#Onap installation tasks #Copy ssh private key used for resource server access - name: "Copy resource server access key" copy: src: "{{ hostvars[groups['resources'][0]].ansible_private_key_file }}" dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/.ssh/res.pem" mode: 0600 #Unarchive resources. - name: "Ensure {{ installer_deploy_path }} directory exists" file: path: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}" state: directory - name: "Extract sw resources" unarchive: src: "resources/{{ hostvars[groups['resources'][0]].resources_sw_filename }}" dest: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}" #Generate ansible inventory and extra vars. - name: "Generate ansible inventory for installer" template: src: inventory.yml.j2 dest: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}/ansible/inventory/hosts.yml" - name: "generate application specific config overrides" copy: content: "{{ application_config | b64decode }}" dest: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}/ansible/application/application_overrides.yml" # add onap network configuration to overrides - name: "inject onap network information to config overrides" replace: path: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}/ansible/application/application_overrides.yml" regexp: '({{ item.key }}:)\s?.*' replace: '\1 {{ item.value }}' loop: "{{ lines|dict2items }}" vars: lines: openStackPrivateNetId: "{{ (hostvars['localhost'].heat_stack.stack.outputs | selectattr('output_key', 'equalto', 'network_id') | list).0.output_value }}" openStackPrivateSubnetId: "{{ (hostvars['localhost'].heat_stack.stack.outputs | selectattr('output_key', 'equalto', 'subnet_id') | list).0.output_value }}" # This generates a file with locations of resource files in resource host, we # do it only to allow manually running offline installer without # typing them by hand. We cannot use # inventory template because it will be overridden # by application_configuration.yml. - name: Generate resource location file copy: content: | resources_dir: {{ resources_dir }} resources_filename: {{ resources_filename }} aux_resources_filename: {{ aux_resources_filename }} app_data_path: /opt/onap/resources dest: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}/ansible/application/resources.yml" #Run script. - name: "Execute installation" shell: ./run_playbook.sh -e @application/application_configuration.yml -e @application/application_overrides.yml -e @application/resources.yml -i inventory/hosts.yml site.yml args: chdir: "{{ installer_deploy_path }}/ansible" async: "{{ install_timeout }}" when: install_app | bool