#!/bin/bash set -e # first arg is `-f` or `--some-option` # or there are no args if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then set -- cassandra -f "$@" fi # allow the container to be started with `--user` if [ "$1" = 'cassandra' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then chown -R cassandra /var/lib/cassandra /var/log/cassandra "$CASSANDRA_CONFIG" exec gosu cassandra "$BASH_SOURCE" "$@" fi if [ "$1" = 'cassandra' ]; then : ${CASSANDRA_RPC_ADDRESS=''} : ${CASSANDRA_LISTEN_ADDRESS='auto'} if [ "$CASSANDRA_LISTEN_ADDRESS" = 'auto' ]; then CASSANDRA_LISTEN_ADDRESS="$(hostname --ip-address)" fi : ${CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS="$CASSANDRA_LISTEN_ADDRESS"} if [ "$CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS" = 'auto' ]; then CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS="$(hostname --ip-address)" fi : ${CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_RPC_ADDRESS:=$CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS} if [ -n "${CASSANDRA_NAME:+1}" ]; then : ${CASSANDRA_SEEDS:="cassandra"} fi : ${CASSANDRA_SEEDS:="$CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS"} sed -ri 's/(- seeds:).*/\1 "'"$CASSANDRA_SEEDS"'"/' "$CASSANDRA_CONFIG/cassandra.yaml" for yaml in \ broadcast_address \ broadcast_rpc_address \ cluster_name \ endpoint_snitch \ listen_address \ num_tokens \ rpc_address \ start_rpc \ ; do var="CASSANDRA_${yaml^^}" val="${!var}" if [ "$val" ]; then sed -ri 's/^(# )?('"$yaml"':).*/\2 '"$val"'/' "$CASSANDRA_CONFIG/cassandra.yaml" fi done for rackdc in dc rack; do var="CASSANDRA_${rackdc^^}" val="${!var}" if [ "$val" ]; then sed -ri 's/^('"$rackdc"'=).*/\1 '"$val"'/' "$CASSANDRA_CONFIG/cassandra-rackdc.properties" fi done fi echo "################################ Let run Scripts ##############################" for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*; do case "$f" in *.cql) echo "$0: running $f" && until cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra -f "$f"; do >&2 echo "Cassandra is unavailable - sleeping"; sleep 2; done & ;; *) echo "$0: ignoring $f" ;; esac echo done echo "################################ Let run Scripts End ##############################" exec "$@"