--[[ Copyright (C) 2018 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --]] local _M = {} _M._VERSION = '1.0.0' local floor = math.floor local str_byte = string.byte local tab_sort = table.sort local tab_insert = table.insert local MOD = 2 ^ 32 local REPLICAS = 20 local LUCKY_NUM = 13 local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util') local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty local tablex = require('pl.tablex') local peerwatcher = require "core.peerwatcher" local ngx_var = ngx.var local hash_data = {} local function hash_string(str) local key = 0 for i = 1, #str do key = (key * 31 + str_byte(str, i)) % MOD end return key end local function init_consistent_hash_state(servers) local weight_sum = 0 local weight = 1 for _, srv in ipairs(servers) do if srv.weight and srv.weight ~= 0 then weight = srv.weight end weight_sum = weight_sum + weight end local circle, members = {}, 0 for index, srv in ipairs(servers) do local key = ("%s:%s"):format(srv.ip, srv.port) local base_hash = hash_string(key) for c = 1, REPLICAS * weight_sum do local hash = (base_hash * c * LUCKY_NUM) % MOD tab_insert(circle, { hash, index }) end members = members + 1 end tab_sort(circle, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) return { circle = circle, members = members } end local function update_consistent_hash_state(hash_data,servers,svckey) -- compare servers in ctx with servers in cache -- update the hash data if changes occur local serverscache = tablex.deepcopy(hash_data[svckey].servers) tab_sort(serverscache, function(a, b) return a.ip < b.ip end) tab_sort(servers, function(a, b) return a.ip < b.ip end) if not tablex.deepcompare(serverscache, servers, false) then local tmp_chash = init_consistent_hash_state(servers) hash_data[svckey].servers =servers hash_data[svckey].chash = tmp_chash end end local function binary_search(circle, key) local size = #circle local st, ed, mid = 1, size while st <= ed do mid = floor((st + ed) / 2) if circle[mid][1] < key then st = mid + 1 else ed = mid - 1 end end return st == size + 1 and 1 or st end function _M.select_backserver(servers,svckey) if hash_data[svckey] == nil then local tbl = {} tbl['servers'] = {} tbl['chash'] = {} hash_data[svckey] = tbl end if tbl_isempty(hash_data[svckey].servers) then local tmp_chash = init_consistent_hash_state(servers) hash_data[svckey].servers = servers hash_data[svckey].chash = tmp_chash else update_consistent_hash_state(hash_data,servers,svckey) end local chash = hash_data[svckey].chash local circle = chash.circle local hash_key = ngx_var.remote_addr local st = binary_search(circle, hash_string(hash_key)) local size = #circle local ed = st + size - 1 for i = st, ed do local idx = circle[(i - 1) % size + 1][2] if peerwatcher.is_server_ok(svckey,hash_data[svckey].servers[idx]) then return hash_data[svckey].servers[idx] end end return nil, "consistent hash: no servers available" end return _M