# Notes on running the composite vFW test case # Infrastructure As written, the vfw-test.sh script assumes 3 clusters 1 - the cluster in which the EMCO microservices are running 2 - two edge clusters in which the vFW will be instantiated The edge cluster in which vFW will be instantiated should be KUD clusters. # Edge cluster preparation For status monitoring support, the 'monitor' docker image must be built and deployed. In multicloud-k8s repo: cd multicloud-k8s/src/monitor docker build -f build/Dockerfile . -t monitor Deploy monitor program in each cluster (assumes multicloud-k8s repo is present in cloud) # one time setup per cluster - install the CRD cd multicloud-k8s/src/monitor/deploy/crds kubectl apply -f crds/k8splugin_v1alpha1_resourcebundlestate_crd.yaml # one time setup per cluster # update yaml files with correct image # (cleanup first, if monitor was already installed - see monitor-cleanup.sh) cd multicloud-k8s/src/monitor/deploy monitor-deploy.sh # Preparation of the vFW Composit Application ## Prepare the Composite vFW Application Charts and Profiles 1. In the multicloud-k8s/kud/demo/composite-vfw directory, prepare the 3 helm charts for the vfw. tar cvf packetgen.tar packetgen tar cvf firewall.tar firewall tar cvf sink.tar sink gzip *.tar 2. Prepare the profile file (same one will be used for all profiles in this demo) tar cvf profile.tar manifest.yaml override_values.yaml gzip profile.tar ## Set up environment variables for the vfw-test.sh script The vfw-test.sh script expects a number of files to be provided via environment variables. Change directory to multicloud-k8s/kud/tests 1. Edge cluster kubeconfig files - the script expects 2 of these export kubeconfigfile= export kubeconfigfile2= for example: export kubeconfigfile=/home/vagrant/multicloud-k8s/cluster-configs/config-edge01 2. Composite app helm chart files (as prepared above) export packetgen_helm_chart=../demo/composite-firewall/packetgen.tar.gz export firewall_helm_chart=../demo/composite-firewall/firewall.tar.gz export sink_helm_chart=../demo/composite-firewall/sink.tar.gz 3. Composite profile application profiles (as prepared above) export packetgen_profile_file=../demo/composite-firewall/profile.tar.gz export firewall_profile_file=../demo/composite-firewall/profile.tar.gz export sink_profile_file=../demo/composite-firewall/profile.tar.gz 4. Modify the script to address the EMCO cluster Modifiy the the urls at the top part of the script to point to the cluster IP address of the EMCO cluster. That is, modify the IP address to the correct value for your environment. Note also that the node ports used in the following are based on the values defined in multicloud-k8s/deployments/kubernetes/onap4k8s.yaml base_url_clm=${base_url_clm:-""} base_url_ncm=${base_url_ncm:-""} base_url_orchestrator=${base_url_orchestrator:-""} base_url_ovnaction=${base_url_ovnaction:-""} # Run the vfw-test.sh The rest of the data needed for the test is present in the script. 1. Invoke API calls to create the data vfw-test.sh create This does all of the data setup - registers clusters - registers controllers - sets up the composite app and profile - sets up all of the intents 2. Query results (optional) vfw-test.sh get 3. Apply the network intents For the vFW test, the 3 networks used by the vFW are created by using network intents. Both virtual and provider networks are used. vfw-test.sh apply On the edge clusters, check to see the networks were created: kubectl get network kubectl get providernetwork 4. Instantiate the vFW vfw-test.sh instantiate This will instantiate the vFW on the two edge clusters (as defined by the generic placement intent). 5. Status query vfw-test.sh status 6. Terminate Terminate will remove the resources from the clusters and delete the internal composite application information in the etcd base AppContext. The script will do it for both the deployment intent group (i.e. the vfW composite app) and the network intents. In principle, after runnin terminate, the 'apply' and 'instantiate' commands could be invoked again to re-insantiate the networks and the vFW composite app. vfw-test.sh terminate 7. Delete the data After running 'terminate', the 'delete' command can be invoked to remove all the data created. This should leave the system back in the starting state - begin with point #1 above to start again. vfw-test.sh delete