# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from django.conf import settings from rest_framework import status from common.utils import restcall from newton_base.openoapi.flavor import Flavors from newton_base.tests import mock_info from newton_base.tests import test_base from newton_base.util import VimDriverUtils MOCK_GET_TENANT_RESPONSE = { "projects": [ {"id": "1", "name": "project"}, {"id": "2", "name": "project2"}, ] } MOCK_GET_FLAVOR_RESPONSE = { "flavors": [ { "id": "1", "name": "micro", "vcpus": 1, "ram": "1MB", "disk": "1G", "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": False, "swap": True, "os-flavor-access:is_public": True, "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": True, "link": [{"href": 1}] }, { "id": "2", "name": "mini", "vcpus": 2, "ram": "2MB", "disk": "2G", "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": True, "swap": False, "os-flavor-access:is_public": True, "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": True }, ] } MOCK_GET_EXTRA_SPECS_RESPONSE = { "extra_specs": { "hw:cpu_sockets": 4, "hw:cpu_cores": 4, "hw:cpu_policy": "dedicated", "hw:numa_nodes": 3, "hw:numa_cpus.1": [0, 1], "hw:numa_mem.1": 2, "pci_passthrough:alias": "mycrypto-8086-0443:4", "aggregate_instance_extra_spec:sriov-device-intel-1832-9475": "true", "hw:mem_page_size": "1GB" } } MOCK_HPA_RESPONSE = """{ "basicCapabilities": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "basicCapabilities", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "vcpus": { "key": "numVirtualCpu", "unit": null }, "ram": { "key": "virtualMemSize", "unit": "GB" } } }, "localStorage": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "localStorage", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "disk": { "key": "diskSize", "unit": "GB" }, "swap": { "key": "swapMemSize", "unit": "MB" } } }, "cpuTopology": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "cpuTopology", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "hw:cpu_sockets": { "key": "numCpuSockets", "unit": null }, "hw:cpu_cores": { "key": "numCpuCores", "unit": null }, "hw:cpu_threads": { "key": "numCpuThreads", "unit": null } } }, "cpuPinning": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "cpuPinning", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "hw:cpu_thread_policy": { "key": "logicalCpuThreadPinningPolicy", "unit": null }, "hw:cpu_policy": { "key": "logicalCpuPinningPolicy", "unit": null } } }, "numa": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "numa", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "hw:numa_nodes": { "key": "numaNodes", "unit": null }, "hw:numa_cpus": { "key": "numaCpu", "unit": null }, "hw:numa_mem": { "key": "numaMem", "unit": "GB" } } }, "hugePages": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "hugePages", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "hw:mem_page_size": { "key": "memoryPageSize", "unit": null } } }, "pciePassthrough": { "info": { "hpa-feature": "pciePassthrough", "hpa-version": "v1", "architecture": "generic" }, "hpa-attributes": { "pci_count": { "key": "pciCount", "unit": null }, "pci_vendor_id": { "key": "pciVendorId", "unit": null }, "pci_device_id": { "key": "pciDeviceId", "unit": null } } } }""" MOCK_GET_IMAGE_RESPONSE = { "images": [ { "id": "1", "name": "cirros", "self": "test", "os_distro": "CirrOS", "os_version": "0.3", "application": "test", "application_vendor": "ONAP", "application_version": 1, "architecture": "x86", "schema": None }, { "id": "2", "name": "cirros", "self": "test", "os_distro": "CirrOS", "os_version": "0.3", "application": "test", "application_vendor": "ONAP", "application_version": 1, "architecture": "x86", "schema": "req_resource" }, ] } MOCK_GET_AZ_RESPONSE = { "availabilityZoneInfo": [ { "zoneName": "production", "zoneState": {"available": True}, "hosts": {"hypervisor": "kvm"} }, { "zoneName": "testing", }, ] } MOCK_HYPERVISOR_RESPONSE = { "hypervisors": [ {"hypervisor_type": "kvm"} ] } MOCK_GET_SNAPSHOT_RESPONSE = { "snapshots": [ { "id": 1, "name": "test", "metadata": { "architecture": "x86", "os-distro": "clearlinux", "os-version": "276", "vendor": "intel", "version": 3, "selflink": "test", "prev-snapshot-id": "test-id" } }, {"id": 2, "name": "test2"} ] } MOCK_GET_HYPERVISOR_RESPONSE = { "hypervisors": [ { "hypervisor_hostname": "testing", "state": "ACTIVE", "id": 1, "local_gb": 256, "memory_mb": 1024, "hypervisor_links": "link", "host_ip": "", "cpu_info": u'{"topology": {"cores": 8, "threads": 16,' u'"sockets": 4}}' }, { "hypervisor_hostname": "testing2", "state": "XXX", "id": 1, "local_gb": 256, "memory_mb": 1024, "hypervisor_links": "link", "host_ip": "", } ] } TEST_REGISTER_ENDPOINT_REQUEST = { "defaultTenant": "project1" } class TestFlavors(test_base.TestRequest): def setUp(self): super(TestFlavors, self).setUp() self.req_to_aai_backup = restcall.req_to_aai def tearDown(self): super(TestFlavors, self).tearDown() restcall.req_to_aai = self.req_to_aai_backup def _get_mock_response(self, return_value=None): mock_response = mock.Mock(spec=test_base.MockResponse) mock_response.status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK mock_response.json.return_value = return_value return mock_response @mock.patch.object(Flavors, '_get_flavor_extra_specs') @mock.patch.object(VimDriverUtils, 'get_session') @mock.patch.object(VimDriverUtils, 'get_vim_info') def test_register_endpoint_successfully( self, mock_get_vim_info, mock_get_session, mock_get_extra_specs): settings.AAI_SCHEMA_VERSION = "v13" restcall.req_to_aai = mock.Mock() restcall.req_to_aai.return_value = (0, {}, status.HTTP_200_OK) mock_get_vim_info.return_value = mock_info.MOCK_VIM_INFO mock_get_session.return_value = test_base.get_mock_session( ["get"], { "side_effect": [ self._get_mock_response(MOCK_GET_TENANT_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response(MOCK_GET_FLAVOR_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response(MOCK_GET_IMAGE_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response(), self._get_mock_response(MOCK_GET_AZ_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response(MOCK_HYPERVISOR_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response( MOCK_GET_SNAPSHOT_RESPONSE), self._get_mock_response( MOCK_GET_HYPERVISOR_RESPONSE) ] }) mock_extra_specs_response = mock.Mock(spec=test_base.MockResponse) mock_extra_specs_response.status_code = status.HTTP_200_OK mock_extra_specs_response.json.return_value = MOCK_GET_EXTRA_SPECS_RESPONSE mock_get_extra_specs.return_value = mock_extra_specs_response with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=MOCK_HPA_RESPONSE)) as mock_file: response = self.client.post(( "/api/%s/v0/windriver-hudson-dc_RegionOne/" "registry" % test_base.MULTIVIM_VERSION), TEST_REGISTER_ENDPOINT_REQUEST, HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN=mock_info.MOCK_TOKEN_ID) self.assertEquals(status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED, response.status_code) @mock.patch.object(VimDriverUtils, 'delete_vim_info') def test_unregister_endpoint_successfully( self, mock_delete_vim_info): mock_delete_vim_info.return_value = 0 response = self.client.delete(( "/api/%s/v0/windriver-hudson-dc_RegionOne/" "registry" % test_base.MULTIVIM_VERSION), "{}", content_type="application/json", HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN=mock_info.MOCK_TOKEN_ID) self.assertEquals(status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED, response.status_code) @mock.patch.object(VimDriverUtils, 'delete_vim_info') def test_fail_unregister_endpoint( self, mock_delete_vim_info): mock_delete_vim_info.return_value = 1 response = self.client.delete(( "/api/%s/v0/windriver-hudson-dc_RegionOne/" "registry" % test_base.MULTIVIM_VERSION), "{}", content_type="application/json", HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN=mock_info.MOCK_TOKEN_ID) self.assertEquals(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response.status_code)