================================ ONAP MultiCloud Deployment Guide ================================ prepare docker environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please refer to onap deployment in kubernetes website(https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ONAP+on+Kubernetes) to setup kubernets cluster. After installing kubectl and helm, execute "kubectl cluster-info" command to verify your kubernets cluster. Clone oom project: git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom Source the setenv.bash script in /oom/kubernetes/oneclick/, it will set your helm list of components to start/delete Run the one time config pod - which mounts the volume /dockerdata/ contained in the pod config-init. .. code-block:: console $ cd oom/kubernetes/config $ cp onap-parameters-sample.yaml onap-parameters.yaml $ ./createConfig.sh -n onap wait for "onap" namespace created, pod "config-init" created .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get namespaces +------------+------------+------+ | NAME | STATUS | AGE | +------------+------------+------+ |default Active 10d | |kube-public Active 10d | |kube-system Active 10d | |onap Active 9d | +------------+------------+------+ startup containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first run kube2msb container. .. code-block:: console $ cd oom/kubernetes/oneclick $ ./createAll.bash -n onap -a kube2msb run msb container .. code-block:: console $ ./createAll.bash -n onap -a msb run aai container .. code-block:: console $ ./createAll.bash -n onap -a aai Finally run multicloud container .. code-block:: console $ ./createAll.bash -n onap -a multicloud get all pods .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces +---------------+---------------------------------------+--------+-----------+----------+-----+ |NAMESPACE | NAME | READY | STATUS |RESTARTS | AGE | +---------------+---------------------------------------+--------+-----------+----------+-----+ |kube-system heapster-4285517626-2k4l1 1/1 Running 1 9d | |kube-system kube-dns-2514474280-mxh18 3/3 Running 3 9d | |kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-716739405-jl6mk 1/1 Running 1 9d | |kube-system monitoring-grafana-3552275057-hrpn5 1/1 Running 1 9d | |kube-system monitoring-influxdb-4110454889-t8tpv 1/1 Running 1 9d | |kube-system tiller-deploy-737598192-8q523 1/1 Running 1 9d | |onap-aai aai-resources-837807428-2t158 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai aai-service-3869033750-1nvg5 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai aai-traversal-50329389-gnsnk 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai data-router-2254557428-zwxx1 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai elasticsearch-622738319-sx6q1 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai gremlin-671060974-npsg5 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai hbase-3690059193-2pjc5 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai model-loader-service-849987455-w6vwn 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai search-data-service-4105978183-p1nnj 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-aai sparky-be-2696729089-mcjbw 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-kube2msb kube2msb-registrator-1600827891-1s3s4 1/1 Running 3 7d | |onap-msb msb-consul-3388279333-hbr16 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-msb msb-discovery-1109629174-t14q8 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-msb msb-eag-3969419634-2fdnr 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-msb msb-iag-1114772402-sjlww 1/1 Running 0 2d | |onap-multicloud framework-1225620501-9567n 1/1 Running 0 21h | |onap-multicloud multicloud-vio-269945856-rl6w6 1/1 Running 0 21h | +---------------+---------------------------------------+--------+-----------+----------+-----+ get cluster-ip and port .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc --all-namespaces +---------------+----------------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | NAMESPACE | NAME | CLUSTER-IP | EXTERNAL-IP | PORT(S) | AGE | +---------------+----------------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ |default kubernetes 443/TCP 10d | |kube-system heapster 80/TCP 10d | |kube-system kube-dns 53/UDP,53/TCP 10d | |kube-system kubernetes-dashboard 9090/TCP 10d | |kube-system monitoring-grafana 80/TCP 10d | |kube-system monitoring-influxdb 8086/TCP 10d | |kube-system tiller-deploy 44134/TCP 10d | |onap-aai aai-resources None 8447/TCP,5005/TCP 2d | |onap-aai aai-service 8443:30233/TCP,8080:30232/TCP 2d | |onap-aai aai-traversal None 8446/TCP,5005/TCP 2d | |onap-aai elasticsearch None 9200/TCP 2d | |onap-aai gremlin None 8182/TCP 2d | |onap-aai hbase None 2181/TCP,8080/TCP,8085/TCP,9090/TCP,16000/TCP,16010/TCP,16201/TCP 2d | |onap-aai model-loader-service 8443:30229/TCP,8080:30210/TCP 2d | |onap-aai search-data-service None 9509/TCP 2d | |onap-aai sparky-be None 9517/TCP 2d | |onap-msb msb-consul 8500:30500/TCP 2d | |onap-msb msb-discovery 10081:30081/TCP 2d | |onap-msb msb-eag 80:30082/TCP 2d | |onap-msb msb-iag 80:30080/TCP 2d | |onap-multicloud framework 9001:30291/TCP 21h | |onap-multicloud multicloud-vio 9004:30294/TCP 21h | +---------------+----------------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ Now msb,aai and multicloud container are online, navigate to http://msb_docker_host_ip:30081/iui/microservices/index.html, you can see multicloud endpoint have been registered. No Service Name Version NameSpace Url Protocol Visualrange Control 1 multicloud v0 /api/multicloud/v0 REST InSystem 2 multicloud-vio v0 /api/multicloud-vio/v0 REST InSystem Then register vio information into AAI service with region name "vmware" and region id "vio" .. code-block:: console $ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic QUFJOkFBSQ==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subcr" \ https://aai_resource_docker_host_ip:30233/aai/v01/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/vmware/vio \ -d "{ "cloud-type": "vmware", "cloud-region-version": "4.0", "esr-system-info-list": { "esr-system-info": [ { "esr-system-info-id": "123-456", "system-name": "vim-vio", "system-type": "vim", "type": "vim", "user-name": "admin", "password": "vmware", "service-url": "", "cloud-domain": "default", "default-tenant": "admin", "ssl-insecure": false } ] } }" Test Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The env HOST_IP is msb-iag service cluster-ip value is ""(see it above). The vimid is "vmware_vio" the registered name in aai. Get auth token -------------- # send request to multicloud-framework(broker) service to get token .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d @test.json -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud/v0//identity/auth/tokens test.json content example: :: { "auth": sudo pip install virtualenv{ "scope": {"project": {"id": “”}}, "identity": { "password": {"user": {"domain": {"name": “”}, "password": “”, "name": “”}}, "methods": ["password"] } } } Response: There are a large amounts of data including service endpoint, user information, etc. For our testing We take nova and identity service endpoint address and auth token which is in response header named “X-Subject-Token”. # you can find the endpoint url namespace is "api/multicloiud-vio/v0", it represent the multicloud-vio service, So requests sending to mulitcloud-vio will be forwarded to backend VIO openstack. Identity endpoint: http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//identity Nova endpoint: http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//compute/ List projects ------------- Use identity’s endpoint: http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//identity/ .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//identity/projects Get os Hypervisor ----------------- Use nova’s endpoint: http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova/ .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//os-hypervisors/detail List instance of user’s project -------------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers Show instance detail -------------------- you need to input in url path. .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0/vimid/nova/tenantid/servers/ Shutdown instance ----------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"os-stop":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Start instance -------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"os-start":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Suspend instance ---------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"suspend":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Resume instance ---------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"resume":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Pause instance -------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"pause":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Unpasue instance ---------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"unpause":null}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Reboot instance --------------- you need to input in url path .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"reboot":{"type":"HARD"}}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//nova//servers//action Upload Image Task ----------------- create uploading image task by image url: .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST -d '{"input": {"image_properties": {"container_format": "bare", "name": ""}, "import_from_format": "", "import_from": ""}, "type": "import"}' -H 'X-Auth-Token:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//glance/v2/tasks get the taskid from response body,then query the task status by taskid. .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//glance/v2/tasks/ You can see the description and properties of task in response body,if 'status' is success, it will show image_id in result block. query the image status by image_id .. code-block:: console $ curl -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token:' http://$HOST_IP/api/multicloud-vio/v0//glance/v2/images/