/*- * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * OPENECOMP - DCAE * =================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END============================================ */ /** */ package org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server; import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.properties.PropertiesPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.CorePackage; /** * * The Package for the model. * It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent * * * * - * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * OPENECOMP - DCAE * =================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ServerFactory * @model kind="package" * annotation="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel modelDirectory='/ncomp-sirius-manager-model/src/main/xcore-gen' basePackage='org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager'" * annotation="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2011/Xcore GenModel='http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel' doc='http://openecomp.org/sirius/doc'" * @generated */ public interface ServerPackage extends EPackage { /** * The package name. * * * @generated */ String eNAME = "server"; /** * The package namespace URI. * * * @generated */ String eNS_URI = "org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server"; /** * The package namespace name. * * * @generated */ String eNS_PREFIX = "server"; /** * The singleton instance of the package. * * * @generated */ ServerPackage eINSTANCE = org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl.init(); /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiImpl South Bound Api}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getSouthBoundApi() * @generated */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'South Bound Api' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; /** * The operation id for the 'Logs' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = 0; /** * The operation id for the 'Metrics' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = 1; /** * The operation id for the 'Properties' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = 2; /** * The number of operations of the 'South Bound Api' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_OPERATION_COUNT = 3; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiWithProxyImpl South Bound Api With Proxy}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiWithProxyImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getSouthBoundApiWithProxy() * @generated */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY = 0; /** * The number of structural features of the 'South Bound Api With Proxy' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_FEATURE_COUNT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The operation id for the 'Logs' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Metrics' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Properties' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Upload Info' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___UPLOAD_INFO__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The number of operations of the 'South Bound Api With Proxy' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_OPERATION_COUNT + 1; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ManagementInfoImpl Management Info}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ManagementInfoImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getManagementInfo() * @generated */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO = 2; /** * The feature id for the 'Ip' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO__IP = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Metrics' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO__METRICS = 1; /** * The feature id for the 'Logs' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO__LOGS = 2; /** * The feature id for the 'Props' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO__PROPS = 3; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Management Info' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO_FEATURE_COUNT = 4; /** * The number of operations of the 'Management Info' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int MANAGEMENT_INFO_OPERATION_COUNT = 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ResponseImpl Response}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ResponseImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getResponse() * @generated */ int RESPONSE = 3; /** * The feature id for the 'Status' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int RESPONSE__STATUS = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Message' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int RESPONSE__MESSAGE = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Response' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int RESPONSE_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The number of operations of the 'Response' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int RESPONSE_OPERATION_COUNT = 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.LoggerInfoImpl Logger Info}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.LoggerInfoImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getLoggerInfo() * @generated */ int LOGGER_INFO = 4; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int LOGGER_INFO__NAME = 0; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Logger Info' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int LOGGER_INFO_FEATURE_COUNT = 1; /** * The number of operations of the 'Logger Info' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int LOGGER_INFO_OPERATION_COUNT = 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerImpl Abstract Management Server}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAbstractManagementServer() * @generated */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER = 5; /** * The feature id for the 'Configuration' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER__CONFIGURATION = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Component' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER__COMPONENT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Management Server' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_FEATURE_COUNT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_FEATURE_COUNT + 2; /** * The operation id for the 'Logs' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Metrics' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Properties' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Upload Info' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___UPLOAD_INFO__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___UPLOAD_INFO__JSONOBJECT_ELIST; /** * The operation id for the 'Get Values' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_VALUES__JSONOBJECT_STRING_LONG_LONG_METRICVALUEOPTION_BOOLEAN = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The operation id for the 'Get Values All' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_VALUES_ALL__JSONOBJECT_STRING_ELIST_LONG_LONG_METRICVALUEOPTION_BOOLEAN = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 1; /** * The operation id for the 'Get Messages' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_MESSAGES__JSONOBJECT_STRING_LONG_LONG = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 2; /** * The operation id for the 'Get Request Logger' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_REQUEST_LOGGER__STRING_STRING_STRING_JSONOBJECT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 3; /** * The operation id for the 'Evaluate' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___EVALUATE__STRING_FUNCTION = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 4; /** * The operation id for the 'Update' operation. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___UPDATE__STRING_FUNCTION = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 5; /** * The number of operations of the 'Abstract Management Server' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_OPERATION_COUNT = SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY_OPERATION_COUNT + 6; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerConfigurationImpl Abstract Management Server Configuration}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerConfigurationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION = 6; /** * The feature id for the 'Modules' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__MODULES = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER__MODULES; /** * The feature id for the 'Rules' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__RULES = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Metric Options' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__METRIC_OPTIONS = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * The feature id for the 'Table Templates' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__TABLE_TEMPLATES = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 2; /** * The feature id for the 'Alert Templates' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__ALERT_TEMPLATES = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 3; /** * The feature id for the 'Functions' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__FUNCTIONS = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 4; /** * The feature id for the 'Version' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__VERSION = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 5; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Management Server Configuration' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FEATURE_COUNT = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_FEATURE_COUNT + 6; /** * The number of operations of the 'Abstract Management Server Configuration' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_OPERATION_COUNT = PropertiesPackage.MODULE_CONTAINER_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionConfigurationImpl Version Configuration}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionConfigurationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionConfiguration() * @generated */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION = 7; /** * The feature id for the 'Version' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION__VERSION = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Translation Handler' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION__TRANSLATION_HANDLER = 1; /** * The feature id for the 'Supported Versions' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION__SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = 2; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Version Configuration' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION_FEATURE_COUNT = 3; /** * The number of operations of the 'Version Configuration' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_CONFIGURATION_OPERATION_COUNT = 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationImpl Version Translation}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionTranslation() * @generated */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION = 8; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION__NAME = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__NAME; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Polled' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION__LAST_POLLED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__LAST_POLLED; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Changed' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION__LAST_CHANGED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__LAST_CHANGED; /** * The feature id for the 'Created' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION__CREATED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__CREATED; /** * The feature id for the 'Steps' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION__STEPS = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Version Translation' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_FEATURE_COUNT = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * The number of operations of the 'Version Translation' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_OPERATION_COUNT = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationStepImpl Version Translation Step}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationStepImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionTranslationStep() * @generated */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP = 9; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__NAME = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__NAME; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Polled' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_POLLED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__LAST_POLLED; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Changed' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_CHANGED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__LAST_CHANGED; /** * The feature id for the 'Created' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__CREATED = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY__CREATED; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Version Translation Step' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The number of operations of the 'Version Translation Step' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_OPERATION_COUNT = CorePackage.NAMED_ENTITY_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AttributeTranslationStepImpl Attribute Translation Step}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AttributeTranslationStepImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAttributeTranslationStep() * @generated */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP = 10; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__NAME = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__NAME; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Polled' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_POLLED = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_POLLED; /** * The feature id for the 'Last Changed' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_CHANGED = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__LAST_CHANGED; /** * The feature id for the 'Created' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__CREATED = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP__CREATED; /** * The feature id for the 'Attribute' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__ATTRIBUTE = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Current Value' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__CURRENT_VALUE = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * The feature id for the 'Old Value' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__OLD_VALUE = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT + 2; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Attribute Translation Step' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_FEATURE_COUNT + 3; /** * The number of operations of the 'Attribute Translation Step' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP_OPERATION_COUNT = VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP_OPERATION_COUNT + 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus Response Status}' enum. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getResponseStatus() * @generated */ int RESPONSE_STATUS = 11; /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApiWithProxy South Bound Api With Proxy}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'South Bound Api With Proxy'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApiWithProxy * @generated */ EClass getSouthBoundApiWithProxy(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApiWithProxy#uploadInfo(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) Upload Info}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Upload Info' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApiWithProxy#uploadInfo(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) * @generated */ EOperation getSouthBoundApiWithProxy__UploadInfo__JSONObject_EList(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi South Bound Api}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'South Bound Api'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi * @generated */ EClass getSouthBoundApi(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#logs(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) Logs}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Logs' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#logs(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) * @generated */ EOperation getSouthBoundApi__Logs__JSONObject_EList(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#metrics(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) Metrics}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Metrics' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#metrics(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) * @generated */ EOperation getSouthBoundApi__Metrics__JSONObject_EList(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#properties(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) Properties}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Properties' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.SouthBoundApi#properties(org.json.JSONObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList) * @generated */ EOperation getSouthBoundApi__Properties__JSONObject_EList(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo Management Info}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Management Info'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo * @generated */ EClass getManagementInfo(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getIp Ip}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Ip'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getIp() * @see #getManagementInfo() * @generated */ EAttribute getManagementInfo_Ip(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getMetrics Metrics}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Metrics'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getMetrics() * @see #getManagementInfo() * @generated */ EReference getManagementInfo_Metrics(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getLogs Logs}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Logs'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getLogs() * @see #getManagementInfo() * @generated */ EReference getManagementInfo_Logs(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getProps Props}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Props'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ManagementInfo#getProps() * @see #getManagementInfo() * @generated */ EReference getManagementInfo_Props(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response Response}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Response'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response * @generated */ EClass getResponse(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response#getStatus Status}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Status'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response#getStatus() * @see #getResponse() * @generated */ EAttribute getResponse_Status(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response#getMessage Message}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Message'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response#getMessage() * @see #getResponse() * @generated */ EAttribute getResponse_Message(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.LoggerInfo Logger Info}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Logger Info'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.LoggerInfo * @generated */ EClass getLoggerInfo(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.LoggerInfo#getName Name}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Name'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.LoggerInfo#getName() * @see #getLoggerInfo() * @generated */ EAttribute getLoggerInfo_Name(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer Abstract Management Server}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Abstract Management Server'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer * @generated */ EClass getAbstractManagementServer(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getConfiguration Configuration}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference 'Configuration'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getConfiguration() * @see #getAbstractManagementServer() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServer_Configuration(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getComponent Component}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference 'Component'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getComponent() * @see #getAbstractManagementServer() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServer_Component(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getValues(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricValueOption, boolean) Get Values}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Get Values' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getValues(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricValueOption, boolean) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__GetValues__JSONObject_String_Long_Long_MetricValueOption_boolean(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getValuesAll(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricValueOption, boolean) Get Values All}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Get Values All' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getValuesAll(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricValueOption, boolean) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__GetValuesAll__JSONObject_String_EList_Long_Long_MetricValueOption_boolean(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getMessages(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long) Get Messages}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Get Messages' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getMessages(org.json.JSONObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__GetMessages__JSONObject_String_Long_Long(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getRequestLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.json.JSONObject) Get Request Logger}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Get Request Logger' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#getRequestLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.json.JSONObject) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__GetRequestLogger__String_String_String_JSONObject(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#evaluate(java.lang.String, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.function.Function) Evaluate}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Evaluate' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#evaluate(java.lang.String, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.function.Function) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__Evaluate__String_Function(); /** * Returns the meta object for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#update(java.lang.String, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.function.Function) Update}' operation. * * * @return the meta object for the 'Update' operation. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServer#update(java.lang.String, org.openecomp.ncomp.core.function.Function) * @generated */ EOperation getAbstractManagementServer__Update__String_Function(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration Abstract Management Server Configuration}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Abstract Management Server Configuration'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration * @generated */ EClass getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getRules Rules}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Rules'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getRules() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Rules(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getMetricOptions Metric Options}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Metric Options'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getMetricOptions() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_MetricOptions(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getTableTemplates Table Templates}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Table Templates'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getTableTemplates() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_TableTemplates(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getAlertTemplates Alert Templates}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Alert Templates'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getAlertTemplates() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_AlertTemplates(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getFunctions Functions}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Functions'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getFunctions() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Functions(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getVersion Version}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference 'Version'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AbstractManagementServerConfiguration#getVersion() * @see #getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Version(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration Version Configuration}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Version Configuration'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration * @generated */ EClass getVersionConfiguration(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getVersion Version}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Version'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getVersion() * @see #getVersionConfiguration() * @generated */ EAttribute getVersionConfiguration_Version(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getTranslationHandler Translation Handler}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Translation Handler'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getTranslationHandler() * @see #getVersionConfiguration() * @generated */ EAttribute getVersionConfiguration_TranslationHandler(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getSupportedVersions Supported Versions}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Supported Versions'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionConfiguration#getSupportedVersions() * @see #getVersionConfiguration() * @generated */ EReference getVersionConfiguration_SupportedVersions(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslation Version Translation}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Version Translation'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslation * @generated */ EClass getVersionTranslation(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslation#getSteps Steps}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Steps'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslation#getSteps() * @see #getVersionTranslation() * @generated */ EReference getVersionTranslation_Steps(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslationStep Version Translation Step}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Version Translation Step'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.VersionTranslationStep * @generated */ EClass getVersionTranslationStep(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep Attribute Translation Step}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Attribute Translation Step'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep * @generated */ EClass getAttributeTranslationStep(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getAttribute Attribute}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Attribute'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getAttribute() * @see #getAttributeTranslationStep() * @generated */ EAttribute getAttributeTranslationStep_Attribute(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getCurrentValue Current Value}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Current Value'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getCurrentValue() * @see #getAttributeTranslationStep() * @generated */ EAttribute getAttributeTranslationStep_CurrentValue(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getOldValue Old Value}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Old Value'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.AttributeTranslationStep#getOldValue() * @see #getAttributeTranslationStep() * @generated */ EAttribute getAttributeTranslationStep_OldValue(); /** * Returns the meta object for enum '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus Response Status}'. * * * @return the meta object for enum 'Response Status'. * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus * @generated */ EEnum getResponseStatus(); /** * Returns the factory that creates the instances of the model. * * * @return the factory that creates the instances of the model. * @generated */ ServerFactory getServerFactory(); /** * * Defines literals for the meta objects that represent * * * @generated */ interface Literals { /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiWithProxyImpl South Bound Api With Proxy}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiWithProxyImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getSouthBoundApiWithProxy() * @generated */ EClass SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApiWithProxy(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Upload Info' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation SOUTH_BOUND_API_WITH_PROXY___UPLOAD_INFO__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApiWithProxy__UploadInfo__JSONObject_EList(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiImpl South Bound Api}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.SouthBoundApiImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getSouthBoundApi() * @generated */ EClass SOUTH_BOUND_API = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApi(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Logs' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation SOUTH_BOUND_API___LOGS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApi__Logs__JSONObject_EList(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Metrics' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation SOUTH_BOUND_API___METRICS__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApi__Metrics__JSONObject_EList(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Properties' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation SOUTH_BOUND_API___PROPERTIES__JSONOBJECT_ELIST = eINSTANCE.getSouthBoundApi__Properties__JSONObject_EList(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ManagementInfoImpl Management Info}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ManagementInfoImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getManagementInfo() * @generated */ EClass MANAGEMENT_INFO = eINSTANCE.getManagementInfo(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Ip' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute MANAGEMENT_INFO__IP = eINSTANCE.getManagementInfo_Ip(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Metrics' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference MANAGEMENT_INFO__METRICS = eINSTANCE.getManagementInfo_Metrics(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Logs' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference MANAGEMENT_INFO__LOGS = eINSTANCE.getManagementInfo_Logs(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Props' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference MANAGEMENT_INFO__PROPS = eINSTANCE.getManagementInfo_Props(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ResponseImpl Response}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ResponseImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getResponse() * @generated */ EClass RESPONSE = eINSTANCE.getResponse(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Status' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute RESPONSE__STATUS = eINSTANCE.getResponse_Status(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Message' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute RESPONSE__MESSAGE = eINSTANCE.getResponse_Message(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.LoggerInfoImpl Logger Info}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.LoggerInfoImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getLoggerInfo() * @generated */ EClass LOGGER_INFO = eINSTANCE.getLoggerInfo(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute LOGGER_INFO__NAME = eINSTANCE.getLoggerInfo_Name(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerImpl Abstract Management Server}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAbstractManagementServer() * @generated */ EClass ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Configuration' containment reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER__CONFIGURATION = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer_Configuration(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Component' containment reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER__COMPONENT = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer_Component(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Get Values' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_VALUES__JSONOBJECT_STRING_LONG_LONG_METRICVALUEOPTION_BOOLEAN = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__GetValues__JSONObject_String_Long_Long_MetricValueOption_boolean(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Get Values All' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_VALUES_ALL__JSONOBJECT_STRING_ELIST_LONG_LONG_METRICVALUEOPTION_BOOLEAN = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__GetValuesAll__JSONObject_String_EList_Long_Long_MetricValueOption_boolean(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Get Messages' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_MESSAGES__JSONOBJECT_STRING_LONG_LONG = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__GetMessages__JSONObject_String_Long_Long(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Get Request Logger' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___GET_REQUEST_LOGGER__STRING_STRING_STRING_JSONOBJECT = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__GetRequestLogger__String_String_String_JSONObject(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Evaluate' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___EVALUATE__STRING_FUNCTION = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__Evaluate__String_Function(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Update' operation. * * * @generated */ EOperation ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER___UPDATE__STRING_FUNCTION = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServer__Update__String_Function(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerConfigurationImpl Abstract Management Server Configuration}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AbstractManagementServerConfigurationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration() * @generated */ EClass ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Rules' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__RULES = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Rules(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Metric Options' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__METRIC_OPTIONS = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_MetricOptions(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Table Templates' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__TABLE_TEMPLATES = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_TableTemplates(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Alert Templates' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__ALERT_TEMPLATES = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_AlertTemplates(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Functions' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__FUNCTIONS = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Functions(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Version' containment reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference ABSTRACT_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_CONFIGURATION__VERSION = eINSTANCE.getAbstractManagementServerConfiguration_Version(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionConfigurationImpl Version Configuration}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionConfigurationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionConfiguration() * @generated */ EClass VERSION_CONFIGURATION = eINSTANCE.getVersionConfiguration(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Version' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute VERSION_CONFIGURATION__VERSION = eINSTANCE.getVersionConfiguration_Version(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Translation Handler' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute VERSION_CONFIGURATION__TRANSLATION_HANDLER = eINSTANCE.getVersionConfiguration_TranslationHandler(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Supported Versions' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference VERSION_CONFIGURATION__SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = eINSTANCE.getVersionConfiguration_SupportedVersions(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationImpl Version Translation}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionTranslation() * @generated */ EClass VERSION_TRANSLATION = eINSTANCE.getVersionTranslation(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Steps' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference VERSION_TRANSLATION__STEPS = eINSTANCE.getVersionTranslation_Steps(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationStepImpl Version Translation Step}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.VersionTranslationStepImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getVersionTranslationStep() * @generated */ EClass VERSION_TRANSLATION_STEP = eINSTANCE.getVersionTranslationStep(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AttributeTranslationStepImpl Attribute Translation Step}' class. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.AttributeTranslationStepImpl * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getAttributeTranslationStep() * @generated */ EClass ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP = eINSTANCE.getAttributeTranslationStep(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Attribute' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__ATTRIBUTE = eINSTANCE.getAttributeTranslationStep_Attribute(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Current Value' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__CURRENT_VALUE = eINSTANCE.getAttributeTranslationStep_CurrentValue(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Old Value' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATION_STEP__OLD_VALUE = eINSTANCE.getAttributeTranslationStep_OldValue(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus Response Status}' enum. * * * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ResponseStatus * @see org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.impl.ServerPackageImpl#getResponseStatus() * @generated */ EEnum RESPONSE_STATUS = eINSTANCE.getResponseStatus(); } } //ServerPackage