# Kubernetes Deployment ## Summary This project offers a means for deploying a Kubernetes cluster that satisfies the requirements of [ONAP multicloud/k8s plugin][1]. Its ansible playbooks allow provisioning a deployment on Virtual Machines. ![Diagram](../../../docs/img/diagram.png) ## Deployment The [installer](installer.sh) bash script contains the minimal Ubuntu instructions required for running this project. ### Virtual Machines This project uses [Vagrant tool][2] for provisioning Virtual Machines automatically. The [setup](setup.sh) bash script contains the Linux instructions to install dependencies and plugins required for its usage. This script supports two Virtualization technologies (Libvirt and VirtualBox). $ sudo ./setup.sh -p libvirt There is a `default.yml` in the `./config` directory which creates multiple controllers and nodes. There are also sample configurations in the `./config/samples` directory. To use one of the samples, copy it into the `./config` directory as `pdf.yml`. If a `pdf.yml` exists in the `./config` directory it overrides the `default.yml` when the `vagrant up` command (in the next step) is run. For example: $ cp ./config/samples/pdf.yml.aio ./config/pdf.yml Once Vagrant is installed, it's possible to provision a cluster using the following instructions: $ vagrant up && vagrant up installer In-depth documentation and use cases of various Vagrant commands [Vagrant commands][3] is available on the Vagrant site. ## License Apache-2.0 [1]: https://git.onap.org/multicloud/k8s [2]: https://www.vagrantup.com/ [3]: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/