************************************* vFWCL on Dublin ONAP offline platform ************************************* |image0| This document is collecting notes we have from running vFirewall demo on offline Dublin platform installed by ONAP offline installer tool. Overall it was much easier in compare with earlier version, however following steps are still needed. Some of the most relevant materials are available on following links: * `oom_quickstart_guide.html `_ * `docs_vfw.html `_ .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 Step 1. Preconditions - before ONAP deployment ============================================== Understanding of the underlying OpenStack deployment is required from anyone applying these instructions. In addition, installation-specific location of the helm charts on the infra node must be known. In this document it is referred to as Snippets below are describing areas we need to configure for successfull vFWCL demo. Pay attention to them and configure it (ideally before deployment) accordingly. **1) /onap/values.yaml**:: ################################################################# # Global configuration overrides. # !!! VIM specific entries are in APPC / Robot & SO parts !!! ################################################################# global: # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster nodePortPrefix: 302 nodePortPrefixExt: 304 # ONAP Repository # Uncomment the following to enable the use of a single docker # repository but ONLY if your repository mirrors all ONAP # docker images. This includes all images from dockerhub and # any other repository that hosts images for ONAP components. #repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001 repositoryCred: user: docker password: docker # readiness check - temporary repo until images migrated to nexus3 readinessRepository: oomk8s # logging agent - temporary repo until images migrated to nexus3 loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co # image pull policy pullPolicy: Always # default mount path root directory referenced # by persistent volumes and log files persistence: mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs enableDefaultStorageclass: false parameters: {} storageclassProvisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain # override default resource limit flavor for all charts flavor: unlimited # flag to enable debugging - application support required debugEnabled: false ################################################################# # Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications) # to customize the ONAP deployment. ################################################################# aaf: enabled: true aai: enabled: true appc: enabled: true config: openStackType: "OpenStackProvider" openStackName: "OpenStack" openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" openStackServiceTenantName: "service" openStackDomain: "default" openStackUserName: "onap-tieto" openStackEncryptedPassword: "31ECA9F2BA98EF34C9EC3412D071E31185F6D9522808867894FF566E6118983AD5E6F794B8034558" cassandra: enabled: true clamp: enabled: true cli: enabled: true consul: enabled: true contrib: enabled: true dcaegen2: enabled: true pnda: enabled: true dmaap: enabled: true esr: enabled: true log: enabled: true sniro-emulator: enabled: true oof: enabled: true mariadb-galera: enabled: true msb: enabled: true multicloud: enabled: true nbi: enabled: true config: # openstack configuration openStackRegion: "Yolo" openStackVNFTenantId: "1234" nfs-provisioner: enabled: true policy: enabled: true pomba: enabled: true portal: enabled: true robot: enabled: true appcUsername: "appc@appc.onap.org" appcPassword: "demo123456!" openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" openStackPublicNetId: "9403ceea-0738-4908-a826-316c8541e4bb" openStackPublicNetworkName: "rc3-offline-network" openStackTenantId: "b1ce7742d956463999923ceaed71786e" openStackUserName: "onap-tieto" ubuntu14Image: "trusty" openStackPrivateNetId: "3c7aa2bd-ba14-40ce-8070-6a0d6a617175" openStackPrivateSubnetId: "2bcb9938-9c94-4049-b580-550a44dc63b3" openStackPrivateNetCidr: "" openStackSecurityGroup: "onap_sg" openStackOamNetworkCidrPrefix: "10.0" dcaeCollectorIp: "" # this IP is taken from k8s host vnfPubKey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDPwF2bYm2QuqZpjuAcZDJTcFdUkKv4Hbd/3qqbxf6g5ZgfQarCi+mYnKe9G9Px3CgFLPdgkBBnMSYaAzMjdIYOEdPKFTMQ9lIF0+i5KsrXvszWraGKwHjAflECfpTAWkPq2UJUvwkV/g7NS5lJN3fKa9LaqlXdtdQyeSBZAUJ6QeCE5vFUplk3X6QFbMXOHbZh2ziqu8mMtP+cWjHNBB47zHQ3RmNl81Rjv+QemD5zpdbK/h6AahDncOY3cfN88/HPWrENiSSxLC020sgZNYgERqfw+1YhHrclhf3jrSwCpZikjl7rqKroua2LBI/yeWEta3amTVvUnR2Y7gM8kHyh Generated-by-Nova" demoArtifactsVersion: "1.4.0" # Dublin prefered is 1.4.0 demoArtifactsRepoUrl: "https://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases" scriptVersion: "1.4.0" # Dublin prefered is 1.4.0 rancherIpAddress: "" # this IP is taken from infra node config: # instructions how to generate this value properly are in OOM quick quide mentioned above openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "f7920677e15e2678b0f33736189e8965" sdc: enabled: true sdnc: enabled: true replicaCount: 1 mysql: replicaCount: 1 so: enabled: true config: openStackUserName: "onap-tieto" openStackRegion: "RegionOne" openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" openStackServiceTenantName: "services" # instructions how to generate this value properly are in OOM quick quide mentioned above openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "31ECA9F2BA98EF34C9EC3412D071E31185F6D9522808867894FF566E6118983AD5E6F794B8034558" replicaCount: 1 liveness: # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container enabled: true so-catalog-db-adapter: config: openStackUserName: "onap-tieto" openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" # instructions how to generate this value properly are in OOM quick quide mentioned above openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "31ECA9F2BA98EF34C9EC3412D071E31185F6D9522808867894FF566E6118983AD5E6F794B8034558" uui: enabled: true vfc: enabled: true vid: enabled: true vnfsdk: enabled: true modeling: enabled: true **2) /robot/resources/config/eteshare/config/vm_properties.py**:: # following patch is required because in Dublin public network is hardcoded # reported in TEST-166 and is implemented in El-Alto # just add following row into file GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NETWORK = '{{ .Values.openStackPublicNetworkName }}' Step 2. Preconditions - after ONAP deployment ============================================= Run HealthChecks after successful deployment, all of them must pass Relevant robot scripts are under /oom/kubernetes/robot :: [root@tomas-infra robot]# ./ete-k8s.sh onap health 61 critical tests, 61 passed, 0 failed 61 tests total, 61 passed, 0 failed very useful page describing commands for `manual checking of HC’s `_ Step 3. Patch public network ============================ This is the last part of correction for `TEST-166 `_ needed for Dublin branch. :: [root@tomas-infra helm_charts]# kubectl get pods -n onap | grep robot onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn 1/1 Running 0 3h15m [root@tomas-infra helm_charts]# kubectl exec -it onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn bash root@onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn:/# cd /var/opt/ONAP/ root@onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn:/var/opt/ONAP# sed -i 's/network_name=public/network_name=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NETWORK}/g' robot/resources/demo_preload.robot root@onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn:/var/opt/ONAP# sed -i 's/network_name=public/network_name=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NETWORK}/g' robot/resources/stack_validation/policy_check_vfw.robot root@onap-robot-robot-5c7c46bbf4-4zgkn:/var/opt/ONAP# sed -i 's/network_name=public/network_name=${GLOBAL_INJECTED_OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NETWORK}/g' robot/resources/stack_validation/validate_vfw.robot Step 4. Set private key for robot when accessing VNFs ===================================================== This is workaround for ticket `TEST-167 `_, as of now robot is using following file as private key */var/opt/ONAP/robot/assets/keys/onap_dev.pvt* One can either set it to own private key, corresponding with public key inserted into VMs from *vnfPubKey* param OR set mount own private key into robot container and change GLOBAL_VM_PRIVATE_KEY in */var/opt/ONAP/robot/resources/global_properties.robot* Step 5. robot init - demo services distribution ================================================ Run following robot script to execute both init_customer + distribute :: #  demo-k8s.sh init [root@tomas-infra robot]# ./demo-k8s.sh onap init Step 6. robot instantiateVFW ============================ Following tag is used for whole vFWCL testcase. It will deploy single heat stack with 3 VMs and set policies and APPC mount point for vFWCL to happen. :: # demo-k8s.sh instantiateVFW root@tomas-infra robot]# ./demo-k8s.sh onap instantiateVFW Step 7. fix CloseLoopName in tca microservice ============================================= In Dublin scope, tca microservice is configured with hardcoded entries from `tcaSpec.json `_ After updating operational policy within instantiateVFW robot tag execution, one must change CloseLoopName in tca to match with generated value in policy. This is done in two parts: a) get correct value :: # from drools container, i.e. drools in Dublin is not mapped to k8s host curl -k --silent --user 'demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456!' -X GET https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/usecases/drools/facts/usecases/controlloops --insecure # alternatively same value can be obtained from telemetry console in drools container telemetry https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine> cd controllers/usecases/drools/facts/usecases/controlloops https://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/usecases/drools/facts/usecases/controlloops> get HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 62 Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 07:18:56 GMT Server: Jetty(9.4.14.v20181114) [ "ControlLoop-vFirewall-da1fd2be-2a26-4704-ab99-cd80fe1cf89c" ] b) update the tca microservice see Preconditions part in `docs_vfw.html `_ This step will be automated in El-Alto, it's tracked in `TEST-168 `_ Step 8. verify vFW ================== Verify VFWCL. This step is just to verify CL functionality, which can be also verified by checking DarkStat GUI on vSINK VM :: # demo-k8s.sh vfwclosedloop # e.g. where is IP from public network dedicated to vPKG VM root@tomas-infra robot]# ./demo-k8s.sh onap vfwclosedloop .. |image0| image:: images/vFWCL-dublin.jpg :width: 387px :height: 393px