#!/bin/bash # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail rm -f $HOME/*.yaml pod_name=multus-pod deployment_name=multus-deployment cat << NET > $HOME/bridge-network.yaml apiVersion: "kubernetes.cni.cncf.io/v1" kind: Network metadata: name: bridge-conf spec: config: '{ "name": "mynet", "type": "bridge", "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "" } }' NET cat << POD > $HOME/$pod_name.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: $pod_name annotations: kubernetes.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: '[ { "name": "bridge-conf", "interfaceRequest": "eth1" }, { "name": "bridge-conf", "interfaceRequest": "eth2" } ]' spec: # specification of the pod's contents containers: - name: $pod_name image: "busybox" command: ["top"] stdin: true tty: true POD cat << DEPLOYMENT > $HOME/$deployment_name.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: $deployment_name labels: app: multus spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: multus template: metadata: labels: app: multus annotations: kubernetes.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: '[ { "name": "bridge-conf", "interfaceRequest": "eth1" }, { "name": "bridge-conf", "interfaceRequest": "eth2" } ]' spec: containers: - name: $deployment_name image: "busybox" command: ["top"] stdin: true tty: true DEPLOYMENT if $(kubectl version &>/dev/null); then kubectl apply -f $HOME/bridge-network.yaml kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now kubectl delete deployment $deployment_name --ignore-not-found=true --now while kubectl get pod $pod_name &>/dev/null; do sleep 5 done kubectl create -f $HOME/$pod_name.yaml while kubectl get deployment $deployment_name &>/dev/null; do sleep 5 done kubectl create -f $HOME/$deployment_name.yaml sleep 5 deployment_pod=$(kubectl get pods | grep $deployment_name | awk '{print $1}') for pod in $pod_name $deployment_pod; do status_phase="" while [[ $status_phase != "Running" ]]; do new_phase=$(kubectl get pods $pod | awk 'NR==2{print $3}') if [[ $new_phase != $status_phase ]]; then echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S) - $pod : $new_phase" status_phase=$new_phase fi if [[ $new_phase == "Err"* ]]; then exit 1 fi done done for pod in $pod_name $deployment_pod; do echo "===== $pod details =====" kubectl exec -it $pod -- ip a multus_nic=$(kubectl exec -it $pod -- ifconfig | grep "eth1") if [ -z "$multus_nic" ]; then exit 1 fi done fi