#!/bin/bash PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # # globals and defaults # NAMESPACE= OVERRIDES= HELM_CHART_RELEASE_NAME= HELM_DELETE_ALL= HELM_SKIP_DEPLOY= VOLUME_STORAGE= HELM_TIMEOUT=3600 RELEASE_PREFIX=onap # # control variables # CMD=$(basename "$0") COLOR_ON_RED='\033[0;31;1m' COLOR_ON_GREEN='\033[0;32;1m' COLOR_OFF='\033[0m' # # functions # help() { cat < (-f|--file )... (-s|--storage )|--no-storage-deletion [-p|--release-prefix ] [-t|--timeout ] [(-c|--component )...| (-D|--delete-all)] [-C|--clean-only] EXAMPLES Usage 1: (simple heuristics - redeploy failed components): ${CMD} -n onap -f /some/override1.yml -s /dockerdata-nfs Usage 2: (redeploy ONLY explicitly listed components): ${CMD} -n onap -f /some/override1.yml -s /dockerdata-nfs \\ -c onap-aaf -c onap-sdc -c onap-portal Usage 3: (delete EVERYTHING and redeploy): ${CMD} -n onap -f /some/override1.yml -s /dockerdata-nfs --delete-all Usage 4: (delete EVERYTHING and DO NOT redeploy - clean env.) ${CMD} -n onap -s /dockerdata-nfs --delete-all --clean-only NOTES Namespace argument (always) and at least one override file (if you don't use '--delete-all') are mandatory for this script to execute. Also you must provide path to the storage ('--storage') OR explicitly request to not delete file storage of the component ('--no-storage-deletion'). The storage should be a directory where persistent volume resides. It will work only if the component created the persistent volume with the same filename as its release name. Otherwise no files are deleted. The exception is when '--delete-all' is used - in that case all content of the storage is deleted (because ONAP is not consistent with the volume directory names - e.g.: sdnc). '--file' can be used multiple of times and it is used for override files which are passed on to helm. The order is significant because if two override files modify one value the latest one is used. This option is ignored if '--clean-only' is used. CAUTION 1: filename of an override file cannot contain whitespace! This is actually helm/onap deploy plugin issue which does not handle such files. So I dropped the more complicated version of this script when there is no reason to support something on what will helm deploy choke anyway. '--prefix' option is helm release argument - it is actually prefix when you list the helm releases - helm is little confusing here. CAUTION 2: By default release prefix is 'onap' - if you deployed release 'onap' and now run this script with different prefix then it will skip all 'onap-*' components and will deploy a new release with new prefix - BEWARE TO USE PROPER RELEASE PREFIX! Timeout sets the waiting time for helm deploy per component. '--component' references to the release name of the chart which you want to redeploy excplicitly - otherwise 'ALL FAILED' components will be redeployed. You can target more than one component at once - just use the argument multiple times. Component option is mutually exclusive with the '--delete-all' which will delete all components - healthy or not. Actually it will delete the whole NAMESPACE and everything in it. Also to be sure it will cleanup all orphaned images and volumes on all kubernetes nodes. '--clean-only' can be used with any usage: heuristics, explicit component list or with '--delete-all'. It basically just skips the last step - the actual redeploy. EOF } use_help() { printf "Try help: ${CMD} --help\n" } msg() { printf "${COLOR_ON_GREEN}INFO: $@ ${COLOR_OFF}\n" } error() { printf "${COLOR_ON_RED}ERROR: $@ ${COLOR_OFF}\n" } on_exit() { printf "$COLOR_OFF" } # remove all successfully completed jobs clean_jobs() { kubectl get jobs -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --no-headers=true | \ while read -r _job _completion _duration _age ; do _done=$(echo ${_completion} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/";} {print $1;}') _desired=$(echo ${_completion} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/";} {print $2;}') if [ "$_desired" -eq "$_done" ] ; then delete_job "$_job" fi done } get_failed_labels() { get_labels 'status.phase==Failed' } # arg: [optional: selector] get_labels() { if [ -n "$1" ] ; then _selector="--field-selector=${1}" else _selector= fi kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --show-labels=true \ ${_selector} \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --no-headers=true | \ while read -r _pod _ready _status _restart _age _labels ; do [ -z "$_labels" ] && break for _label in $(echo "$_labels" | tr ',' ' ') ; do case "$_label" in release=*) _label=$(echo "$_label" | sed 's/release=//') echo "$_label" ;; esac done done | sort -u } # arg: helm_undeploy() { msg "Undeploy helm release name: ${1}" # Helm v3 does not support "--purge" flag since it's a default behavior for v3 if [[ $(helm version --template "{{.Version}}") =~ ^v3 ]];then helm undeploy ${1} else helm undeploy ${1} --purge fi sleep 15s } # arg: delete_job() { kubectl delete job -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --cascade=true \ --now=true \ --wait=true \ ${1} # wait for job to be deleted _output=start while [ -n "$_output" ] && sleep 1 ; do _output=$(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --no-headers=true \ --selector="job-name=${1}") done } #arg: get_resources_for_component() { helm status $1 | awk -f <(cat - <<-'EOD' BEGIN { work="no" kind="" a["dummy"]="" } $1 ~ ":" { if ( $1 == "RESOURCES:" ) { work="yes" } else { work="no" } } $1 == "==>" { split($2, a, "[/(]") kind=a[2] } $1 != "NAME" && $1 != "==>" && work == "yes" && $1 !~ ":" && $1 != "" { printf "%s/%s\n", kind, $1 } EOD ) } # arg: delete_resource() { local _resource="$1" local _kind="${_resource%/*}" local _name="${_resource#*/}" if kubectl get ${_resource} >/dev/null 2>&1; then msg "${_resource} has not been removed with helm undeploy, manual removal is required. Proceeding" kubectl delete ${_resource} -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --cascade=true \ --now=true \ --wait=true \ 2>&1 | grep -iv 'not[[:space:]]*found' # wait for resource to be deleted _output=start while [ -n "$_output" ] && sleep 1 ; do _output=$(kubectl get ${_kind} ${_name} -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --no-headers=true ) done msg "Done" fi } delete_namespace() { msg "Delete the whole namespace: ${NAMESPACE}" kubectl delete namespace \ --cascade=true \ --now=true \ --wait=true \ "$NAMESPACE" # wait for namespace to be deleted _output=start while [ -n "$_output" ] && sleep 1 ; do _output=$(kubectl get all -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --no-headers=true) done } delete_persistent_volume() { _persistent_volume=$1 if kubectl get ${_persistent_volume} >/dev/null 2>&1; then msg "${_persistent_volume} has not been removed with helm undeploy, manual removal is required. Proceeding" #very often k8s hangs on Terminating state for pv due to still active pvc. It is better to delete pvc directly _claim=$(kubectl get ${_persistent_volume} -o jsonpath='{ .spec.claimRef.name}') delete_resource PersistentVolumeClaim/${_claim} fi } # arg: [optional: directory] delete_storage() { _node=$(kubectl get nodes \ --selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/worker \ -o wide \ --no-headers=true | \ awk '{print $6}' | head -n 1) if [ -z "$_node" ] ; then error "Could not list kubernetes nodes - SKIPPING DELETION" else if [ -n "$1" ] ; then msg "Delete directory '${1}' on $_node" ssh $_node "rm -rf '${1}'" else msg "Delete directories '${VOLUME_STORAGE}/*' on $_node" ssh $_node "find '${VOLUME_STORAGE}' -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -exec rm -rf '{}' \;" fi fi } docker_cleanup() { _nodes=$(kubectl get nodes \ --selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/worker \ -o wide \ --no-headers=true | \ awk '{print $6}') if [ -z "$_nodes" ] ; then error "Could not list kubernetes nodes - SKIPPING docker cleanup" return fi for _node in $_nodes ; do msg "Docker cleanup on $_node" ssh $_node "docker system prune --force --all --volumes" >/dev/null & done msg "We are waiting now for docker cleanup to finish on all nodes..." wait } is_helm_serve_running() { # healthy result: HTTP/1.1 200 OK _helm_serve_result=$(curl -w %{http_code} --silent --connect-timeout 3 -o /dev/null) if [ "$_helm_serve_result" == "200" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # arg: undeploy_component() { local _component=$1 #Because Helm undeploy is not reliable: Gathering resources assigned to componen to track and remove orphans later _component_resources=($(get_resources_for_component ${_component})) declare -a _persistent_volumes declare -a _standard declare -a _unknown_kinds for resource in ${_component_resources[@]}; do case $resource in CronJob/* | Job/* | Secret/* | ConfigMap/* | Pod/* | Service/* | Deployment/* | StatefulSet/*) _standard+=(${resource});; #Ignoring PVC, they will be handled along with PV as 'helm' status does not return them for some components PersistentVolumeClaim/*) ;; PersistentVolume/*) _persistent_volumes+=(${resource});; *) _unknown_kinds+=(${resource}) esac done #Gathering physical location of directories for persistent volumes to delete them after undeploy declare -a _physical_locations for volume in ${_persistent_volumes[@]}; do _physical_locations+=($(kubectl get ${volume} -o jsonpath='{ .spec.hostPath.path}' )) done helm_undeploy ${_component} #Manual items removal for resource in ${_standard[@]}; do delete_resource ${resource} done for volume in ${_persistent_volumes[@]}; do delete_persistent_volume ${volume} done for subdir in ${_physical_locations[@]}; do delete_storage ${subdir} done if [ "${#_unknown_kinds[@]}" -ne 0 ] ; then for resource in ${_unknown_kinds[@]}; do error "Untracked resource kind present: ${resource}, attempting to delete it..." delete_resource ${resource} done return fi } # arg: deploy_component() { # TODO: until I can verify that this does the same for this component as helm deploy #msg "Redeployment of the component ${1}..." #helm install "local/${_chart}" --name ${1} --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --wait --timeout ${HELM_TIMEOUT} error "NOT IMPLEMENTED" } # # arguments # state=nil arg_namespace= arg_overrides= arg_timeout= arg_storage= arg_nostorage= arg_components= arg_prefix= arg_deleteall= arg_cleanonly= while [ -n "$1" ] ; do case $state in nil) case "$1" in -h|--help) help exit 0 ;; -n|--namespace) state=namespace ;; -f|--file) state=override ;; -t|--timeout) state=timeout ;; -s|--storage) state=storage ;; --no-storage-deletion) if [ -n "$arg_storage" ] ; then error "Usage of storage argument together with no storage deletion option!" use_help exit 1 elif [ -z "$arg_nostorage" ] ; then arg_nostorage=nostorage else error "Duplicit argument for no storage option! (IGNORING)" fi ;; -c|--component) if [ -n "$arg_deleteall" ] ; then error "'Delete all components' used already - argument mismatch" use_help exit 1 fi state=component ;; -D|--delete-all) if [ -n "$arg_components" ] ; then error "Explicit component(s) provided already - argument mismatch" use_help exit 1 elif [ -z "$arg_deleteall" ] ; then arg_deleteall=deleteall else error "Duplicit argument for 'delete all' option! (IGNORING)" fi ;; -p|--prefix) state=prefix ;; -C|--clean-only) if [ -z "$arg_cleanonly" ] ; then arg_cleanonly=cleanonly else error "Duplicit argument for 'clean only' option! (IGNORING)" fi ;; *) error "Unknown parameter: $1" use_help exit 1 ;; esac ;; namespace) if [ -z "$arg_namespace" ] ; then arg_namespace="$1" state=nil else error "Duplicit argument for namespace!" use_help exit 1 fi ;; override) if ! [ -f "$1" ] ; then error "Wrong filename for override file: $1" use_help exit 1 fi arg_overrides="${arg_overrides} -f $1" state=nil ;; component) arg_components="${arg_components} $1" state=nil ;; prefix) if [ -z "$arg_prefix" ] ; then arg_prefix="$1" state=nil else error "Duplicit argument for release prefix!" use_help exit 1 fi ;; timeout) if [ -z "$arg_timeout" ] ; then if ! echo "$1" | grep -q '^[0-9]\+$' ; then error "Timeout must be an integer: $1" use_help exit 1 fi arg_timeout="$1" state=nil else error "Duplicit argument for timeout!" use_help exit 1 fi ;; storage) if [ -n "$arg_nostorage" ] ; then error "Usage of storage argument together with no storage deletion option!" use_help exit 1 elif [ -z "$arg_storage" ] ; then arg_storage="$1" state=nil else error "Duplicit argument for storage!" use_help exit 1 fi ;; esac shift done # sanity checks if [ -z "$arg_namespace" ] ; then error "Missing namespace" use_help exit 1 else NAMESPACE="$arg_namespace" fi if [ -z "$arg_overrides" ] && [ -z "$arg_cleanonly" ] ; then error "Missing override file(s) or use '--clean-only'" use_help exit 1 else OVERRIDES="$arg_overrides" fi if [ -n "$arg_prefix" ] ; then RELEASE_PREFIX="$arg_prefix" fi if [ -n "$arg_timeout" ] ; then HELM_TIMEOUT="$arg_timeout" fi if [ -n "$arg_storage" ] ; then VOLUME_STORAGE="$arg_storage" elif [ -z "$arg_nostorage" ] ; then error "Missing storage argument! If it is intended then use '--no-storage-deletion' option" use_help exit 1 fi if [ -n "$arg_components" ] ; then HELM_CHART_RELEASE_NAME="$arg_components" fi if [ -n "$arg_deleteall" ] ; then HELM_DELETE_ALL=yes fi if [ -n "$arg_cleanonly" ] ; then HELM_SKIP_DEPLOY=yes fi # If running with helm v3 a time unit has to be appended to HELM_TIMEOUT if [[ $(helm version --template "{{.Version}}") =~ ^v3 ]];then HELM_TIMEOUT="${HELM_TIMEOUT}s" fi # # main # # set trap for this script cleanup trap on_exit INT QUIT TERM EXIT # another sanity checks for tool in helm kubectl curl ; do if ! which "$tool" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then error "Missing '${tool}' command" exit 1 fi done if ! is_helm_serve_running ; then error "'helm serve' is not running (http://localhost:8879)" exit 1 fi # if --delete-all is used then redeploy all components (the current namespace is deleted) if [ -n "$HELM_DELETE_ALL" ] ; then # undeploy helm release (prefix) helm_undeploy "$RELEASE_PREFIX" # we will delete the whole namespace delete_namespace # we will cleanup docker on each node docker_cleanup # we will delete the content of storage (volumes) if [ -n "$VOLUME_STORAGE" ] ; then delete_storage fi # delete and redeploy explicit or failed components... else # if a helm chart release name was given then just redeploy said component and quit if [ -n "$HELM_CHART_RELEASE_NAME" ] ; then msg "Explicitly asked for component redeploy: ${HELM_CHART_RELEASE_NAME}" _COMPONENTS="$HELM_CHART_RELEASE_NAME" # simple heuristics: redeploy only failed components else msg "Delete successfully completed jobs..." clean_jobs msg "Find failed components..." _COMPONENTS=$(get_failed_labels) fi for _component in ${_COMPONENTS} ; do if echo "$_component" | grep -q "^${RELEASE_PREFIX}-" ; then msg "Redeploy component: ${_component}" undeploy_component ${_component} else error "Component release name '${_component}' does not match release prefix: ${RELEASE_PREFIX} (SKIP)" fi done fi if [ -z "$HELM_SKIP_DEPLOY" ] ; then # TODO: this is suboptimal - find a way how to deploy only the affected component... msg "Redeploy onap..." msg helm deploy ${RELEASE_PREFIX} local/onap --namespace ${NAMESPACE} ${OVERRIDES} --timeout ${HELM_TIMEOUT} helm deploy ${RELEASE_PREFIX} local/onap --namespace ${NAMESPACE} ${OVERRIDES} --timeout ${HELM_TIMEOUT} else msg "Clean only option used: Skipping redeploy..." fi msg DONE exit $?