#!/bin/bash source _common.sh source _functions.sh ENV=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | wc -l) if [[ $ENV -gt 2 ]]; then COMPUTE_NODE=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | grep -v master | awk 'NR==2{print $1}') else COMPUTE_NODE=$(kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces | grep master | awk 'NR==1{print $1}') fi cases=("exclusive ${COMPUTE_NODE} 1" "shared ${COMPUTE_NODE} -1") case=(null null 0) num=${#cases[*]} POOL=0 NODE=1 CORE=2 DIR=/tmp pod_name=cmk-test-pod function start_nginx_pod { kubectl delete deployment -n default nginx --ignore-not-found=true kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx kubectl wait deployment nginx --for=condition=available nginx_pod=$(kubectl get pods --all-namespaces| grep nginx | awk 'NR==1{print $2}') kubectl delete deployment -n default nginx --ignore-not-found=true pod_status="Running" until [[ $pod_status == "" ]]; do pod_status=$(kubectl get pod $nginx_pod --ignore-not-found=true | awk 'NR==2{print $3}') done } rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait echo echo "env is $ENV" echo for ((i=0;i<$num;i++)); do inner_case=(${cases[$i]}) num_inner=${#inner_case[*]} for ((j=0;j<$num_inner;j++)); do case[$j]=${inner_case[$j]} done echo "##################################" if [ "${case[$POOL]}" == "exclusive" ]; then echo "TC: to allocate ${case[$CORE]} CPU(s) from pool of ${case[$POOL]} on node of ${case[$NODE]}" TOTAL=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq --arg pool "${case[$POOL]}" '.spec.report.description.pools[$pool].cpuLists|length') echo "ready to generate yaml" cat << EOF > $DIR/$pod_name.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: cmk-test-pod name: cmk-test-pod spec: nodeName: ${case[$NODE]} containers: - args: - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=exclusive sleep -- 3900" command: - "sh" - "-c" env: - name: CMK_PROC_FS value: "/host/proc" - name: CMK_NUM_CORES value: "${case[$CORE]}" image: ubuntu:18.04 imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" name: cmk-test volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/host/proc" name: host-proc - mountPath: "/opt/bin" name: cmk-install-dir - mountPath: "/etc/cmk" name: cmk-conf-dir restartPolicy: Never volumes: - hostPath: path: "/opt/bin" name: cmk-install-dir - hostPath: path: "/proc" name: host-proc - hostPath: path: "/etc/cmk" name: cmk-conf-dir EOF echo "ready to create pod" kubectl create -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml --validate=false sleep 2 echo "waiting for pod up" for pod in $pod_name; do wait_for_pod $pod done echo "waiting for CPU allocation finished ..." rest=$TOTAL timeout=0 until [[ $TOTAL -gt $rest || $timeout == 180 ]]; do sleep 1 rest=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq '.spec.report.description.pools.exclusive.cpuLists[].tasks|select(type=="array" and length==0)' | wc -l) || echo "$TOTAL" timeout=$((timeout+1)) done let allocated=`expr $TOTAL - $rest` echo "The allocated CPU amount is:" $allocated echo "deploy a nginx pod" start_nginx_pod if [[ $allocated == ${case[$CORE]} ]]; then echo "CPU was allocated as expected, TC passed !!" else echo "failed to allocate CPU ($allocated != ${case[$CORE]}), TC failed !!" fi rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml echo "ready to delete pod" kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait echo "Pod was deleted" echo "##################################" echo echo [[ $allocated == ${case[$CORE]} ]] else echo "TC: to allocate CPU(s) from pool of ${case[$POOL]} on node of ${case[$NODE]}" echo "ready to generate yaml" cat << EOF > $DIR/$pod_name.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: cmk-test-pod name: cmk-test-pod spec: nodeName: ${case[$NODE]} containers: - name: share1 args: - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=shared sleep -- 3900" command: - "sh" - "-c" env: - name: CMK_PROC_FS value: "/host/proc" - name: CMK_NUM_CORES value: "3" image: ubuntu:18.10 imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/host/proc" name: host-proc - mountPath: "/opt/bin" name: cmk-install-dir - mountPath: "/etc/cmk" name: cmk-conf-dir - name: share2 args: - "/opt/bin/cmk isolate --conf-dir=/etc/cmk --pool=shared sleep -- 3300" command: - "sh" - "-c" env: - name: CMK_PROC_FS value: "/host/proc" - name: CMK_NUM_CORES value: "3" image: ubuntu:18.10 imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/host/proc" name: host-proc - mountPath: "/opt/bin" name: cmk-install-dir - mountPath: "/etc/cmk" name: cmk-conf-dir volumes: - hostPath: path: "/opt/bin" name: cmk-install-dir - hostPath: path: "/proc" name: host-proc - hostPath: path: "/etc/cmk" name: cmk-conf-dir EOF echo "ready to create pod" kubectl create -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml --validate=false sleep 2 echo "waiting for pod up" for pod in $pod_name; do wait_for_pod $pod done echo "waiting for CPU allocation finished ..." rest=0 timeout=0 until [[ $rest == 2 || $timeout == 180 ]]; do sleep 1 rest=$(kubectl get cmk-nodereport ${case[$NODE]} -o json | jq '.spec.report.description.pools.shared.cpuLists[].tasks' | jq length) || echo "0" timeout=$((timeout+1)) done echo "The CPU allocated in shared pool for 2 tasks" echo "deploy a nginx pod" start_nginx_pod if [[ $rest == 2 ]]; then echo "CPU was allocated as expected, TC passed !!" else echo "failed to allocate CPU ($rest != 2), TC failed !!" fi rm -f $DIR/$pod_name.yaml echo "ready to delete pod" kubectl delete pod $pod_name --ignore-not-found=true --now --wait echo "Pod was deleted" echo "##################################" echo echo [[ $rest == 2 ]] fi done