#!/bin/bash # # The functions below are captured from the Makefile targets. They # cannot be run in a container as-is due to absolute paths, so they # are recreated here. # # Note also that the portions of qat-driver-install that deal with # rc.d are removed: they are intended to be handled by the deployed # DaemonSet. The rest is contained in _qat_service_start. # # The checks for loaded modules are moved to _qat_check_started. BIN_LIST="qat_c3xxx.bin qat_c3xxx_mmp.bin qat_c62x.bin \ qat_c62x_mmp.bin qat_mmp.bin qat_d15xx.bin qat_d15xx_mmp.bin \ qat_200xx.bin qat_200xx_mmp.bin qat_895xcc.bin qat_895xcc_mmp.bin" numDh895xDevicesP=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:0435") || true numDh895xDevicesV=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:0443") || true numC62xDevicesP=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:37c8") || true numC62xDevicesV=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:37c9") || true numD15xxDevicesP=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:6f54") || true numD15xxDevicesV=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:6f55") || true numC3xxxDevicesP=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:19e2") || true numC3xxxDevicesV=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:19e3") || true num200xxDevicesP=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:18ee") || true num200xxDevicesV=$(lspci -n | grep -c "8086:18ef") || true _qat_driver_install() { info "Installing drivers" if [[ -z "${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD}" ]]; then info "No driver signing required" INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR} make KDIR="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}" -C "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/qat" mod_sign_cmd=":" modules_install else info "Driver signing is required" INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR} make KDIR="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}" -C "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/qat" mod_sign_cmd="${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD}" modules_install fi } _adf_ctl_install() { info "Installing adf_ctl" install -D -m 750 "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/utilities/adf_ctl/adf_ctl" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/adf_ctl" } _adf_ctl_uninstall() { info "Uninstalling adf_ctl" # rm ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/adf_ctl return 0 } _rename_ssl_conf_section() { info "Renaming SSL section in conf files" restore_nullglob=$(shopt -p | grep nullglob) shopt -s nullglob for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xcc_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xcc_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xx_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xx_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xx_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xx_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxx_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxx_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xx_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xx_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xccvf_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xccvf_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xxvf_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xxvf_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xxvf_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xxvf_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxxvf_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxxvf_dev${dev}.conf" done for file in ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xxvf_dev*.conf; do dev=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | tr -cd '[:digit:]') sed -i "s/\[SSL\]/\[SSL${dev}\]/g" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xxvf_dev${dev}.conf" done $restore_nullglob } _qat_service_install() { local -r QAT_DH895XCC_NUM_VFS=32 local -r QAT_DHC62X_NUM_VFS=16 local -r QAT_DHD15XX_NUM_VFS=16 local -r QAT_DHC3XXX_NUM_VFS=16 local -r QAT_DH200XX_NUM_VFS=16 local -r DEVICES="0435 0443 37c8 37c9 6f54 6f55 19e2 19e3 18ee 18ef" info "Installing service" pushd "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build" > /dev/null if [[ ! -d ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup ]]; then mkdir -p "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup" fi for bin in ${BIN_LIST}; do if [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin} ]]; then mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin}" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup/${bin}" fi if [[ -e ${bin} ]]; then install -D -m 750 "${bin}" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin}" fi done if [[ ! -d ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup ]]; then mkdir "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup" fi mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xcc*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/" 2>/dev/null || true mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/" 2>/dev/null || true mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/" 2>/dev/null || true mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/" 2>/dev/null || true mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/" 2>/dev/null || true if [[ "${QAT_ENABLE_SRIOV}" != "guest" ]]; then for ((dev=0; dev "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" echo "SRIOV_ENABLE=1" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" else echo "# Remove comment on next line to enable sriov" > "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" echo "#SRIOV_ENABLE=1" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" fi echo "#LEGACY_LOADED=1" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" if [[ "${QAT_ENABLE_SRIOV}" == "host" ]]; then if [[ ${numDh895xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then echo "blacklist qat_dh895xccvf" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" fi if [[ ${numC3xxxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then echo "blacklist qat_c3xxxvf" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" fi if [[ ${num200xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then echo "blacklist qat_200xxvf" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" fi if [[ ${numC62xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then echo "blacklist qat_c62xvf" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" fi if [[ ${numD15xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then echo "blacklist qat_d15xxvf" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" fi fi echo "#ENABLE_KAPI=1" >> "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/default/qat" info "Copying libqat_s.so to ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib" install -D -m 755 libqat_s.so "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib/libqat_s.so" info "Copying libusdm_drv_s.so to ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib" install -D -m 755 libusdm_drv_s.so "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib/libusdm_drv_s.so" echo /usr/local/lib > "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/qat.conf" ldconfig -r "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" info "Copying usdm module to system drivers" if [[ ! -z "${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD}" ]]; then info "Need to sign driver usdm_drv.ko" ${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD} usdm_drv.ko info "Need to sign driver qat_api.ko" ${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD} qat_api.ko fi install usdm_drv.ko "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers" install qat_api.ko "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers" if [[ ! $(chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" getent group qat) ]]; then info "Creating qat group" groupadd -R "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" qat else info "Group qat already exists" fi info "Creating udev rules" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/00-qat.rules" { echo 'KERNEL=="qat_adf_ctl" MODE="0660" GROUP="qat"'; echo 'KERNEL=="qat_dev_processes" MODE="0660" GROUP="qat"'; echo 'KERNEL=="usdm_drv" MODE="0660" GROUP="qat"'; echo 'ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/module/usdm_drv" SUBSYSTEM=="module" RUN+="/bin/mkdir /dev/hugepages/qat"'; echo 'ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/module/usdm_drv" SUBSYSTEM=="module" RUN+="/bin/chgrp qat /dev/hugepages/qat"'; echo 'ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/module/usdm_drv" SUBSYSTEM=="module" RUN+="/bin/chmod 0770 /dev/hugepages/qat"'; echo 'ACTION=="remove", DEVPATH=="/module/usdm_drv" SUBSYSTEM=="module" RUN+="/bin/rmdir /dev/hugepages/qat"'; for dev in ${DEVICES}; do echo 'KERNEL=="uio*", ATTRS{vendor}=="0x'"$(echo "8086" | tr -d \")"'", ATTRS{device}=="0x'"$(echo "${dev}" | tr -d \")"'" MODE="0660" GROUP="qat"'; done } > "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/00-qat.rules" info "Creating module.dep file for QAT released kernel object" info "This will take a few moments" depmod -a -b "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/depmod.d" popd > /dev/null } _qat_service_start() { if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "usdm_drv") != "0" ]]; then rmmod usdm_drv fi info "Starting QAT service" info "... shutting down" chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" /etc/init.d/qat_service shutdown || true sleep 3 info "... starting" chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" /etc/init.d/qat_service start if [[ "${QAT_ENABLE_SRIOV}" == "host" ]]; then modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" vfio-pci chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" /etc/init.d/qat_service_vfs start fi info "... started" } _qat_check_started() { if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "usdm_drv") == "0" ]]; then error "usdm_drv module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi if [[ ${numDh895xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_dh895xcc") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_dh895xcc module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numC62xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_c62x") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_c62x module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numD15xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_d15xx") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_d15xx module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numC3xxxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_c3xxx") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_c3xxx module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${num200xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_200xx") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_200xx module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ "${QAT_ENABLE_SRIOV}" == "guest" ]]; then if [[ ${numDh895xDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_dh895xccvf") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_dh895xccvf module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numC62xDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_c62xvf") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_c62xvf module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numD15xxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_d15xxvf") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_d15xxvf module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${numC3xxxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_c3xxxvf") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_c3xxxvf module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi if [[ ${num200xxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat_200xxvf") == "0" ]]; then error "qat_200xxvf module not installed" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi fi fi if [[ $("${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/adf_ctl" status | grep -c "state: down") != "0" ]]; then error "QAT driver not activated" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi } _qat_service_shutdown() { info "Stopping service" if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat") != "0" || -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/intel_qat.ko ]]; then if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "usdm_drv") != "0" ]]; then rmmod usdm_drv fi if [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service_upstream ]]; then until chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" /etc/init.d/qat_service_upstream shutdown; do sleep 1 done elif [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service ]]; then until chroot "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" /etc/init.d/qat_service shutdown; do sleep 1 done fi fi } _qat_service_uninstall() { info "Uninstalling service" if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "qat") != "0" || -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/intel_qat.ko ]]; then info "Removing the QAT firmware" for bin in ${BIN_LIST}; do if [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin} ]]; then rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin}" fi if [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup/${bin} ]]; then mv "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup/${bin}" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/${bin}" fi done if [[ -d ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw ]]; then rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/qat_fw_backup" fi if [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service_upstream ]]; then rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service_upstream" rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/adf_ctl" elif [[ -e ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service ]]; then rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service" rm "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/adf_ctl" fi rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/init.d/qat_service_vfs" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-qat-vfs.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib/libqat_s.so" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/lib/libusdm_drv_s.so" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/qat.conf" ldconfig -r "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" info "Removing config files" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/dh895xcc*.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c6xx*.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/d15xx*.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/c3xxx*.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/200xx*.conf" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/00-qat.rules" mv -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/dh895xcc*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/" 2>/dev/null || true mv -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/c6xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/" 2>/dev/null || true mv -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/d15xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/" 2>/dev/null || true mv -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/c3xxx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/" 2>/dev/null || true mv -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/qat_conf_backup/200xx*.conf" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/" 2>/dev/null || true info "Removing drivers modules" rm -rf "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/drivers/crypto/qat" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usdm_drv.ko" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/qat_api.ko" info "Creating module.dep file for QAT released kernel object" depmod -a -b "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/depmod.d" if [[ $(lsmod | grep -c "usdm_drv|intel_qat") != "0" ]]; then if [[ $(modinfo intel_qat | grep -c "updates") == "0" ]]; then info "In-tree driver loaded" info "Acceleration uninstall complete" else error "Some modules not removed properly" error "Acceleration uninstall failed" fi else info "Acceleration uninstall complete" fi if [[ ${numDh895xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_dh895xcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_dh895xcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numC62xDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_c62x >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_c62x >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numD15xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_d15xx >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_d15xx >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numC3xxxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_c3xxx >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_c3xxx >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${num200xxDevicesP} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_200xx >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_200xx >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numDh895xDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_dh895xccvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_dh895xccvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numC62xDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_c62xvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_c62xvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numD15xxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_d15xxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_d15xxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${numC3xxxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_c3xxxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_c3xxxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ ${num200xxDevicesV} != 0 ]]; then lsmod | grep qat_200xxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe -d "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}" -C "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/etc/modprobe.d" -b -q qat_200xxvf >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi else info "Acceleration package not installed" fi } _qat_sample_install() { info "Installing samples" if [[ -f ${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/utilities/libusdm_drv/linux/build/linux_2.6/user_space/libusdm_drv.a ]]; then ICP_ROOT="${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}" make perf_user -C "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code" cp "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/performance/build/linux_2.6/user_space/cpa_sample_code" "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build" ICP_ROOT="${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}" KERNEL_SOURCE_ROOT="${KERNEL_SRC_DIR}" make perf_kernel -C "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code" cp "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/performance/build/linux_2.6/kernel_space/cpa_sample_code.ko" "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build" else error "No libusdm_drv library found - build the project (make all) before samples" return "${RETCODE_ERROR}" fi if [[ ! -d ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware ]]; then mkdir "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware" fi cp "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/performance/compression/calgary" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware" cp "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/performance/compression/calgary32" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware" cp "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/performance/compression/canterbury" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware" if [[ ! -z "${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD}" ]]; then if [[ -f ${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build/cpa_sample_code.ko ]]; then echo "Need to sign sample code ${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build/cpa_sample_code.ko." "${KERNEL_MOD_SIGN_CMD}" "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build/cpa_sample_code.ko" fi fi install -D -m 750 "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build/cpa_sample_code" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/cpa_sample_code" install -D -m 750 "${QAT_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER}/build/cpa_sample_code.ko" "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/cpa_sample_code.ko" info "cpa_sample_code installed under ${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin directory" } _qat_sample_uninstall() { info "Uninstalling samples" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/calgary" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/calgary32" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/lib/firmware/canterbury" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/cpa_sample_code" rm -f "${ROOT_MOUNT_DIR}/usr/local/bin/cpa_sample_code.ko" }