import os import pytest import json import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('infrastructure') @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', [ '/root/.kube/config', '/opt/onap/cluster/cluster.yml', '/opt/onap/cluster/cluster.rkestate']) def test_file_existence(host, filename): assert host.file(filename).exists def test_rke_in_path(host): assert host.find_command('rke') == '/usr/local/bin/rke' def test_rke_version_works(host): # Note that we need to cd to the cluster data dir first, really. assert'cd /opt/onap/cluster && rke version').rc == 0 def test_nodes_ready(host): # Retrieve all node names. nodecmdres ='kubectl get nodes -o name') assert nodecmdres.rc == 0 nodes = nodecmdres.stdout.split('\n') for node in nodes: assert 'kubectl wait --timeout=0 --for=condition=ready ' + node).rc == 0 def test_pods_ready(host): # Retrieve all pods from all namespaces. # Because we need pod and namespace name, we get full json representation. podcmdres ='kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json') assert podcmdres.rc == 0 pods = json.loads(podcmdres.stdout)['items'] for pod in pods: # Each pod may be either created by a job or not. # In job case they should already be completed # when we are here so we ignore them. namespace = pod['metadata']['namespace'] podname = pod['metadata']['name'] condition = 'Ready' if len(pod['metadata']['ownerReferences']) == 1 and pod[ 'metadata']['ownerReferences'][0]['kind'] == 'Job': continue assert 'kubectl wait --timeout=120s --for=condition=' + condition + ' -n ' + namespace + ' pods/' + podname).rc == 0