===================================== ONAP MultiCloud Heat Deployment Guide ===================================== Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. A VIO platform install with nova, keystone, horizon, image, neutron and heat service, make sure floating ip is work. 2. A local host as OpenStack client cloud access OpenStack platform, install python, python-pip, virtualenv, python-openstackclient, python-heatclient. Export os enviroment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ we'll need to create a file call admin.rc with following content keystone version 2.0 Example: export OS_AUTH_URL=https://identity.api.opentack.com/v2.0/ export OS_USERNAME=UserName export OS_TENANT_ID=TenantID export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionID export OS_PASSWORD=Password export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=2 keystone version 3.0 Example: export OS_AUTH_URL=https://identiy.api.openstack.com/v3/ export OS_PROJECT_ID=ProjectID export OS_PROJECT_NAME=ProjectName export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=DomainName export OS_USERNAME=UserName export OS_PASSWORD=Password if [ -z "$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then unset OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME; fi # unset v2.0 items in case set unset OS_TENANT_ID unset OS_TENANT_NAME export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 Get VIO pem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get a copy of vio.pem in load balancer vms(/etc/ssl/vio.pem) in local host, then add the following line to your admin.rc file: export OS_CACERT=/your/path/vio.pem Deploy the ONAP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ get onap heat files from git repo: git clone http://<your-account>@gerrit.onap.org/r/a/demo we will use onap_opentack_float.yaml and onap_openstack_float.env heat templates at ./demo/heat/ONAP/ dirctory. Set env options in onap_openstack_float.env according to VIO platform env, Finally, heat enviroment contains correct parameters. Next source the admin.rc file to create shell environment variables we nedd. source admin.rc Then create heat stack openstack stack create -t onap_openstack_float.yaml -e onap_openstack_float.env ONAP This process will take several minutes to spin up