# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ CLI ``worfklows`` sub-commands. """ from .. import table from ..core import aria from ..exceptions import AriaCliError WORKFLOW_COLUMNS = ['name', 'service_template_name', 'service_name'] @aria.group(name='workflows') def workflows(): """ Manage service workflows """ pass @workflows.command(name='show', short_help='Show information for a service workflow') @aria.argument('workflow-name') @aria.options.service_name(required=True) @aria.options.verbose() @aria.pass_model_storage @aria.pass_logger def show(workflow_name, service_name, model_storage, logger): """ Show information for a service workflow SERVICE_NAME is the unique name of the service. WORKFLOW_NAME is the unique name of the workflow within the service (e.g. "uninstall"). """ logger.info('Retrieving workflow {0} for service {1}'.format( workflow_name, service_name)) service = model_storage.service.get_by_name(service_name) workflow = next((wf for wf in service.workflows.itervalues() if wf.name == workflow_name), None) if not workflow: raise AriaCliError( 'Workflow {0} not found for service {1}'.format(workflow_name, service_name)) defaults = { 'service_template_name': service.service_template_name, 'service_name': service.name } table.print_data(WORKFLOW_COLUMNS, workflow, 'Workflows:', defaults=defaults) # print workflow inputs required_inputs = dict() optional_inputs = dict() for input_name, input in workflow.inputs.iteritems(): inputs_group = optional_inputs if input.value is not None else required_inputs inputs_group[input_name] = input logger.info('Workflow Inputs:') logger.info('\tMandatory Inputs:') for input_name, input in required_inputs.iteritems(): if input.description is not None: logger.info('\t\t{0}\t({1})'.format(input_name, input.description)) else: logger.info('\t\t{0}'.format(input_name)) logger.info('\tOptional Inputs:') for input_name, input in optional_inputs.iteritems(): if input.description is not None: logger.info('\t\t{0}: \t{1}\t({2})'.format( input_name, input.value, input.description)) else: logger.info('\t\t{0}: \t{1}'.format(input_name, input.value)) @workflows.command(name='list', short_help='List service workflows') @aria.options.service_name(required=True) @aria.options.verbose() @aria.pass_model_storage @aria.pass_logger def list(service_name, model_storage, logger): """ List service workflows SERVICE_NAME is the unique name of the service. """ logger.info('Listing workflows for service {0}...'.format(service_name)) service = model_storage.service.get_by_name(service_name) workflows_list = sorted(service.workflows.itervalues(), key=lambda w: w.name) defaults = { 'service_template_name': service.service_template_name, 'service_name': service.name } table.print_data(WORKFLOW_COLUMNS, workflows_list, 'Workflows:', defaults=defaults)