Distributed Key Value Store using Consul to store application configuration data. # TODO (Add documentation on how to run) # Sample Curl examples: ## Load default configuration `curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/config/load-default` ## Register new domain `curl -X POST -d '{"domain":""}' localhost:8080/v1/register` `export TOKEN=` ## Register new sub domain `curl -X POST -d '{"subdomain":""}' localhost:8080/v1/register/$TOKEN/subdomain` ## Check if a domain is already registered. `curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/register/$TOKEN` ## List all sub domains in a domain. `TODO` ## Upload properties file to domain or subdomain. `curl -X POST -F 'token=$TOKEN' -F 'configFile=@./example.properties' localhost:8080/v1/config` `curl -X POST -F 'token=$TOKEN' -F 'subdomain=' -F 'configFile=@./example.properties' localhost:8080/v1/config` ## Load properties file into Consul `curl -X POST -d '{"token":"$TOKEN", "filename": "example.properties"}' localhost:8080/v1/config/load` ## Fetch properties file `curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/config/$TOKEN/example.properties` `curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/config/$TOKEN//example.properties` ## Delete properties file `curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/v1/config/$TOKEN/example.properties` `curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/v1/config/$TOKEN//example.properties` ## Delete project/sub project `curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/v1/register/$TOKEN/subdomain/` `curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/v1/register/$TOKEN`