--- - name: Perform common environment setup for nodes hosts: infrastructure, kubernetes roles: - package-repository - role: firewall - name: Setup infrastructure servers hosts: infrastructure roles: - certificates - docker - dns - vncserver - role: nexus vars: phase: install - nginx tasks: - name: "wait for nexus to come up" uri: url: "{{ nexus_url }}/service/metrics/healthcheck" user: admin password: admin123 force_basic_auth: yes method: GET register: nexus_wait until: not nexus_wait.failed retries: 30 delay: 10 - name: Nexus changes in runtime hosts: infrastructure roles: - role: nexus vars: phase: configure when: populate_nexus | bool - role: nexus vars: phase: runtime-populate when: runtime_images is defined and runtime_images is not none - name: Setup base for Kubernetes nodes hosts: kubernetes roles: - docker tasks: - import_tasks: roles/certificates/tasks/upload_root_ca.yml