#! /usr/bin/env bash # COPYRIGHT NOTICE STARTS HERE # # Copyright 2018 © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE ENDS HERE # Scope of this packaging script is to generate tarfiles for offline installation # Build of any additional artifacts is out of scope for this script crash () { local exit_code="$1" local cause="$2" echo "Packaging script finished prematuraly" echo "Cause: $2" exit "${exit_code}" } usage () { echo "Usage:" echo " ./$(basename $0) <project_name> <version> <packaging_target_dir> [--conf <file>]" echo "Example: ./$(basename $0) myproject 1.0.1 /tmp/package --conf ~/myproject.conf" echo "packaging_target_dir will be created if does not exist. All tars will be produced into it." } function create_tar { local tar_dir="$1" local tar_name="$2" cd ${tar_dir} touch ${tar_name} # Trick to avoid sporadic "tar: .: file changed as we read it" warning message tar --exclude=${tar_name} -cf ../${tar_name} . cd - &> /dev/null # Trick to avoid printing new dir on stdout # Remove packaged folders find ${tar_dir}/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -exec rm -rf '{}' \; # Remove packaged files find ${tar_dir}/* ! -name ${tar_name} -exec rm '{}' \; echo "tar file ${tar_name} created in target dir" } function add_metadata { local metafile="$1" echo "Project name: ${PROJECT_NAME}" >> "${metafile}" echo "Project version: ${PROJECT_VERSION}" >> "${metafile}" echo "Package date: ${TIMESTAMP}" >> "${metafile}" } function add_additions { local source="$1" local target="$2" if [ -d "${source}" ]; then mkdir -p "${target}/$(basename $source)" cp -r "${source}" "${target}" echo "Adding directory ... $(basename $source)" else if [ -f "${source}" ]; then cp "${source}" "${target}" echo "Adding file ... $(basename $source)" else crash 4 "Invalid source specified for packaging: $1" fi fi } function build_sw_artifacts { cd ../ansible/docker ./build_ansible_image.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then crash 5 "Building of ansible runner image failed." fi cd - } function create_sw_package { local pkg_root="${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR}/sw" # Create tar package echo "[Creating software package]" # Create directory structure of the sw package mkdir -p "${pkg_root}" cp -r ansible "${pkg_root}" # Add additional files/dirs into package based on package.conf for item in "${SW_PACKAGE_ADDONS[@]}";do # all SW package addons are expected within ./ansible/application folder add_additions "${item}" "${pkg_root}/ansible/application" done # Helm charts handling echo "Helm charts handling" # Copy charts available for ansible playbook to use/move them to target server/dir mkdir -p "${pkg_root}"/ansible/application/helm_charts cp -r "${HELM_CHARTS_DIR}"/* "${pkg_root}"/ansible/application/helm_charts # Add metadata to the package add_metadata "${pkg_root}"/package.info # Create sw tar package echo "Creating tar file ..." PACKAGE_BASE_NAME="${SOFTWARE_PACKAGE_BASENAME}" create_tar "${pkg_root}" ${PACKAGE_BASE_NAME}-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-sw.tar rm -rf "${pkg_root}" } function create_resource_package { local pkg_root="${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR}/resources" # Create resource tar package echo "[Creating resource package]" # Create directory structure of the resource package mkdir -p "${pkg_root}" # Add artifacts into resource packagee based on package.conf config for item in "${EXTERNAL_BINARIES_PACKAGE_ADDONS[@]}";do if [ "$(basename $item)" == "resources" ]; then echo "Note: Packaging all resources at once" add_additions "${item}" "${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR}" else add_additions "${item}" "${pkg_root}" fi done # tar file with nexus_data is expected, we should find and untar it # before resource.tar is created for i in `ls -1 ${pkg_root} | grep tar`; do tar tvf "${pkg_root}/${i}" | grep nexus_data &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Debug: tar file with nexus blobs detected ${pkg_root}/${i}. Start unarchive ..." tar xf "${pkg_root}/${i}" -C "${pkg_root}" &> /dev/null echo "Debug: unarchive finished. Removing original file" rm -f "${pkg_root}/${i}" fi done echo "Creating tar file ..." PACKAGE_BASE_NAME="${SOFTWARE_PACKAGE_BASENAME}" create_tar "${pkg_root}" "${PACKAGE_BASE_NAME}-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-resources.tar" rm -rf "${pkg_root}" } function create_aux_package { local pkg_root="${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR}/aux" # Create aux resource tar package echo "Creating aux resource package" # Create directory structure of the aux resource package mkdir -p "${pkg_root}" # Add artifacts into resource packagee based on package.conf config for item in "${AUX_BINARIES_PACKAGE_ADDONS[@]}";do add_additions "${item}" "${pkg_root}" done echo "Creating tar file ..." PACKAGE_BASE_NAME="${SOFTWARE_PACKAGE_BASENAME}" create_tar "${pkg_root}" "${PACKAGE_BASE_NAME}-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-aux-resources.tar" rm -rf "${pkg_root}" } # # =================== Main =================== # PROJECT_NAME="$1" PROJECT_VERSION="$2" PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR="$3" TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S) SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${0}") LOCAL_PATH=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPT_DIR") if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then echo "Missing some mandatory parameter!" usage exit 1 fi CONF_FILE="" for arg in "$@"; do shift case "$arg" in -c|--conf) CONF_FILE="$1" ;; *) set -- "$@" "$arg" esac done if [ -z ${CONF_FILE} ]; then CONF_FILE=${LOCAL_PATH}/package.conf # Fall to default conf file fi if [ ! -f ${CONF_FILE} ]; then crash 2 "Mandatory config file missing! Provide it with --conf option or ${LOCAL_PATH}/package.conf" fi source ${CONF_FILE} pushd ${LOCAL_PATH} # checking bash capability of parsing arrays whotest[0]='test' || (crash 3 "Arrays not supported in this version of bash.") # Prepare output directory for our packaging and create all tars rm -rf ${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR} build_sw_artifacts create_sw_package create_resource_package # This part will create aux package which consists of # artifacts which can be added into offline nexus during runtime if [ "${PREPARE_AUX_PACKAGE}" == "true" ]; then create_aux_package else echo "AUX package won't be created" fi popd