--[[ Copyright (C) 2017-2018 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --]] -- the client for redis, include the connection pool management and api implements local redis = require('resty.redis') local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util') local _M = { } _M._VERSION = '0.0.1' _M._DESCRIPTION = 'msb_redis_module' local mt = { __index = _M } local tbl_insert = table.insert local tbl_sort = table.sort local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty function _M.new(self, conf) self.host = conf.host self.port = conf.port self.timeout = conf.timeout self.dbid = conf.dbid self.poolsize = conf.poolsize self.idletimeout = conf.idletimeout local red = redis:new() return setmetatable({redis = red}, mt) end function _M.connectdb(self) local host = self.host local port = self.port local dbid = self.dbid local red = self.redis if not (host and port) then return nil, 'no host:port avaliable provided' end --set default value if not dbid then dbid = 0 end local timeout = self.timeout if not timeout then timeout = 1000 -- 1s end red:set_timeout(timeout) local ok, err if host and port then ok, err = red:connect(host, port) if ok then return red:select(dbid) end end return ok, err end function _M.keepalivedb(self) local max_idle_timeout = self.idletimeout --ms local pool_size = self.poolsize if not pool_size then pool_size = 100 end if not max_idle_timeout then max_idle_timeout = 90000 end --90s local ok, err = self.redis:set_keepalive(max_idle_timeout, pool_size) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "redis pool keepalive error",err) return end return end --inner function,only used in this module local function _hgetall(red,key) local resp,err = red:hgetall(key) --if not resp or next(resp) == nil then if tbl_isempty(resp) then return nil, "key "..key.." not found" end local hashinfo = red:array_to_hash(resp) return hashinfo,nil end function _M.getserviceinfo(self,key) if not key then return nil,'no key is provided' end local c, err = self:connectdb() if not c then return nil, err end local red = self.redis local resp,err = red:get(key) --the key will create dynamically self:keepalivedb() if not resp or resp == ngx.null then return nil, "key "..key.." not found" else return resp,nil end end function _M.getbackservers(self,keypattern) if not keypattern then return nil,'no keypattern is provided' end local c, err = self:connectdb() if not c then return nil, err end local red = self.redis local resp, err = red:keys(keypattern) if tbl_isempty(resp) then self:keepalivedb() return nil, "no server matched" end local servers = {} for i, v in ipairs(resp) do local serverinfo,err = _hgetall(red,v) if serverinfo then tbl_insert(servers,serverinfo) end end self:keepalivedb() return servers,nil end function _M.getcustomsvcnames(self,keypattern) if not keypattern then return nil,'no keypattern is provided' end local c, err = self:connectdb() if not c then return nil, err end local red = self.redis --store svc names into the Set local svcname_set={} local res, err = red:scan("0","count",50,"match",keypattern) if not res then self:keepalivedb() return {}, "failed to scan in getcustomsvcnames()" end local cursor, keys, err = unpack(res) for _, svckey in ipairs(keys) do local m, err = ngx.re.match(svckey, "^.+:custom:([^:]+)", "o") if m then svcname_set[m[1]]=true end end while( cursor ~= "0" ) do res = red:scan(cursor,"count",50,"match",keypattern) if not res then break end cursor, keys, err = unpack(res) for _, svckey in ipairs(keys) do local m, err = ngx.re.match(svckey, "^.+:custom:([^:]+)", "o") if m then svcname_set[m[1]]=true end end end self:keepalivedb() local svcnames = {} for svcname,_ in pairs(svcname_set) do tbl_insert(svcnames,svcname) end --sort the key_table in reverse order tbl_sort(svcnames, function (a, b) return a > b end) return svcnames,nil end return _M