#!/bin/bash #SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail set -ex INSTALLER_DIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" function install_prerequisites { #install package for docker images echo "Removing ppa for jonathonf/python-3.6" ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ || true find /etc/apt/sources.list.d -maxdepth 1 -name '*jonathonf*' -delete || true apt-get update apt-get install -y curl vim wget git \ software-properties-common python-pip sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:longsleep/golang-backports apt-get update apt-get install -y golang-go rsync } # _install_ansible() - Install and Configure Ansible program function _install_ansible { local version=$(grep "ansible_version" ${kud_playbooks}/kud-vars.yml | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') mkdir -p /etc/ansible/ pip install --no-cache-dir ansible==$version } function install_kubespray { echo "Deploying kubernetes" version=$(grep "kubespray_version" ${kud_playbooks}/kud-vars.yml | \ awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') local_release_dir=$(grep "local_release_dir" \ $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml | \ awk -F "\"" '{print $2}') local tarball=v$version.tar.gz # install make to run mitogen target & unzip is mitogen playbook dependency apt-get install -y sshpass make unzip _install_ansible wget https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray/archive/$tarball tar -C $dest_folder -xzf $tarball chown -R root:root $dest_folder/kubespray-$version mkdir -p ${local_release_dir}/containers rm $tarball pushd $dest_folder/kubespray-$version/ pip install --no-cache-dir -r ./requirements.txt make mitogen popd rm -f $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml 2> /dev/null if [[ -n "${verbose:-}" ]]; then echo "kube_log_level: 5" | tee \ $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml else echo "kube_log_level: 2" | tee \ $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml fi echo "kubeadm_enabled: true" | \ tee --append $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml if [[ -n "${http_proxy:-}" ]]; then echo "http_proxy: \"$http_proxy\"" | tee --append \ $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml fi if [[ -n "${https_proxy:-}" ]]; then echo "https_proxy: \"$https_proxy\"" | tee --append \ $kud_inventory_folder/group_vars/all.yml fi } # install_k8s() - Install Kubernetes using kubespray tool function install_k8s { local cluster_name=$1 ansible-playbook $verbose -i \ $kud_inventory $kud_playbooks/preconfigure-kubespray.yml \ --become --become-user=root | \ tee $cluster_log/setup-kubernetes.log ansible-playbook $verbose -i \ $kud_inventory $dest_folder/kubespray-$version/cluster.yml \ -e cluster_name=$cluster_name --become --become-user=root | \ tee $cluster_log/setup-kubernetes.log # Configure environment mkdir -p $HOME/.kube cp $kud_inventory_folder/artifacts/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config # Copy Kubespray kubectl to be usable in host running Ansible. # Requires kubectl_localhost: true in inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml if !(which kubectl); then cp $kud_inventory_folder/artifacts/kubectl /usr/local/bin/ fi cp -rf $kud_inventory_folder/artifacts \ /opt/kud/multi-cluster/$cluster_name/ } # install_addons() - Install Kubenertes AddOns function install_addons { if [ ${1:+1} ]; then local plugins_name="$1" echo "additional addons plugins $1" else local plugins_name="" echo "no additional addons pluigns" fi source /etc/environment echo "Installing Kubernetes AddOns" ansible-galaxy install $verbose -r \ $kud_infra_folder/galaxy-requirements.yml --ignore-errors ansible-playbook $verbose -i \ $kud_inventory $kud_playbooks/configure-kud.yml | \ tee $cluster_log/setup-kud.log # The order of KUD_ADDONS is important: some plugins (sriov, qat) # require nfd to be enabled. for addon in ${KUD_ADDONS:-virtlet ovn4nfv nfd sriov qat cmk $plugins_name}; do echo "Deploying $addon using configure-$addon.yml playbook.." ansible-playbook $verbose -i \ $kud_inventory $kud_playbooks/configure-${addon}.yml | \ tee $cluster_log/setup-${addon}.log done echo "Run the test cases if testing_enabled is set to true." if [[ "${testing_enabled}" == "true" ]]; then failed_kud_tests="" for addon in ${KUD_ADDONS:-virtlet ovn4nfv nfd sriov qat cmk $plugins_name}; do pushd $kud_tests bash ${addon}.sh || failed_kud_tests="${failed_kud_tests} ${addon}" case $addon in "onap4k8s" ) echo "Test the onap4k8s plugin installation" for functional_test in plugin_edgex plugin_fw plugin_eaa; do bash ${functional_test}.sh --external || failed_kud_tests="${failed_kud_tests} ${functional_test}" done ;; "emco" ) echo "Test the emco plugin installation" for functional_test in plugin_fw_v2; do bash ${functional_test}.sh --external || failed_kud_tests="${failed_kud_tests} ${functional_test}" done ;; esac popd done if [[ ! -z "$failed_kud_tests" ]]; then echo "Test cases failed:${failed_kud_tests}" return 1 fi fi echo "Add-ons deployment complete..." } # _print_kubernetes_info() - Prints the login Kubernetes information function _print_kubernetes_info { if ! $(kubectl version &>/dev/null); then return fi # Expose Dashboard using NodePort node_port=30080 KUBE_EDITOR="sed -i \"s|type\: ClusterIP|type\: NodePort|g\"" \ kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard KUBE_EDITOR="sed -i \"s|nodePort\: .*|nodePort\: $node_port|g\"" \ kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard master_ip=$(kubectl cluster-info | grep "Kubernetes master" | \ awk -F ":" '{print $2}') printf "Kubernetes Info\n===============\n" > $k8s_info_file echo "Dashboard URL: https:$master_ip:$node_port" >> $k8s_info_file echo "Admin user: kube" >> $k8s_info_file echo "Admin password: secret" >> $k8s_info_file } verbose="" if [[ -n "${KUD_DEBUG:-}" ]]; then set -o xtrace verbose="-vvv" fi # Configuration values dest_folder=/opt kud_folder=${INSTALLER_DIR} kud_infra_folder=$kud_folder/../../deployment_infra kud_playbooks=$kud_infra_folder/playbooks kud_tests=$kud_folder/../../tests k8s_info_file=$kud_folder/k8s_info.log testing_enabled=${KUD_ENABLE_TESTS:-false} mkdir -p /opt/csar export CSAR_DIR=/opt/csar function install_pkg { # Install dependencies apt-get update install_prerequisites install_kubespray } function install_cluster { version=$(grep "kubespray_version" ${kud_playbooks}/kud-vars.yml | \ awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$dest_folder/kubespray-$version/ansible.cfg install_k8s $1 if [ ${2:+1} ]; then echo "install default addons and $2" install_addons "$2" else install_addons fi echo "installed the addons" _print_kubernetes_info } function usage { echo "installer usage:" echo "./installer.sh --install_pkg - Install the required softwarepackage" echo "./installer.sh --cluster \ - Install k8s cluster with default plugins" echo "./installer.sh --cluster \ --plugins - Install k8s cluster with default plugins \ and additional plugins such as onap4k8s." } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error: No arguments supplied" usage exit 1 fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Error: Null argument passed" usage exit 1 fi if [ "$1" == "--install_pkg" ]; then export kud_inventory_folder=$kud_folder/inventory kud_inventory=$kud_inventory_folder/hosts.ini install_pkg echo "install pkg" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "--cluster" ]; then if [ -z "${2-}" ]; then echo "Error: Cluster name is null" usage exit 1 fi cluster_name=$2 kud_multi_cluster_path=/opt/kud/multi-cluster cluster_path=$kud_multi_cluster_path/$cluster_name echo $cluster_path if [ ! -d "${cluster_path}" ]; then echo "Error: cluster_path ${cluster_path} doesn't exit" usage exit 1 fi cluster_log=$kud_multi_cluster_path/$cluster_name/log export kud_inventory_folder=$kud_folder/inventory/$cluster_name kud_inventory=$kud_inventory_folder/hosts.ini mkdir -p $kud_inventory_folder mkdir -p $cluster_log cp $kud_multi_cluster_path/$cluster_name/hosts.ini $kud_inventory_folder/ cp -rf $kud_folder/inventory/group_vars $kud_inventory_folder/ if [ ${3:+1} ]; then if [ "$3" == "--plugins" ]; then if [ -z "${4-}" ]; then echo "Error: plugins arguments is null; Refer the usage" usage exit 1 fi plugins_name=${@:4:$#} install_cluster $cluster_name "$plugins_name" exit 0 else echo "Error: cluster argument should have plugins; \ Refer the usage" usage exit 1 fi fi install_cluster $cluster_name exit 0 fi echo "Error: Refer the installer usage" usage exit 1