package resourcebundlestate import ( "context" "log" "" corev1 "" k8serrors "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // AddPodController the new controller to the controller manager func AddPodController(mgr manager.Manager) error { return addPodController(mgr, newPodReconciler(mgr)) } func addPodController(mgr manager.Manager, r *podReconciler) error { // Create a new controller c, err := controller.New("Pod-controller", mgr, controller.Options{Reconciler: r}) if err != nil { return err } // Watch for changes to secondar resource Pods // Predicate filters pods which don't have the k8splugin label err = c.Watch(&source.Kind{Type: &corev1.Pod{}}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}, &podPredicate{}) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func newPodReconciler(m manager.Manager) *podReconciler { return &podReconciler{client: m.GetClient()} } type podReconciler struct { client client.Client } // Reconcile implements the loop that will update the ResourceBundleState CR // whenever we get any updates from all the pods we watch. func (r *podReconciler) Reconcile(req reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) { log.Printf("Updating ResourceBundleState for Pod: %+v\n", req) pod := &corev1.Pod{} err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, pod) if err != nil { if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) { log.Printf("Pod not found: %+v. Remove from CR if it is stored there.\n", req.NamespacedName) // Remove the Pod's status from StatusList // This can happen if we get the DeletionTimeStamp event // after the POD has been deleted. r.deletePodFromAllCRs(req.NamespacedName) return reconcile.Result{}, nil } log.Printf("Failed to get pod: %+v\n", req.NamespacedName) return reconcile.Result{}, err } // Find the CRs which track this pod via the labelselector crSelector := returnLabel(pod.GetLabels()) if crSelector == nil { log.Println("We should not be here. The predicate should have filtered this Pod") } // Get the CRs which have this label and update them all // Ideally, we will have only one CR, but there is nothing // preventing the creation of multiple. // TODO: Consider using an admission validating webook to prevent multiple rbStatusList := &v1alpha1.ResourceBundleStateList{} err = listResources(r.client, req.Namespace, crSelector, rbStatusList) if err != nil || len(rbStatusList.Items) == 0 { log.Printf("Did not find any CRs tracking this resource\n") return reconcile.Result{}, nil } err = r.updateCRs(rbStatusList, pod) if err != nil { // Requeue the update return reconcile.Result{}, err } return reconcile.Result{}, nil } // deletePodFromAllCRs deletes pod status from all the CRs when the POD itself has been deleted // and we have not handled the updateCRs yet. // Since, we don't have the pod's labels, we need to look at all the CRs in this namespace func (r *podReconciler) deletePodFromAllCRs(namespacedName types.NamespacedName) error { rbStatusList := &v1alpha1.ResourceBundleStateList{} err := listResources(r.client, namespacedName.Namespace, nil, rbStatusList) if err != nil || len(rbStatusList.Items) == 0 { log.Printf("Did not find any CRs tracking this resource\n") return nil } for _, cr := range rbStatusList.Items { r.deleteFromSingleCR(&cr, namespacedName.Name) } return nil } func (r *podReconciler) updateCRs(crl *v1alpha1.ResourceBundleStateList, pod *corev1.Pod) error { for _, cr := range crl.Items { // Pod is not scheduled for deletion if pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil { err := r.updateSingleCR(&cr, pod) if err != nil { return err } } else { // Pod is scheduled for deletion r.deleteFromSingleCR(&cr, pod.Name) } } return nil } func (r *podReconciler) deleteFromSingleCR(cr *v1alpha1.ResourceBundleState, name string) error { cr.Status.ResourceCount-- length := len(cr.Status.PodStatuses) for i, rstatus := range cr.Status.PodStatuses { if rstatus.Name == name { //Delete that status from the array cr.Status.PodStatuses[i] = cr.Status.PodStatuses[length-1] cr.Status.PodStatuses[length-1] = corev1.Pod{} cr.Status.PodStatuses = cr.Status.PodStatuses[:length-1] return nil } } log.Println("Did not find a status for POD in CR") return nil } func (r *podReconciler) updateSingleCR(cr *v1alpha1.ResourceBundleState, pod *corev1.Pod) error { // Update status after searching for it in the list of resourceStatuses for i, rstatus := range cr.Status.PodStatuses { // Look for the status if we already have it in the CR if rstatus.Name == pod.Name { pod.Status.DeepCopyInto(&cr.Status.PodStatuses[i].Status) err := r.client.Status().Update(context.TODO(), cr) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to update rbstate: %v\n", err) return err } return nil } } // Exited for loop with no status found // Increment the number of tracked resources cr.Status.ResourceCount++ // Add it to CR cr.Status.PodStatuses = append(cr.Status.PodStatuses, corev1.Pod{ TypeMeta: pod.TypeMeta, ObjectMeta: pod.ObjectMeta, Status: pod.Status, }) err := r.client.Status().Update(context.TODO(), cr) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to update rbstate: %v\n", err) return err } return nil }