package module import ( "testing" "" ) func TestCreateQuota(t *testing.T) { mData := QMetaDataList{ QuotaName: "test_quota", } q := Quota{ MetaData: mData, } data1 := [][]byte{} key := QuotaKey{ Project: "test_project", LogicalCloudName: "test_asdf", QuotaName: "test_quota", } myMocks := new(mockValues) // just to get an error value err1 := errors.New("math: square root of negative number") myMocks.On("CheckProject", "test_project").Return(nil) myMocks.On("CheckLogicalCloud", "test_project", "test_asdf").Return(nil) myMocks.On("DBInsert", "test_dcm", key, nil, "test_meta", q).Return(nil) myMocks.On("DBFind", "test_dcm", key, "test_meta").Return(data1, err1) qClient := QuotaClient{"test_dcm", "test_meta", myMocks} _, err := qClient.CreateQuota("test_project", "test_asdf", q) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Some error occured!") } } func TestGetQuota(t *testing.T) { key := QuotaKey{ Project: "test_project", LogicalCloudName: "test_asdf", QuotaName: "test_quota", } data1 := [][]byte{ []byte("abc"), } data2 := []byte("abc") myMocks := new(mockValues) myMocks.On("DBFind", "test_dcm", key, "test_meta").Return(data1, nil) myMocks.On("DBUnmarshal", data2).Return(nil) qClient := QuotaClient{"test_dcm", "test_meta", myMocks} _, err := qClient.GetQuota("test_project", "test_asdf", "test_quota") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Some error occured!") } } func TestDeleteQuota(t *testing.T) { key := QuotaKey{ Project: "test_project", LogicalCloudName: "test_asdf", QuotaName: "test_quota", } myMocks := new(mockValues) myMocks.On("DBRemove", "test_dcm", key).Return(nil) qClient := QuotaClient{"test_dcm", "test_meta", myMocks} err := qClient.DeleteQuota("test_project", "test_asdf", "test_quota") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Some error occured!") } } func TestUpdateQuota(t *testing.T) { key := QuotaKey{ Project: "test_project", LogicalCloudName: "test_asdf", QuotaName: "test_quota", } mData := QMetaDataList{ QuotaName: "test_quota", } q := Quota{ MetaData: mData, } data1 := [][]byte{ []byte("abc"), } data2 := []byte("abc") myMocks := new(mockValues) myMocks.On("DBInsert", "test_dcm", key, nil, "test_meta", q).Return(nil) myMocks.On("DBFind", "test_dcm", key, "test_meta").Return(data1, nil) myMocks.On("DBUnmarshal", data2).Return(nil) qClient := QuotaClient{"test_dcm", "test_meta", myMocks} _, err := qClient.UpdateQuota("test_project", "test_asdf", "test_quota", q) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Some error occured!") } }