/** * Copyright 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.msb.apiroute.wrapper.util; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.onap.msb.apiroute.api.MicroServiceFullInfo; import org.onap.msb.apiroute.api.Node; import org.onap.msb.apiroute.api.RouteInfo; import org.onap.msb.apiroute.api.RouteServer; import org.onap.msb.apiroute.api.exception.UnprocessableEntityException; public class RouteUtil { public static final int consulDeafultPort=8500; public static final String ROUTE_PATH="msb:routing"; public static final String ROUTE_PORT_PATH="msb:"; public static final String ROUTE_PATH_HOST="msb:host"; public static final String APIROUTE="api"; public static final String IUIROUTE="iui"; public static final String CUSTOMROUTE="custom"; public static final String HTTPS_PROTOCOL="https"; public static final String CUSTOM_PORTAL="portal"; public static final String PROTOCOL_LIST="REST,HTTP,UI,MQ,FTP,SNMP,TCP,UDP"; public static final String MSB_ROUTE_URL = "/api/microservices/v1/services"; public static final String MSB_CHECK_URL = "/api/catalog/v1/service/router-all"; public static final String visualRangeRange="0,1"; public static final String controlRangeMatches="0,1,2"; public static final String statusRangeMatches="0,1"; public static final String useOwnUpstreamRangeMatches="0,1"; public static final String ROUTEWAY_IP="ip"; public static final String ROUTEWAY_DOMAIN="domain"; public static final String SPLIT_LINE="|"; public static final String PROTOCOL_REST="REST"; public static final String PROTOCOL_UI="UI"; public static final String PROTOCOL_HTTP="HTTP"; public static final String FILTER_PROTOCOLS="REST,UI,HTTP"; public static final int SERVICE_DATA_QUEUE_NUM=5; public static final int SERVICE_QUEUE_CAPACITY=100; public static final int SERVICE_LIST_QUEUE_CAPACITY=5; public static final int WATCH_SECOND=120; public static final String HEALTH_CHECK_PASSING="passing"; /** * @Title: getPrefixedKey * @Description: TODO(Add base path prefix radis assembly path) * @param: @param serviceName * @param: @param version * @param: @param type * @param: @return * @return: String */ public static String getPrefixedKey(String...paths){ StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer(); if(paths[0].trim().equals("") || paths[0].equals(ConfigUtil.getInstance().getServerPort())){ sb.append(ROUTE_PATH); } else{ sb.append(ROUTE_PORT_PATH).append(paths[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < paths.length; i++) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(paths[i]); } return sb.toString(); } public static String getPrefixedKey4Host(String...paths){ StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer(); sb.append(ROUTE_PATH_HOST); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(paths[i]); } return sb.toString(); } public static void checkRouteWay(String routeWay){ if(!CommonUtil.contain(ConfigUtil.getInstance().getRouteWay(),routeWay)){ String errInfo = "routeWay does not support,must be ip or domain"; throw new UnprocessableEntityException(errInfo); } } public static void checkServiceNameAndVersion(String serviceName,String version){ if (StringUtils.isBlank(serviceName)) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("serviceName can't be empty"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(version)) { if (!RegExpTestUtil.versionRegExpTest(version)) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("version is not a valid format"); } } } public static void checkServiceStatus(String status){ if (!CommonUtil.contain(statusRangeMatches, status)) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo Status FAIL:status is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.statusRangeMatches + ")"); } } public static void checkRouterInfoFormat(RouteInfo routeInfo) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(routeInfo.getServiceName()) || routeInfo.getServers().length == 0) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL: Some required fields are empty"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(routeInfo.getUrl())) { if (!RegExpTestUtil.urlRegExpTest(routeInfo.getUrl())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL:url is not a valid format(url must be begin with /)"); } } if (!CommonUtil.contain(RouteUtil.visualRangeRange, routeInfo.getVisualRange())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL:VisualRange is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.visualRangeRange + ")"); } if (!CommonUtil.contain(RouteUtil.controlRangeMatches, routeInfo.getControl())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL:control is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.controlRangeMatches + ")"); } if (!CommonUtil.contain(RouteUtil.statusRangeMatches, routeInfo.getStatus())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL:status is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.statusRangeMatches + ")"); } if (!CommonUtil.contain(RouteUtil.useOwnUpstreamRangeMatches, routeInfo.getUseOwnUpstream())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "save RouteInfo FAIL:useOwnUpstream is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.useOwnUpstreamRangeMatches + ")"); } // Check the service instance format RouteServer[] serverList = routeInfo.getServers(); for (int i = 0; i < serverList.length; i++) { RouteServer server = serverList[i]; if (!RegExpTestUtil.ipRegExpTest(server.getIp())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("save RouteInfo FAIL:IP(" + server.getIp() + ")is not a valid ip address"); } if (!RegExpTestUtil.portRegExpTest(server.getPort())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("save RouteInfo FAIL:Port(" + server.getPort() + ")is not a valid Port address"); } } } public static void checkMicroServiceInfoFormat(MicroServiceFullInfo microServiceInfo,String requestIP){ // Check the service instance format if (StringUtils.isBlank(microServiceInfo.getServiceName()) || StringUtils.isBlank(microServiceInfo.getProtocol()) || microServiceInfo.getNodes().size() == 0) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "register MicroServiceInfo FAIL: Some required fields are empty"); } for (Node node : microServiceInfo.getNodes()) { if (node.getIp() == null || node.getIp().isEmpty()) { node.setIp(requestIP); } else if (!RegExpTestUtil.ipRegExpTest(node.getIp())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("register MicroServiceInfo FAIL:IP(" + node.getIp() + ")is not a valid ip address"); } if (!RegExpTestUtil.portRegExpTest(node.getPort())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException("register MicroServiceInfo FAIL:Port(" + node.getPort() + ")is not a valid Port address"); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(microServiceInfo.getVersion())) { if (!RegExpTestUtil.versionRegExpTest(microServiceInfo.getVersion())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "register MicroServiceInfo FAIL:version is not a valid format"); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(microServiceInfo.getUrl().trim())) { if (!RegExpTestUtil.urlRegExpTest(microServiceInfo.getUrl())) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "register MicroServiceInfo FAIL:url is not a valid format(url must be begin with /)"); } } if (RouteUtil.PROTOCOL_LIST.indexOf(microServiceInfo.getProtocol().trim()) == -1) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException( "register MicroServiceInfo FAIL:Protocol is wrong,value range:(" + RouteUtil.PROTOCOL_LIST + ")"); } } public static String getAPIRedisPrefixedKey(String routeName, String version, String host,String publish_port,String routeWay){ String redisPrefixedKey; if(ROUTEWAY_DOMAIN.equals(routeWay)){ redisPrefixedKey= RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey4Host(host, APIROUTE, routeName, version); } else{ redisPrefixedKey=RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey(publish_port, APIROUTE, routeName, version); } return redisPrefixedKey; } public static String getRedisPrefixedKey(String routeType,String routeName, String host,String publish_port,String routeWay){ String redisPrefixedKey; if(ROUTEWAY_DOMAIN.equals(routeWay)){ redisPrefixedKey= RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey4Host(host, routeType, routeName); } else{ redisPrefixedKey=RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey(publish_port, routeType, routeName); } return redisPrefixedKey; } public static String getMutiRedisKey(String routeType,String routeWay){ String redisKey; if(RouteUtil.ROUTEWAY_DOMAIN.equals(routeWay)){ redisKey = RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey4Host("*", routeType, "*"); } else{ redisKey = RouteUtil.getPrefixedKey("[^h]*", routeType, "*"); } return redisKey; } /** * @Title getRouteNameByns * @Description TODO(根据服务名和命名空间拆分服务路由名) * @param serviceName * @param namespace * @return * @return String */ public static String getRouteNameByns(String consul_serviceName,String namespace){ String serviceName=consul_serviceName; if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace)){ if(consul_serviceName.endsWith("-"+namespace)){ serviceName=consul_serviceName.substring(0,consul_serviceName.length()-namespace.length()-1); } } return serviceName; } public static String getVisualRangeByRouter(String visualRange){ String[] rangs = StringUtils.split(visualRange, "|"); if(rangs.length>1){ String visualRangeMatches=ConfigUtil.getInstance().getVisualRangeMatches(); if(StringUtils.split(visualRangeMatches, "|").length>1){ return "0"; } else{ return visualRangeMatches; } } else{ return visualRange; } } }