HostIP: $HOST_IP RsyncPort: 30441 GacPort: 30493 OvnPort: 30473 DtcPort: 30483 ClusterProvider: kud ClustersLabel: kud-cluster Clusters: cluster: KubeConfig: $KUBE_PATH ProjectName: kud LogicalCloud: kud PackagesPath: $PWD/../output/packages # Each composite app will be contained in its own deployment intent # group. This is to enable instantiating the addons in a specified # order. CompositeApps: addons: Apps: - kubevirt-operator - cdi-operator - multus-cni - ovn4nfv - node-feature-discovery - sriov-network-operator - qat-device-plugin - cpu-manager networks: Apps: - ovn4nfv-network - sriov-network kubevirt: Apps: - kubevirt - cdi