# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import json import uuid import traceback import requests from ruamel import yaml from django.conf import settings from newton_base.registration import registration as newton_registration from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.response import Response from common.msapi import extsys from common.msapi import helper from keystoneauth1.exceptions import HttpError from newton_base.util import VimDriverUtils from common.utils import restcall from django.core.cache import cache logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # global var: Audition thread gAZCapAuditThread = helper.MultiCloudThreadHelper("azcap") # DEBUG=True # APIv0 handler upgrading: leverage APIv1 handler class APIv0Registry(newton_registration.Registry): def __init__(self): # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.register_helper = RegistryHelper(settings.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL) super(APIv0Registry, self).__init__() # self._logger = logger def post(self, request, vimid=""): self._logger.info("registration with : %s" % vimid) # check if auditor is enabled viminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) cloud_extra_info = viminfo.get("cloud_extra_info_json",{}) if cloud_extra_info.get("capacity_auditor_enabled", False): # Get the specified tenant id specified_project_idorname = request.META.get("Project", None) # vim registration will trigger the start the audit of AZ capacity worker_self = InfraResourceAuditor( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL ) backlog_item = { "id": vimid, "worker": worker_self.azcap_audit, "payload": (vimid, specified_project_idorname), "repeat": 10*1000000, # repeat every 10 seconds } gAZCapAuditThread.add(backlog_item) if 0 == gAZCapAuditThread.state(): gAZCapAuditThread.start() return super(APIv0Registry, self).post(request, vimid) def delete(self, request, vimid=""): self._logger.debug("unregister cloud region: %s" % vimid) gAZCapAuditThread.remove(vimid) return super(APIv0Registry, self).delete(request, vimid) class Registry(APIv0Registry): def __init__(self): super(Registry, self).__init__() class APIv1Registry(newton_registration.Registry): def __init__(self): self.register_helper = RegistryHelper(settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL) super(APIv1Registry, self).__init__() # self._logger = logger def get(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id=""): self._logger.debug("get cloud region: %s, %s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id)) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) return super(APIv1Registry, self).get(request, vimid) def post(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id=""): self._logger.info("registration with : %s, %s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id)) try: # Get the specified tenant id specified_project_idorname = request.META.get("Project", None) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) viminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) cloud_extra_info = viminfo.get("cloud_extra_info_json",{}) if cloud_extra_info.get("capacity_auditor_enabled", False): # vim registration will trigger the start the audit of AZ capacity worker_self = InfraResourceAuditor( settings.MULTICLOUD_API_V1_PREFIX, settings.AAI_BASE_URL ) backlog_item = { "id": vimid, "worker": worker_self.azcap_audit, "payload": (vimid, specified_project_idorname), "repeat": 5 * 1000000, # repeat every 5 seconds } gAZCapAuditThread.add(backlog_item) if 0 == gAZCapAuditThread.state(): gAZCapAuditThread.start() return super(APIv1Registry, self).post(request, vimid) except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) return Response(data=e.response.json(), status=e.http_status) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return Response( data={'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) def delete(self, request, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id=""): self._logger.debug("unregister cloud region: %s, %s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id)) vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) gAZCapAuditThread.remove(vimid) return super(APIv1Registry, self).delete(request, vimid) class RegistryHelper(newton_registration.RegistryHelper): ''' Helper code to discover and register a cloud region's resource ''' def __init__(self, multicloud_prefix, aai_base_url): # logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) super(RegistryHelper, self).__init__(multicloud_prefix, aai_base_url) # self._logger = logger def registryV0(self, vimid="", project_idorname=None): ''' extend base method ''' viminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) if not viminfo: return ( 10, "Cloud Region not found in AAI: %s" % vimid ) # cloud_extra_info_str = viminfo.get('cloud_extra_info', {}) # cloud_extra_info = {} # try: # cloud_extra_info = json.loads(cloud_extra_info_str) # except Exception as ex: # logger.error("Can not convert cloud extra info %s %s" % ( # str(ex), cloud_extra_info_str)) # pass cloud_extra_info = viminfo.get("cloud_extra_info_json",{}) region_specified = cloud_extra_info.get("openstack-region-id", None) multi_region_discovery = cloud_extra_info.get( "multi-region-discovery", None) sess = None if project_idorname: try: # check if specified with tenant id sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=None, tenant_id=project_idorname ) except Exception as e: pass if not sess: try: # check if specified with tenant name sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=project_idorname, tenant_id=None ) except Exception as e: pass if not sess: # set the default tenant since there is no tenant info in the VIM yet sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=viminfo.get('tenant', None)) # discover the regions, expect it always returns a list (even empty list) cloud_owner, cloud_region_id = extsys.decode_vim_id(vimid) # region_ids = self._discover_regions(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, sess, viminfo) region_ids = self._discover_regions(vimid, sess, viminfo) if len(region_ids) == 0: self._logger.warn("failed to get region id") # compare the regions with region_specified and then cloud_region_id if region_specified in region_ids: pass elif cloud_region_id in region_ids: region_specified = cloud_region_id pass else: # assume the first region be the primary region # since we have no other way to determine it. region_specified = region_ids.pop(0) # update cloud region and discover/register resource if multi_region_discovery: # no input for specified cloud region, # so discover all cloud region for regionid in region_ids: # do not update the specified region here if region_specified == regionid: continue # create cloud region with composed AAI cloud_region_id # except for the one onboarded externally (e.g. ESR) gen_cloud_region_id = cloud_region_id + "_" + regionid self._logger.info("create a cloud region: %s,%s,%s" % (cloud_owner, gen_cloud_region_id, regionid)) try: self._update_cloud_region( cloud_owner, gen_cloud_region_id, regionid, viminfo, sess) except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("update cloud region fails %s" % str(e)) try: new_vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id( cloud_owner, gen_cloud_region_id) super(RegistryHelper, self).registryV0(new_vimid, project_idorname) # update k8s connectivity try: newviminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(new_vimid) sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( newviminfo, tenant_name=newviminfo.get('tenant', None)) self._update_k8s_info(cloud_owner, gen_cloud_region_id, newviminfo, sess) except Exception as e: self.__logger.debug( "update k8s info failes for cloud region:%s,%s, %s" % (cloud_owner, gen_cloud_region_id, str(e))) # continue the registration without reporting error except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("registryV0 fails %s" % str(e)) # update the specified region try: self._update_cloud_region(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, region_specified, viminfo, sess) #re-fetch viminfo viminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) except Exception as e: self._logger.debug( "update cloud region fails for cloud region: %s,%s, %s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, str(e))) # update k8s connectivity try: self._update_k8s_info(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, viminfo, sess) except Exception as e: self.__logger.debug("update k8s info failes %s" % str(e)) # continue the registration without reporting error try: return super(RegistryHelper, self).registryV0(vimid, project_idorname) except Exception as e: errmsg = "registryV0 fails %s" % str(e) self._logger.debug(errmsg) return 11, errmsg def unregistryV0(self, vimid=""): '''extend base method''' try: return super(RegistryHelper, self).unregistryV0(vimid) except Exception as e: errmsg = "unregistryV0 fails %s" % str(e) self._logger.debug(errmsg) return 11, errmsg # return (0, "Succeed") def _get_ovsdpdk_capabilities(self, data): '''extend base method''' instruction_capability = {} feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4() instruction_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid) instruction_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'ovsDpdk' instruction_capability['architecture'] = 'Intel64' instruction_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1' instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = [] instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append( {'hpa-attribute-key': 'dataProcessingAccelerationLibrary', 'hpa-attribute-value': '{{\"value\":\"{0}\"}}'.format("v17.02") }) return instruction_capability def _update_cloud_region(self, cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, openstack_region_id, viminfo, session=None): if cloud_owner and cloud_region_id: self._logger.debug( ("_update_cloud_region, %(cloud_owner)s" "_%(cloud_region_id)s ") % { "cloud_owner": cloud_owner, "cloud_region_id": cloud_region_id }) # update cloud_extra_info oldregionid = viminfo.get('openstack_region_id') # update openstack region id so the call will go the specified reigon viminfo['openstack_region_id'] = openstack_region_id cloud_extra_info = viminfo.get("cloud_extra_info_json", {}) system_info = self._get_system_info(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, viminfo, session) if system_info: cloud_extra_info["isystem"] = system_info # recover the openstack region id of viminfo viminfo['openstack_region_id'] = oldregionid # Note1: populate the openstack region id into property # : cloud-region.esr-system-info.openstack-region-id resource_info = { "cloud-owner": cloud_owner, "cloud-region-id": cloud_region_id, "cloud-type": viminfo["type"], "cloud-region-version": viminfo["version"], "identity-url": self.proxy_prefix + "/%s_%s/identity/v2.0" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) if self.proxy_prefix[-3:] == "/v0" else self.proxy_prefix + "/%s/%s/identity/v2.0" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id), "complex-name": viminfo["complex-name"], "cloud-extra-info": json.dumps(cloud_extra_info), "cloud-epa-caps": openstack_region_id, "esr-system-info-list": { "esr-system-info": [ { "esr-system-info-id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "service-url": viminfo["url"], "user-name": viminfo["userName"], "password": viminfo["password"], "system-type": "VIM", "ssl-cacert": viminfo["cacert"], "ssl-insecure": viminfo["insecure"], "cloud-domain": viminfo["domain"], "default-tenant": viminfo["tenant"], "openstack-region-id": openstack_region_id } ] } } # get the resource first resource_url = ("/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/" "cloud-region/%(cloud_owner)s/%(cloud_region_id)s?depth=1" % { "cloud_owner": cloud_owner, "cloud_region_id": cloud_region_id }) # get cloud-region retcode, content, status_code = \ restcall.req_to_aai(resource_url, "GET", nocache=True) # add resource-version if retcode == 0 and content: content = json.JSONDecoder().decode(content) # now take care of esr-system-info esrinfo = content.get("esr-system-info-list",{}).get("esr-system-info",[{}])[0] if esrinfo: # keep esr-system-info-id intact resource_info[esr-system-info-list]["esr-system-info"]["esr-system-info-id"] \ = esrinfo.get("esr-system-info-id", str(uuid.uuid4())) content.update(resource_info) resource_info = content # then update the resource retcode, content, status_code = \ restcall.req_to_aai(resource_url, "PUT", content=resource_info) self._logger.debug( ("_update_cloud_region,%(cloud_owner)s" "_%(cloud_region_id)s , " "return %(retcode)s, %(content)s, %(status_code)s") % { "cloud_owner": cloud_owner, "cloud_region_id": cloud_region_id, "retcode": retcode, "content": content, "status_code": status_code, }) # wait and confirm the update has been available for next AAI calls while True: # get cloud-region retcode2, content2, status_code2 = \ restcall.req_to_aai(resource_url, "GET", nocache=True) if retcode2 == 0 and content2: content2 = json.JSONDecoder().decode(content2) if content2.get("identity-url", None)\ == resource_info.get("identity-url", None): break return retcode return 1 # unknown cloud owner,region_id # def _discover_regions(self, cloud_owner="", cloud_region_id="", def _discover_regions(self, vimid, session=None, viminfo=None): try: regions = [] # vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) isDistributedCloud = False openstackregions = self._get_list_resources( "/regions", "identity", session, viminfo, vimid, "regions") for region in openstackregions or []: if region['id'] == 'SystemController': isDistributedCloud = True break else: continue for region in openstackregions or []: if region['id'] == 'SystemController': continue elif region['id'] == 'RegionOne' and isDistributedCloud: continue else: regions.append(region['id']) self._logger.info("Discovered Regions :%s" % regions) return regions except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) return [] except Exception: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return [] def _get_system_info(self, cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, viminfo, session=None): ''' query and populate system info into cloud_extra_info ''' system_info = {} try: vimid = extsys.encode_vim_id(cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) # check system version of starlingx isysteminfo = self._get_list_resources( "/isystems", "platform", session, viminfo, vimid, "isystems") system_info['software_version'] = isysteminfo[0].get("software_version", None) if isysteminfo else None system_info['system_mode'] = isysteminfo[0].get("system_mode", None) if isysteminfo else None system_info['system_type'] = isysteminfo[0].get("system_type", None) if isysteminfo else None return system_info except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) except Exception: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return None def _update_k8s_info(self, cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, viminfo, session=None): try: cloud_extra_info = viminfo.get("cloud_extra_info_json",{}) # check if a k8s platform if not VimDriverUtils.check_k8s_cluster(viminfo): self._logger.info("%s, %s is not a k8s platform" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id)) return # check if user token provided to access k8s platform k8s_apitoken = cloud_extra_info.get("k8s-apitoken") k8s_apiserver = cloud_extra_info.get("k8s-apiserver") if not k8s_apitoken or not k8s_apiserver: self._logger.warn("k8s-apitoken or k8s-apiserver is not provided,"\ "k8s connectivity must be provisioned in other ways") return # now create kube config with following template kubecfgdata = { "apiVersion": "v1", "clusters": [ {"cluster": { "insecure-skip-tls-verify": True, "server": k8s_apiserver }, "name": "wrcpcluster"} ], "contexts": [ {"context": { "cluster": "wrcpcluster", "namespace": "default", "user": "admin-user"}, "name": "wrcpcluster-admin"} ], "current-context": "wrcpcluster-admin", "kind": "Config", "preferences": {}, "users": [ {"name": "admin-user", "user":{ "token": k8s_apitoken }} ] } kubecfgfilepath = "/tmp/k8sconfig_%s_%s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id) # encoding = utf-8 by default with open(kubecfgfilepath, "w") as kubecfgfile: yaml.dump(kubecfgdata, kubecfgfile, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper) # now create connectivity to multicloud-k8s multicloudK8sUrl = "%s://%s:%s/api/multicloud-k8s/v1" % ( settings.MSB_SERVICE_PROTOCOL, settings.MSB_SERVICE_ADDR, settings.MSB_SERVICE_PORT) auth_api_url = "/v1/connectivity-info" metadata1 = { "cloud-owner" : cloud_owner, "cloud-region" : cloud_region_id, "other-connectivity-list" : {} } with open(kubecfgfilepath, "rb") as kubecfgfile: files = { 'metadata': (None, json.dumps(metadata1)), 'file': kubecfgfile } resp = requests.post(multicloudK8sUrl+auth_api_url, files=files, verify=False) if resp.status_code == 201: self._logger.info("create k8sconnectivity for %s, %s, succeeds: %s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, resp.content)) else: self._logger.warn("create k8sconnectivity for %s, %s, fails:%s" % (cloud_owner, cloud_region_id, resp.content)) #print(resp.content, resp.status_code) except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) return [] except Exception: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return [] class InfraResourceAuditor(newton_registration.RegistryHelper): def __init__(self, multicloud_prefix, aai_base_url): self.proxy_prefix = multicloud_prefix self.aai_base_url = aai_base_url self._logger = logger # super(InfraResourceAuditor, self).__init__(); def azcap_audit(self, vimid, project_idorname=None): viminfo = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) if not viminfo: self._logger.warn("azcap_audit no valid vimid: %s" % vimid) return sess = None if project_idorname: try: # check if specified with tenant id sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=None, tenant_id=project_idorname ) except Exception as e: pass if not sess: try: # check if specified with tenant name sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=project_idorname, tenant_id=None ) except Exception as e: pass if not sess: session = VimDriverUtils.get_session( viminfo, tenant_name=viminfo['tenant'] ) # now retrieve the latest AZ cap info try: # get all hypervisor detail ? hypervisors = self._get_list_resources( "/os-hypervisors/detail", "compute", session, viminfo, vimid, "hypervisors") hypervisors_dict = {} # for h in hypervisors: # if not h.get("service", None): # continue # if not h.get("host", None): # continue # hypervisors_dict[h["service"]["host"]] = h for h in hypervisors: if not h.get("hypervisor_hostname", None): continue hypervisors_dict[h["hypervisor_hostname"]] = h vimAzCacheKey = "cap_azlist_" + vimid vimAzList = [] # cloud_owner, cloud_region_id = extsys.decode_vim_id(vimid) for az in self._get_list_resources( "/os-availability-zone/detail", "compute", session, viminfo, vimid, "availabilityZoneInfo"): az_info = { 'availability-zone-name': az.get('zoneName', ""), 'operational-status': az.get('zoneState', {}).get('available', ""), 'hypervisor-type': '', } # filter out the default az: "internal" and "nova" azName = az.get('zoneName', None) # comment it for test the registration process only # if azName == 'nova': # continue if azName == 'internal': continue vimAzList.append(azName) # get list of host names pservers_info = [k for (k, v) in list(az['hosts'].items())] # Get current cap info of azName azCapCacheKey = "cap_" + vimid + "_" + azName azCapInfoCacheStr = cache.get(azCapCacheKey) azCapInfoCache = json.loads(azCapInfoCacheStr) if azCapInfoCacheStr else {} for psname in pservers_info: psinfo = hypervisors_dict.get(psname, None) if not psinfo: # warning: the pserver info not found continue # get current pserver cap info psCapInfoCacheKey = "cap_" + vimid + "_" + psname psCapInfoCacheStr = cache.get(psCapInfoCacheKey) psCapInfoCache = json.loads(psCapInfoCacheStr) if psCapInfoCacheStr else {} # compare latest info with cached one vcpu_delta = 0 vcpu_used_delta = 0 mem_delta = 0 mem_free_delta = 0 localstorage_delta = 0 localstorage_free_delta = 0 if psinfo.get("vcpus", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("vcpus", 0): vcpu_delta += psinfo.get("vcpus", 0) \ - psCapInfoCache.get("vcpus", 0) psCapInfoCache["vcpus"] = psinfo.get("vcpus", 0) if psinfo.get("memory_mb", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("memory_mb", 0): mem_delta += psinfo.get("memory_mb", 0) \ - psCapInfoCache.get("memory_mb", 0) psCapInfoCache["memory_mb"] = psinfo.get("memory_mb", 0) if psinfo.get("local_gb", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("local_gb", 0): localstorage_delta += psinfo.get("local_gb", 0) \ - psCapInfoCache.get("local_gb", 0) psCapInfoCache["local_gb"] = psinfo.get("local_gb", 0) if psinfo.get("vcpus_used", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("vcpus_used", 0): vcpu_used_delta += psinfo.get("vcpus_used", 0)\ - psCapInfoCache.get("vcpus_used", 0) psCapInfoCache["vcpus_used"] = psinfo.get("vcpus_used", 0) if psinfo.get("free_ram_mb", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("free_ram_mb", 0): mem_free_delta += psinfo.get("free_ram_mb", 0)\ - psCapInfoCache.get("free_ram_mb", 0) psCapInfoCache["free_ram_mb"] = psinfo.get("free_ram_mb", 0) if psinfo.get("free_disk_gb", 0) != psCapInfoCache.get("free_disk_gb", 0): localstorage_free_delta += psinfo.get("free_disk_gb", 0)\ - psCapInfoCache.get("free_disk_gb", 0) psCapInfoCache["free_disk_gb"] = psinfo.get("free_disk_gb", 0) cache.set(psCapInfoCacheKey, json.dumps(psCapInfoCache), 3600 * 24) # now apply the delta to azCapInfo azCapInfoCache["vcpus"] = azCapInfoCache.get("vcpus", 0) + vcpu_delta azCapInfoCache["memory_mb"] = azCapInfoCache.get("memory_mb", 0) + mem_delta azCapInfoCache["local_gb"] = azCapInfoCache.get("local_gb", 0) + localstorage_delta azCapInfoCache["vcpus_used"] = azCapInfoCache.get("vcpus_used", 0) + vcpu_used_delta azCapInfoCache["free_ram_mb"] = azCapInfoCache.get("free_ram_mb", 0) + mem_free_delta azCapInfoCache["free_disk_gb"] = azCapInfoCache.get("free_disk_gb", 0) + localstorage_free_delta pass # update the cache cache.set(azCapCacheKey, json.dumps(azCapInfoCache), 3600 * 24) cache.set(vimAzCacheKey, json.dumps(vimAzList), 3600 * 24) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("azcap_audit raise exception: %s" % e) pass