#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import json import uuid import time from django.conf import settings from titanium_cloud.vesagent.vespublish import publishAnyEventToVES from common.utils.restcall import _call_req import datetime import time def get_epoch_now_usecond(): ''' get epoch timestamp of this moment in usecond :return: ''' now_time = datetime.datetime.now() epoch_time_sec = time.mktime(now_time.timetuple()) return int(epoch_time_sec * 1e6 + now_time.microsecond) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ### build backlog with domain:"fault", type:"vm" def buildBacklog_fault_vm(vimid, backlog_input): logger.info("vimid: %s" % vimid) logger.debug("with input: %s" % backlog_input) try: #must resolve the tenant id and server id while building the backlog tenant_id = backlog_input.get("tenantid", None) server_id = backlog_input.get("sourceid", None) # should resolve the name to id later if tenant_id is None: tenant_name = backlog_input["tenant"] server_name = backlog_input["source"] if tenant_name is None or server_name is None: logger.warn("tenant and source should be provided as backlog config") return None # get token # resolve tenant_name to tenant_id auth_api_url_format = "/{f_vim_id}/identity/v2.0/tokens" auth_api_url = auth_api_url_format.format(f_vim_id=vimid) auth_api_data = { "auth":{"tenantName": tenant_name} } base_url = settings.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX extra_headers = '' ret = _call_req(base_url, "", "", 0, auth_api_url, "POST", extra_headers, json.dumps(auth_api_data)) if ret[0] > 0 or ret[1] is None: logger.critical("call url %s failed with status %s" % (auth_api_url, ret[0])) return None token_resp = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) token = token_resp["access"]["token"]["id"] tenant_id = token_resp["access"]["token"]["tenant"]["id"] if server_id is None: # resolve server_name to server_id vserver_api_url_format \ = "/{f_vim_id}/compute/v2.1/{f_tenant_id}/servers?name={f_server_name}" vserver_api_url = vserver_api_url_format.format(f_vim_id=vimid, f_tenant_id=tenant_id, f_server_name=server_name) base_url = settings.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX extra_headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token} ret = _call_req(base_url, "", "", 0, vserver_api_url, "GET", extra_headers, "") if ret[0] > 0 or ret[1] is None: logger.critical("call url %s failed with status %s" % (vserver_api_url, ret[0])) return None server_resp = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) # find out the server wanted for s in server_resp.get("servers", []): if s["name"] == server_name: server_id = s["id"] break if server_id is None: logger.warn("source %s cannot be found under tenant id %s " % (server_name, tenant_id)) return None #m.c. proxied OpenStack API api_url_fmt = "/{f_vim_id}/compute/v2.1/{f_tenant_id}/servers/{f_server_id}" api_url = api_url_fmt.format( f_vim_id=vimid, f_tenant_id=tenant_id, f_server_id=server_id) backlog = { "backlog_uuid":str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str("%s-%s-%s"%(vimid, tenant_id,server_id)))), "tenant_id": tenant_id, "server_id": server_id, "api_method": "GET", "api_link": api_url, } backlog.update(backlog_input) except Exception as e: logger.error("exception:%s" % str(e)) return None logger.info("return") logger.debug("with backlog: %s" % backlog) return backlog ### process backlog with domain:"fault", type:"vm" def processBacklog_fault_vm(vesAgentConfig, vesAgentState, oneBacklog): logger.debug("vesAgentConfig:%s, vesAgentState:%s, oneBacklog: %s" % (vesAgentConfig, vesAgentState, oneBacklog)) try: vimid = vesAgentConfig["vimid"] tenant_name = oneBacklog["tenant"] # get token auth_api_url_format = "/{f_vim_id}/identity/v2.0/tokens" auth_api_url = auth_api_url_format.format(f_vim_id=vimid) auth_api_data = { "auth":{"tenantName": tenant_name} } base_url = settings.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX extra_headers = '' logger.debug("authenticate with url:%s" % auth_api_url) ret = _call_req(base_url, "", "", 0, auth_api_url, "POST", extra_headers, json.dumps(auth_api_data)) if ret[0] > 0 or ret[1] is None: logger.critical("call url %s failed with status %s" % (auth_api_url, ret[0])) token_resp = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) logger.debug("authenticate resp: %s" % token_resp) token = token_resp["access"]["token"]["id"] # collect data by issue API api_link = oneBacklog["api_link"] method = oneBacklog["api_method"] base_url = settings.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX data = '' extra_headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token} #which one is correct? extra_headers = {'HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN': token} logger.debug("authenticate with url:%s, header:%s" % (auth_api_url,extra_headers)) ret = _call_req(base_url, "", "", 0, api_link, method, extra_headers, data) if ret[0] > 0 or ret[1] is None: logger.critical("call url %s failed with status %s" % (api_link, ret[0])) server_resp = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) logger.debug("collected data: %s" % server_resp) # encode data backlog_uuid = oneBacklog.get("backlog_uuid", None) backlogState = vesAgentState.get("%s" % (backlog_uuid), None) last_event = backlogState.get("last_event", None) logger.debug("last event: %s" % last_event) this_event = data2event_fault_vm(vimid, oneBacklog, last_event, server_resp) if this_event is not None: logger.debug("this event: %s" % this_event) # report data to VES ves_subscription = vesAgentConfig.get("subscription", None) publishAnyEventToVES(ves_subscription, this_event) # store the latest data into cache, never expire backlogState["last_event"] = this_event except Exception as e: logger.error("exception:%s" % str(e)) return logger.info("return") return def data2event_fault_vm(vimid, oneBacklog, last_event, vm_data): VES_EVENT_VERSION = 3.0 VES_EVENT_FAULT_VERSION = 2.0 VES_EVENT_FAULT_DOMAIN = "fault" try: if vm_status_is_fault(vm_data["server"]["status"]): if last_event is not None \ and last_event['event']['commonEventHeader']['eventName'] == 'Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailure': # asserted alarm already, so no need to assert it again return None eventName = "Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailure" priority = "High" eventSeverity = "CRITICAL" alarmCondition = "Guest_Os_Failure" vfStatus = "Active" specificProblem = "Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailure" eventType = '' reportingEntityId = vimid reportingEntityName = vimid sequence = 0 startEpochMicrosec = get_epoch_now_usecond() lastEpochMicrosec = get_epoch_now_usecond() eventId = str(uuid.uuid4()) pass else: if last_event is None \ or last_event['event']['commonEventHeader']['eventName'] != 'Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailure': # not assert alarm yet, so no need to clear it return None eventName = "Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailureCleared" priority = "Normal" eventSeverity = "NORMAL" alarmCondition = "Vm_Restart" vfStatus = "Active" specificProblem = "Fault_MultiCloud_VMFailureCleared" eventType = '' reportingEntityId = vimid reportingEntityName = vimid sequence = 0 startEpochMicrosec = last_event['event']['commonEventHeader']['startEpochMicrosec'] lastEpochMicrosec = get_epoch_now_usecond() eventId = str(uuid.uuid4()) #last_event['event']['commonEventHeader']['eventId'] pass # now populate the event structure this_event = { 'event': { 'commonEventHeader': { 'version': VES_EVENT_VERSION, 'eventName': eventName, 'domain': VES_EVENT_FAULT_DOMAIN, 'eventId': eventId, 'eventType': eventType, 'sourceId': vm_data["server"]['id'], 'sourceName': vm_data["server"]['name'], 'reportingEntityId': reportingEntityId, 'reportingEntityName': reportingEntityName, 'priority': priority, 'startEpochMicrosec': startEpochMicrosec, 'lastEpochMicrosec': lastEpochMicrosec, 'sequence': sequence }, 'faultFields': { 'faultFieldsVersion': VES_EVENT_FAULT_VERSION, 'eventSeverity': eventSeverity, 'eventSourceType': 'virtualMachine', 'alarmCondition': alarmCondition, 'specificProblem': specificProblem, 'vfStatus': 'Active', "alarmInterfaceA": "aaaa", "alarmAdditionalInformation": [ { "name": "objectType", "value": "VIM" }, { "name": "eventTime", "value": str(datetime.datetime.now()) } ], } } } return this_event except Exception as e: logger.error("exception:%s" % str(e)) return None def vm_status_is_fault(status): ''' report VM fault when status falls into one of following state ['ERROR', 'DELETED', 'PAUSED', 'REBUILD', 'RESCUE', 'RESIZE','REVERT_RESIZE', 'SHELVED', 'SHELVED_OFFLOADED', 'SHUTOFF', 'SOFT_DELETED','SUSPENDED', 'UNKNOWN', 'VERIFY_RESIZE'] :param status: :return: ''' if status in ['BUILD', 'ACTIVE', 'HARD_REBOOT', 'REBOOT', 'MIGRATING', 'PASSWORD']: return False else: return True