@@ -323,18 +344,6 @@ Istio Gateway
     --version <recommended-istio-version> -f ingress-istio.yaml --wait
-- Install the Gateway-API CRDs replacing the
-  <recommended-gwapi-version> with the version defined in
-  the :ref:`versions_table` table::
-    > kubectl apply -f<recommended-gwapi-version>/experimental-install.yaml
-- Create a common Gateway instance
-  TBD
 Keycloak Installation
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
index e46bee1c04..3d824c7171 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for mo
 .. rubric:: Software Requirements
-The versions of software that are supported by OOM are as follows:
+The versions of software that are supported and tested by OOM are as follows:
 .. _versions_table:
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The versions of software that are supported by OOM are as follows:
   ==============     ===========  =======  ========  ========  =============  ========
   Kohn               1.23.8       3.8.2    1.23.8    20.10.x   1.8.0          0.32.0
   London             1.23.8       3.8.2    1.23.x    20.10.x   1.12.2         0.35.0
-  Montreal           1.23.8       3.10.2   1.23.x    20.10.x   1.12.2         0.35.0
+  Montreal           1.27.5       3.12.3   1.27.x    20.10.x   1.13.2         0.36.1
   ==============     ===========  =======  ========  ========  =============  ========
 .. table:: OOM Software Requirements (production)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The versions of software that are supported by OOM are as follows:
   Release            Istio   Gateway-API  Keycloak
   ==============     ======  ============ ==============
   London             1.17.2  v0.6.2       19.0.3-legacy
-  Montreal           1.17.2  v0.6.2       19.0.3-legacy
+  Montreal           1.19.3  v1.0.0       19.0.3-legacy
   ==============     ======  ============ ==============
 .. table:: OOM Software Requirements (optional)
@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ The versions of software that are supported by OOM are as follows:
   ==============     ================= ========== =================
   Kohn               35.x
   London             45.x              1.6.1
-  Montreal           45.x              1.9.1      0.21.0
+  Montreal           45.x              1.10.2     0.23.1
   ==============     ================= ========== =================
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
-.. International License.
-.. Copyright 2020, Samsung Electronics
-.. Modification copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation
-.. Links
-.. _metallb Metal Load Balancer installation:
-.. _oom_setup_ingress_controller:
-OOM Ingress controller setup
-.. warning::
-    This guide does not describe the Istio Ingress Gateway configuration
-    required for the ONAP Production Setup in London
-    The installation of Istio Ingress (and Gateway-API) is described in
-    :ref:`OOM Base Platform<oom_base_setup_guide>`
-This optional guide provides instruction how to setup experimental ingress controller
-feature. For this, we are hosting our cluster on OpenStack VMs and using the
-Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) to deploy and manage our Kubernetes Cluster and
-ingress controller
-.. contents::
-   :backlinks: top
-   :depth: 1
-   :local:
-The result at the end of this tutorial will be:
-#. Customization of the cluster.yaml file for ingress controller support
-#. Installation and configuration test DNS server for ingress host resolution
-   on testing machines
-#. Installation and configuration MLB (Metal Load Balancer) required for
-   exposing ingress service
-#. Installation and configuration NGINX ingress controller
-#. Additional info how to deploy ONAP with services exposed via Ingress
-   controller
-Customize cluster.yml file
-Before setup cluster for ingress purposes DNS cluster IP and ingress provider
-should be configured and following:
-.. code-block:: yaml
-  ---
-  <...>
-  restore:
-    restore: false
-    snapshot_name: ""
-  ingress:
-    provider: none
-  dns:
-    provider: coredns
-    upstreamnameservers:
-      - <custer_dns_ip>:31555
-Where the <cluster_dns_ip> should be set to the same IP as the CONTROLPANE
-For external load balancer purposes, minimum one of the worker node should be
-configured with external IP address accessible outside the cluster. It can be
-done using the following example node configuration:
-.. code-block:: yaml
-  ---
-  <...>
-  - address: <external_ip>
-    internal_address: <internal_ip>
-    port: "22"
-    role:
-      - worker
-    hostname_override: "onap-worker-0"
-    user: ubuntu
-    ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
-    <...>
-Where the <external_ip> is external worker node IP address, and <internal_ip>
-is internal node IP address if it is required.
-DNS server configuration and installation
-DNS server deployed on the Kubernetes cluster makes it easy to use services
-exposed through ingress controller because it resolves all subdomain related to
-the ONAP cluster to the load balancer IP. Testing ONAP cluster requires a lot
-of entries on the target machines in the /etc/hosts. Adding many entries into
-the configuration files on testing machines is quite problematic and error
-prone. The better wait is to create central DNS server with entries for all
-virtual host pointed to and add custom DNS server as a
-target DNS server for testing machines and/or as external DNS for Kubernetes
-DNS server has automatic installation and configuration script, so installation
-is quite easy::
-  > cd kubernetes/contrib/dns-server-for-vhost-ingress-testing
-  > ./deploy\
-After DNS deploy you need to setup DNS entry on the target testing machine.
-Because DNS listen on non standard port configuration require iptables rules
-on the target machine. Please follow the configuration proposed by the deploy
-Example output depends on the IP address and example output looks like bellow::
-  DNS server already deployed:
-  1. You can add the DNS server to the target machine using following commands:
-    sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
-    sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
-    sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1
-    sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
-  2. Update /etc/resolv.conf file with nameserver entry on your target machine
-MetalLB Load Balancer installation and configuration
-By default pure Kubernetes cluster requires external load balancer if we want
-to expose external port using LoadBalancer settings. For this purpose MetalLB
-can be used. Before installing the MetalLB you need to ensure that at least one
-worker has assigned IP accessible outside the cluster.
-MetalLB Load balancer can be easily installed using automatic install script::
-  > cd kubernetes/contrib/metallb-loadbalancer-inst
-  > ./
-Configuration of the Nginx ingress controller
-After installation of the DNS server and ingress controller, we can install and
-configure ingress controller.
-It can be done using the following commands::
-  > cd kubernetes/contrib/ingress-nginx-post-inst
-  > kubectl apply -f nginx_ingress_cluster_config.yaml
-  > kubectl apply -f nginx_ingress_enable_optional_load_balacer_service.yaml
-After deploying the NGINX ingress controller, you can ensure that the ingress port is
-exposed as load balancer service with an external IP address::
-  > kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
-  NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
-  default-http-backend   ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP                       25h
-  ingress-nginx          LoadBalancer   80:31308/TCP,443:30314/TCP   24h
-ONAP with ingress exposed services
-If you want to deploy onap with services exposed through ingress controller you
-can use full onap deploy yaml::
-  > onap/resources/overrides/onap-all-ingress-nginx-vhost.yaml
-Ingress also can be enabled on any onap setup override using following code:
-.. code-block:: yaml
-  ---
-  <...>
-  global:
-  <...>
-    ingress:
-      enabled: true