#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # COPYRIGHT NOTICE STARTS HERE # Copyright 2019 © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # COPYRIGHT NOTICE ENDS HERE import argparse import datetime import logging import os import sys import timeit import requests from retrying import retry import http_file from concurrent_downloader import ConcurrentDownloader log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HttpDownloader(ConcurrentDownloader): def __init__(self, *list_args, list_type='http_files', workers=None): super().__init__(list_type, *list_args, workers=workers) @property def check_table(self): """ Table with information what items from lists are downloaded """ self.missing() header = ['Name', 'Downloaded'] return self._check_table(header, {'Name': 'l'}, ((item, item not in self._missing) for item in self._data_list)) @staticmethod def _make_get_request(url): """ Run http get request :param url: url to reqeuest :return: requests.Response """ req = requests.get(url) req.raise_for_status() return req def _is_missing(self, item): """ Check if item is missing (not downloaded) :param item: item to check :return: boolean """ return not os.path.isfile( '{}/{}'.format(self._data_list[item], item.rsplit('//')[-1])) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=2000) def _get_file(self, file_uri): """ Get http file from uri :param file_uri: uri of the file :return: file content """ if not file_uri.startswith('http'): file_uri = 'http://' + file_uri file_req = self._make_get_request(file_uri) return file_req.content def _download_item(self, item): """ Download http file :param item: http file to be downloaded (tuple: (uri, dst_dir)) """ log.info('Downloading: {}'.format(item[0])) dst_path = '{}/{}'.format(item[1], item[0].rsplit('//')[-1]) try: f = http_file.HttpFile(item[0], self._get_file(item[0]), dst_path) f.save_to_file() except Exception as err: log.exception('Error downloading: {}: {}'.format(item[0], err)) if os.path.isfile(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) raise err log.info('Downloaded: {}'.format(f.name)) def run_cli(): """ Run as cli tool """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download http files from list') parser.add_argument('file_list', metavar='file-list', help='File with list of http files to download') parser.add_argument('--output-dir', '-o', default=os.getcwd(), help='Destination directory for saving') parser.add_argument('--check', '-c', action='store_true', default=False, help='Check mode') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turn on debug output') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=None, help='Set maximum workers for parallel download (default: cores * 5)') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') downloader = HttpDownloader([args.file_list, args.output_dir], workers=args.workers) if args.check: log.info('Check mode. No download will be executed.') log.info(downloader.check_table) sys.exit(0) timer_start = timeit.default_timer() try: downloader.download() except RuntimeError: sys.exit(1) finally: log.info('Downloading finished in {}'.format( datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeit.default_timer() - timer_start))) if __name__ == '__main__': run_cli()