# Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import json import traceback from django.core.cache import cache from keystoneauth1 import access from keystoneauth1.access import service_catalog from keystoneauth1.exceptions import HttpError from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from newton.pub.config import config from newton.pub.exceptions import VimDriverNewtonException from newton.requests.views.util import VimDriverUtils from newton.proxy.views.proxy_utils import ProxyUtils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEBUG=True class Tokens(APIView): service = {'service_type': 'identity', 'interface': 'public'} def __init__(self): self.proxy_prefix = config.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX self._logger = logger def post(self, request, vimid=""): self._logger.debug("identityV3--post::META> %s" % request.META) self._logger.debug("identityV3--post::data> %s" % request.data) self._logger.debug("identityV3--post::vimid> %s" % (vimid)) sess = None resp = None resp_body = None try: tenant_name = request.data.get("tenant_name") #backward support for keystone v2.0 API if not tenant_name and request.data.get("auth"): tenant_name = request.data["auth"].get("tenant_name") # prepare request resource to vim instance vim = VimDriverUtils.get_vim_info(vimid) sess = VimDriverUtils.get_session(vim, tenantname = tenant_name) tmp_auth_state = VimDriverUtils.get_auth_state(vim, sess) tmp_auth_info = json.loads(tmp_auth_state) tmp_auth_token = tmp_auth_info['auth_token'] tmp_auth_data = tmp_auth_info['body'] #store the auth_state, redis/memcached #set expiring in 1 hour #update the catalog tmp_auth_data['token']['catalog'], tmp_metadata_catalog = ProxyUtils.update_catalog(vimid, tmp_auth_data['token']['catalog'], self.proxy_prefix) tmp_auth_token = VimDriverUtils.update_token_cache(vim, sess, tmp_auth_token, tmp_auth_state, json.dumps(tmp_metadata_catalog)) resp = Response(headers={'X-Subject-Token': tmp_auth_token}, data=tmp_auth_data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) return resp except VimDriverNewtonException as e: return Response(data={'error': e.content}, status=e.status_code) except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) return Response(data=e.response.json(), status=e.http_status) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return Response(data={'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) class TokensV2(Tokens): ''' Backward compatible API for /v2.0/tokens ''' def __init__(self): self.proxy_prefix = config.MULTICLOUD_PREFIX self._logger = logger def post(self, request, vimid=""): self._logger.debug("TokensV2--post::META> %s" % request.META) self._logger.debug("TokensV2--post::data> %s" % request.data) self._logger.debug("TokensV2--post::vimid > %s" % (vimid)) try: resp = super(TokensV2,self).post(request, vimid) self._logger.debug("TokensV2--resp:: headers:%s, data:%s" % (resp._headers, resp.data)) if resp.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED: v3_content = resp.data v3_token = v3_content['token'] #convert catalog v2_catalog = [] for v3_catalog in v3_token['catalog']: v2_catalog1 = { "type": v3_catalog["type"], "name": v3_catalog["name"], "endpoints": [] } #convert endpoints v2_catalog1_endpoints = {"id": v3_catalog['id']} for v3_endpoint in v3_catalog['endpoints']: if v3_endpoint['interface'] == 'public': v2_catalog1_endpoints['publicURL'] = v3_endpoint['url'] elif v3_endpoint['interface'] == 'admin': v2_catalog1_endpoints['adminURL'] = v3_endpoint['url'] elif v3_endpoint['interface'] == 'internal': v2_catalog1_endpoints['internalURL'] = v3_endpoint['url'] v2_catalog1['endpoints'].append(v2_catalog1_endpoints) v2_catalog.append(v2_catalog1) #conversion between v3 tokens response and v2.0 tokens response v3_token["project"]['enabled'] = 'true' v2_content = { "access": { "token": { "id" : resp.get('X-Subject-Token', None), "issued_at": v3_token["issued_at"], "expires" : v3_token["expires_at"], "tenant" : v3_token["project"], }, "serviceCatalog": v2_catalog, # "user": v3_token["user"], } } return Response(data=v2_content, status=resp.status_code) else: return resp except VimDriverNewtonException as e: return Response(data={'error': e.content}, status=e.status_code) except HttpError as e: self._logger.error("HttpError: status:%s, response:%s" % (e.http_status, e.response.json())) return Response(data=e.response.json(), status=e.http_status) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return Response(data={'error': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)