#!/bin/bash #. .config #following would be in the .config file device_name="/dev/vde" install_script="install_nimbus.sh" enable_logic_flag_file=".flag" #end of config file #get the semaphore, 0 - disbaled, 1- enabled flag=$(cat ${enable_logic_flag_file}) #check if device is mounted already test=$(mount | grep ${device_name}) if [ "$flag" == "1" ]; then if [ -e ${device_name} ] && [ ! "${test}" ]; then #mount the iso image mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop /dev/vde/ /mnt/iso #if availabe run the install script (it contains the install.sh steps) if [ -e "${install_script}" ] && [ -f "${install_script}" ]; then ${install_script} fi #disable the script from attempting to # mount and run install again until needed; echo "0" > ${enable_logic_flag_file} #if nedeed add step to comment out the crontab line here; fi else echo "Auto mounting ISO & run install logic disabled!" fi #cron job # * * * * * /mount_iso_script.sh