# /* # * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc # * # * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # */ project="test-project" description="test-description" logical_cloud_name="lc1" logical_cloud_url="http://localhost:9015/v2/projects/${project}/logical-clouds" quota_name="quota-1" quota_url="${logical_cloud_url}/${logical_cloud_name}/cluster-quotas" cluster_url="${logical_cloud_url}/${logical_cloud_name}/cluster-references" logical_cloud_data="$(cat << EOF { "metadata" : { "name": "${logical_cloud_name}", "description": "${test-description}", "userData1":"", "userData2":"" }, "spec" : { "namespace" : "ns-1", "user" : { "user-name" : "user-1", "type" : "certificate", "user-permissions" : [ { "permission-name" : "permission-1", "apiGroups" : ["stable.example.com"], "resources" : ["secrets", "pods"], "verbs" : ["get", "watch", "list", "create"] } ] } } } EOF )" cluster_1_data="$(cat << EOF { "metadata" : { "name": "lc-cl-1", "description": "${test-description}", "userData1":"", "userData2":"" }, "spec" : { "cluster-provider": "cp-1", "cluster-name": "c1", "loadbalancer-ip" : "" } } EOF )" cluster_2_data="$(cat << EOF { "metadata" : { "name": "lc-cl-2", "description": "${test-description}", "userData1":"", "userData2":"" }, "spec" : { "cluster-provider": "cp-1", "cluster-name": "c2", "loadbalancer-ip" : "" } } EOF )" quota_data="$(cat << EOF { "metadata" : { "name" : "${quota_name}", "description": "${test-description}" }, "spec" : { "limits.cpu": "400", "limits.memory": "1000Gi", "requests.cpu": "300", "requests.memory": "900Gi", "requests.storage" : "500Gi", "requests.ephemeral-storage": "", "limits.ephemeral-storage": "", "persistentvolumeclaims" : " ", "pods": "500", "configmaps" : "", "replicationcontrollers": "", "resourcequotas" : "", "services": "", "services.loadbalancers" : "", "services.nodeports" : "", "secrets" : "", "count/replicationcontrollers" : "", "count/deployments.apps" : "", "count/replicasets.apps" : "", "count/statefulsets.apps" : "", "count/jobs.batch" : "", "count/cronjobs.batch" : "", "count/deployments.extensions" : "" } } EOF )" # Create logical cloud printf "\n\nCreating logical cloud data\n\n" curl -d "${logical_cloud_data}" -X POST ${logical_cloud_url} # Associate two clusters with the logical cloud printf "\n\nAdding two clusters to logical cloud\n\n" curl -d "${cluster_1_data}" -X POST ${cluster_url} curl -d "${cluster_2_data}" -X POST ${cluster_url} # Add resource quota for the logical cloud printf "\n\nAdding resource quota for the logical cloud\n\n" curl -d "${quota_data}" -X POST ${quota_url} # Get logical cloud data printf "\n\nGetting logical cloud\n\n" curl -X GET "${logical_cloud_url}/${logical_cloud_name}" printf "\n\nGetting clusters info for logical cloud\n\n" curl -X GET ${cluster_url} printf "\n\nGetting Quota info for the logical cloud\n\n" curl -X GET "${quota_url}/${quota_name}"