# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import logging from django.conf import settings from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.response import Response from common.msapi import extsys from common.msapi.helper import Helper as helper from common.msapi.helper import MultiCloudThreadHelper from newton_base.resource import infra_workload as newton_infra_workload from newton_base.resource import infra_workload_helper as infra_workload_helper logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # global var: Audition thread # the id is the workloadid, which implies post to workloadid1 followed by delete workloadid1 # will replace the previous backlog item gInfraWorkloadThread = MultiCloudThreadHelper("infw") class InfraWorkload(newton_infra_workload.InfraWorkload): def __init__(self): self._logger = logger def post(self, request, vimid="", workloadid=""): self._logger.info("vimid: %s, stackid:%s" % (vimid, workloadid)) self._logger.info("data: %s" % request.data) self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) resp_template = { "template_type": "HEAT", "workload_id": workloadid, "workload_status": "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL", "workload_status_reason": "Exception occurs" } status_code = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR try: worker_self = InfraWorkloadHelper( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL ) if workloadid == "": resp_template["workload_status"] = "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL" # post to create a new stack, stack id available only after creating a stack is done progress_code, progress_status, progress_msg = worker_self.workload_create(vimid, request.data) resp_template["workload_status"] = progress_status resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress_msg if progress_code == 0: # update workload_id stack = progress_msg stackid = stack["id"] resp_template["workload_id"] = stackid status_code = status.HTTP_201_CREATED else: status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST return Response(data=resp_template, status=status_code) # return super(InfraWorkload, self).post(request, vimid) else: resp_template["workload_status"] = "WORKLOAD_UPDATE_FAIL" # a post to heatbridge backlog_item = { "id": workloadid, "worker": worker_self.workload_update, "payload": (worker_self, vimid, workloadid, request.data), "repeat": 0, # one time job # format of status: retcode:0 is ok, otherwise error code from http status, Status ENUM, Message "status": ( 0, "WORKLOAD_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "backlog to update workload %s pends to schedule" % workloadid ) } gInfraWorkloadThread.add(backlog_item) if 0 == gInfraWorkloadThread.state(): gInfraWorkloadThread.start() # now query the progress backlog_item = gInfraWorkloadThread.get(workloadid) if not backlog_item: # backlog item not found resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = \ "backlog to update workload %s " \ "into AAI is not found" % workloadid return Response( data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ) else: progress = backlog_item.get("status", (13, "WORKLOAD_DELETE_FAIL", "Unexpected:status not found in backlog item") ) try: progress_code = progress[0] progress_status = progress[1] progress_msg = progress[2] resp_template["workload_status"] = progress_status resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress_msg status_code = status.HTTP_200_ACCEPTED\ if progress_code == 0 else progress_code except Exception as e: resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress return Response(data=resp_template, status=status_code) except Exception as e: errmsg = e.message self._logger.error(errmsg) resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = errmsg return Response(data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) def get(self, request, vimid="", workloadid=""): self._logger.info("vimid, workload id: %s, %s" % (vimid, workloadid)) self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) resp_template = { "template_type": "HEAT", "workload_id": workloadid, "workload_status": "WORKLOAD_GET_FAIL", "workload_status_reason": "Exception occurs" } status_code = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR try: if workloadid == "": resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = "workload id is not found in API url" return Response( data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ) # now query the progress backlog_item = gInfraWorkloadThread.get(workloadid) if not backlog_item: # backlog item not found, so check the stack status worker_self = InfraWorkloadHelper( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL ) progress_code, progress_status, progress_msg = worker_self.workload_status(vimid, workloadid, None) resp_template["workload_status"] = progress_status resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress_msg status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK\ if progress_code == 0 else progress_code else: progress = backlog_item.get("status", (13, "WORKLOAD_DELETE_FAIL", "Unexpected:status not found in backlog item") ) try: progress_code = progress[0] progress_status = progress[1] progress_msg = progress[2] # if gInfraWorkloadThread.expired(workloadid): # gInfraWorkloadThread.remove(workloadid) resp_template["workload_status"] = progress_status resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress_msg status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK\ if progress_code == 0 else progress_code except Exception as e: resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress return Response(data=resp_template, status=status_code) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e.message) resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = e.message return Response(data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) def delete(self, request, vimid="", workloadid=""): self._logger.info("vimid, workload id: %s, %s" % (vimid, workloadid)) self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) resp_template = { "template_type": "HEAT", "workload_id": workloadid, "workload_status": "WORKLOAD_DELETE_FAIL", "workload_status_reason": "Exception occurs" } status_code = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR try: if workloadid == "": resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = "workload id is not found in API url" return Response( data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ) # remove the stack object from vim super(InfraWorkload, self).delete(request, vimid, workloadid) # backlog for a post to heatbridge delete worker_self = InfraWorkloadHelper( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL ) backlog_item = { "id": workloadid, "worker": worker_self.workload_delete, "payload": (worker_self, vimid, workloadid, request.data), "repeat": 0, # one time job # format of status: retcode:0 is ok, otherwise error code from http status, Status ENUM, Message "status": ( 0, "WORKLOAD_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS", "backlog for delete the workload %s " "pends to schedule" % workloadid ) } gInfraWorkloadThread.add(backlog_item) if 0 == gInfraWorkloadThread.state(): gInfraWorkloadThread.start() # now query the progress backlog_item = gInfraWorkloadThread.get(workloadid) if not backlog_item: # backlog item not found resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = \ "backlog to remove the "\ "workload %s is not found" % workloadid return Response( data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ) else: progress = backlog_item.get("status", (13, "WORKLOAD_DELETE_FAIL", "Unexpected:status not found in backlog item") ) try: progress_code = progress[0] progress_status = progress[1] progress_msg = progress[2] # if gInfraWorkloadThread.expired(workloadid): # gInfraWorkloadThread.remove(workloadid) resp_template["workload_status"] = progress_status resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress_msg status_code = status.HTTP_200_ACCEPTED \ if progress_code == 0 else progress_code except Exception as e: resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = progress return Response(data=resp_template, status=status_code) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e.message) resp_template["workload_status_reason"] = e.message return Response(data=resp_template, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) class APIv1InfraWorkload(InfraWorkload): def __init__(self): super(APIv1InfraWorkload, self).__init__() # self._logger = logger def post(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id=""): # self._logger.info("cloud owner, cloud region id, data: %s,%s, %s" % # (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, request.data)) # self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) return super(APIv1InfraWorkload, self).post(request, vimid) def get(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id="", requri=""): # self._logger.info("cloud owner, cloud region id, data: %s,%s, %s" % # (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, request.data)) # self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) return super(APIv1InfraWorkload, self).get(request, vimid, requri) def delete(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id="", requri=""): # self._logger.info("cloud owner, cloud region id, data: %s,%s, %s" % # (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, request.data)) # self._logger.debug("META: %s" % request.META) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) return super(APIv1InfraWorkload, self).delete(request, vimid, requri) class InfraWorkloadHelper(infra_workload_helper.InfraWorkloadHelper): def __init__(self, multicloud_prefix, aai_base_url): super(InfraWorkloadHelper, self).__init__(multicloud_prefix, aai_base_url) self._logger = logger def param_update_user_directives(self, parameters, oof_directives): for attr in oof_directives.get("attributes", []): aname = attr.get("attribute_name", None) avalue = attr.get("attribute_value", None) if aname in parameters: parameters[aname] = avalue else: self._logger.warn( "There is no parameter exist: %s" % aname) return parameters def param_update_sdnc_directives(self, parameters, sdnc_directives): for attr in sdnc_directives.get("attributes", []): aname = attr.get("attribute_name", None) avalue = attr.get("attribute_value", None) if aname in parameters: parameters[aname] = avalue else: self._logger.warn( "There is no parameter exist: %s" % aname) return parameters def param_update_oof_directives(self, parameters, oof_directives): for directive in oof_directives.get("directives", []): if directive["type"] == "vnfc": for directive2 in directive.get("directives", []): if directive2["type"] in ["flavor_directives", "sriovNICNetwork_directives"]: for attr in directive2.get("attributes", []): flavor_label = attr.get("attribute_name", None) flavor_value = attr.get("attribute_value", None) if flavor_label in parameters: parameters[flavor_label] = flavor_value else: self._logger.warn( "There is no parameter exist: %s" % flavor_label) return parameters def openstack_template_update(self, template_data, vf_module_model_customization_id): # try 1: check if artifact is available with vfmodule_uuid # assumption: mount point: /opt/artifacts/ try: vfmodule_path_base = r"/opt/artifacts/%s" % vf_module_model_customization_id vfmodule_metadata_path = r"%s/vfmodule-meta.json" % vfmodule_path_base service_metadata_path = r"%s/service-meta.json" % vfmodule_path_base with open(vfmodule_metadata_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as vf: vfmodule_metadata = vf.read() # assume the metadata file size is small if vfmodule_metadata and len(vfmodule_metadata) > 0: # load service-metadata with open(service_metadata_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as sf: service_metadata = sf.read() # assume the metadata file size is small if service_metadata and len(service_metadata) > 0: # get the artifacts uuid artifacts_uuids = vfmodule_metadata.get("artifacts", None) templatedata1 = {}.update(template_data) for a in service_metadata["artifacts"]: artifactUUID = a.get("artifactUUID", "") if artifactUUID not in artifacts_uuids: continue artifact_type = a.get("artifactType", "") artifact_name = a.get("artifactName", "") artifact_path = r"%s/%s" % (vfmodule_path_base, artifact_name) # now check the type if artifact_type.lower() == "heat": # heat template file with open(artifact_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as af: templatedata1["template"] = af.read() # assume the template file size is small # pass elif artifact_type.lower() == "heat_env": # heat env file with open(artifact_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as af: templatedata1["parameters"] = af.read() # assume the env file size is small # pass # pass return templatedata1 else: pass else: self._logger.info("artifacts not available for vfmodule %s" % vfmodule_uuid) pass except Exception as e: self._logger.error("template_update fails: %s" % e.message) # try 2: reuse the input: template_data return template_data def workload_create(self, vimid, workload_data): ''' Instantiate a stack over target cloud region (OpenStack instance) The template for workload will be fetched from sdc client :param vimid: :param workload_data: :return: result code, status enum, status reason result code: 0-ok, otherwise error status enum: "WORKLOAD_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL" status reason: message to explain the status enum ''' # step 2: normalize the input: xxx_directives data = workload_data vf_module_model_customization_id = data.get("vf-module-model-customization-id", None) vf_module_id = data.get("vf-module-id", "") user_directive = data.get("user_directives", {}) oof_directive = data.get("oof_directives", {}) sdnc_directive = data.get("sdnc_directives", {}) template_type = data.get("template_type", None) template_data = data.get("template_data", {}) # resp_template = None if not template_type or "heat" != template_type.lower(): return 14, "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL", \ "Bad parameters: template type %s is not heat" %\ template_type or "" # retrieve the template data template_data = self.openstack_template_update(template_data, vf_module_model_customization_id) # update the parameter in order of reverse precedence parameters = template_data.get("parameters", {}) parameters = self.param_update_sdnc_directives(parameters, sdnc_directive) parameters = self.param_update_oof_directives(parameters, oof_directive) parameters = self.param_update_user_directives(parameters, user_directive) template_data["parameters"] = parameters # reset to make sure "files" are empty template_data["files"] = {} template_data["stack_name"] = vf_module_id \ if not hasattr(template_data, "stack_name")\ else template_data["stack_name"] # authenticate cloud_owner, regionid = extsys.decode_vim_id(vimid) # should go via multicloud proxy so that # the selflink is updated by multicloud retcode, v2_token_resp_json, os_status = \ helper.MultiCloudIdentityHelper( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, cloud_owner, regionid, "/v2.0/tokens" ) if retcode > 0 or not v2_token_resp_json: errmsg = "authenticate fails:%s,%s, %s" %\ (cloud_owner, regionid, v2_token_resp_json) logger.error(errmsg) return ( retcode, "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL", errmsg ) # tenant_id = v2_token_resp_json["access"]["token"]["tenant"]["id"] service_type = "orchestration" resource_uri = "/stacks" self._logger.info("create stack resources, URI:%s" % resource_uri) retcode, content, os_status = \ helper.MultiCloudServiceHelper(cloud_owner, regionid, v2_token_resp_json, service_type, resource_uri, template_data, "POST") if retcode == 0: stack1 = content.get('stack', None) # stackid = stack1["id"] if stack1 else "" return 0, "WORKLOAD_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", stack1 else: self._logger.info("RESP with data> result:%s" % content) return retcode, "WORKLOAD_CREATE_FAIL", content