====================== Single VM/Site install ====================== Local Installation ------------------ Prerequisites If you are using a VM make sure it has at least 8 GB of RAM (It may work with 4 GB, but with 2 GB it does give issues). Instructions - Create MUSIC Install dir /opt/app/music - Open /etc/hosts as sudo and enter the name of the vm alongside localhost in the line for E.g. localhost music-1. Some of the apt-get installation seem to require this. - Ensure you have OpenJDK 8 on your machine. - Download Apache Cassandra 3.0, install into /opt/app/music and follow these instructions http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/getting_started/installing.html till and including Step - By the end of this you should have Cassandra working. - Create a music.properties file and place it in /opt/app/music/etc/. Here is a sample of the file: music.properties:: music.properties my.id=0 all.ids=0 my.public.ip=localhost all.public.ips=localhost ######################## # Optional current values are defaults ###################################### # If using docker this would point to the specific docker name. #cassandra.host=localhost #music.ip=localhost #debug=true #music.rest.ip=localhost #lock.lease.period=6000 # Cassandra Login - Do not user cassandra/cassandra cassandra.user=cassandra1 cassandra.password=cassandra1 # AAF Endpoint #aaf.endpoint.url=<aaf url> - Make a dir /opt/app/music/logs MUSIC dir with MUSIC logs will be created in this dir after MUSIC starts. - Build the MUSIC.war and place in tomcat webapps dir. - Authentications/AAF Setup For Authentication setup. - Start tomcat and you should now have MUSIC running. Extra Cassandra information for Authentication: To create first user in Cassandra 1. Edit conf/Cassandra.yaml file:: authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer 2. Restart Cassandra 3. Login to cqlsh with default credentials:: cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra 4. To change default user create new user with the following command.:: CREATE USER new_user WITH PASSWORD ‘new_password’ SUPERUSER; 5. Change password for default user ‘Cassandra’ so that no one will be able to login:: ALTER USER cassandra WITH PASSWORD ‘SomeLongRandomStringNoonewillthinkof’; 6. Provide the new user credentials to Music. Update music.properties file and uncomment or add the following:: cassandra.user=<new_user> cassandra.password=<new_password> To access keyspace through cqlsh, login with credentials that are passed to MUSIC while creating the keyspace. Continue with `Authentication <./automation.rst>`_